The M91 galaxy is a large galaxy 44 light-years away from the earth, and most of the main creatures in it are creatures with high intelligence.

But their looks are all kinds of strange, some are like earth monsters, some are like deformed humans, and there are extremely beautiful white-haired people.

Based on the analysis of the wormhole data that appeared on the earth, human beings confirmed that several monster attacks came from this galaxy.

This makes some humans have a strong desire to attack it.

In this galaxy, there are many old stars that are gradually going to destruction, and most of the living planets are under the control of some special force, maintaining the basic balance between races.

Strange to say, although there are many intelligent life forms in this galaxy, there is no huge civilization. Instead, various races have divided the living areas on the planet.

The human beings have observed and explored an area that is the planet where the races of Gob and Butz are located. As for where Britz Blotz came from in the M91 galaxy, it is still unclear.

In this huge galaxy, there is a star system that can be called the core. This galaxy is extremely bright, and there is almost no life here.

Or in other words, no intelligent life form dares to live in you, even if there is an environment suitable for them to live here.

Although there are no traces of living beings here, occasionally the most powerful individuals in the M91 galaxy will appear.

This is very interesting.

In the eyes of most ordinary life forms in this galaxy, this place has been a forbidden area since ancient times, but why does the strongest individual of the race appear here?
Kipbu, the Destroyer Demon, sat on the body of the super-giant monopole creature Moqian, and said to several powerhouses in front of him: "The earth is now threatening us more and more, Gaia, Aguru, Fu Leia, and that Leo, it's really unimaginable that such life can appear on an ordinary planet."

"If humans continue to develop like this, they will affect our survival, and they will destroy the balance of the universe."

"The current situation is that the earth is preparing to go to war against us. Although their attacks are not very strong, such harassment means that they are full of malice against us."

"That's why we should all mobilize, and it's best to wipe out all human beings with a destructive momentum."

"Of course, our goal is not to destroy the earth, we want to bring this beautiful planet into our arms."

Several strong men in front of Kipbu did not agree with the proposal of all members attacking the earth. In their opinion, this was really ridiculous.

Sending the top powerhouses in the entire galaxy to attack a civilization that can't even explore the universe is a big deal.

Kippu had already guessed their thoughts, he sighed, and then said: "Originally, according to our plan, human beings will go to extinction under our step-by-step guidance, but the consciousness of the earth itself..."

"You know that God attaches great importance to the earth. He not only sends monsters to explore again and again, but also wants to capture the light of Gaia and Aguru."

"If it's just a fight, Kibbu, the Destroyer Demon, is enough to kill them. It's for this reason that..."

A few powerhouses who were comparable in size to the super-giant monopole creature Mochian looked at Kibbu, their eyes were only indifferent, and the death of Britzblotz was nothing to them, but It can be summed up in just two words: failure.

Among them, the tall and slender angel Zog showed an amiable smile, raised his hand, and pointed at Kipbu.

Kibbu understood what it meant.

Since you think that the human beings on Earth are a great threat to us, then you can go on your own. The super-giant monopole creature Moqian and you are already strong enough that many civilizations cannot compete.

Kippu and the others exist, and there are not many enemies in the universe that can contend with them head-on.

"Well, since you all don't believe my guess, then I will go by myself, please help me open the wormhole to the solar system."

Several huge life forms released energy and gathered together, which created an energy storm. After it stabilized, a huge wormhole appeared.

"Moqian, let's go."

Kipbu patted the monster's head and sank into the wormhole.

Watching the huge figure leave, the guys behind looked indifferently.

Zog raised his head slightly, looking at the hot stars in this solar system.


I dreamed that I was sitting in XIG's research institute, holding a test tube in my hand, which contained water released by Takano Jun's magic.

After many days of discussion, he already knew that Takano Jun could not only squirt water, but also summon lightning and ignite flames...

But the easiest thing to save is water.

As for magic, I already have some clues in my dream, but how to realize the release of magic still needs a period of research.

At this moment, Fujimiya's voice rang in his ears.

"I dream, hurry up, I got a drop of Takano Jun's blood."


"I paid a lot of money to get this, and I owe a lot of debt for it."

"...a butt of debt? Is it the kind of ass I imagined?"

"Fuck you, can you be more serious!"

"Oh my God, is that really a drop of blood?"

The weight of Takano's pure blood is beyond my dream's cognition.

"The most frightening thing is that this blood still has some activity." Fujimiya looked at his discovery in surprise, and said, "This guy is definitely not human."

I dreamed of typing on the computer: "Wait, let me compare the DNA databases around the world, so maybe I can know everything."

After a while.

My dream and Fujimiya are facing a drop of Takano Jun's blood, full of affection, and their eyes are full of desire to explore.

"He turned out to be a real human!"

"I suspect there is a problem with the machine."

"Please, I have compared them four times, and the results are all the same. This guy is really human, my God! Is he a new human?"

Gaia stroked his hair, glanced at the "Mike" (hair) in his hand, and shook his head: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, human beings who don't lose their hair, how can there be such a person? Fake, it must be It's a lie, Takano Jun must have given you this drop of blood on purpose because he wanted to see our jokes."

"I dream, we should believe everything in front of us, although your hair...well, some of our hair likes to run away from home, but this is not a reason to deny the truth."

"If you can find out why Jun Takano's body is so strong, maybe all human beings may become superhumans."

Fujimiya looked forward to such a future, he thought about it, and sighed again.

"But it's almost impossible. A drop of blood can't research anything. I don't want to owe another debt, um..."

Fujimiya glanced away and landed on My Dream's ass.

"Maybe you..."


I had a chill in my dream: "You are simply too perverted, I will never compromise with you."

"No... I mean..."

"It's scary that Jun Takano has such hobbies!"

"You misunderstood, I..."

"I will keep a distance from him in the future, and I will also keep a distance from you."

In my dream, I took two steps back and said, "For the next week, we will maintain a two-meter physical distance... woohoo!"

I held my head in my dream and screamed in pain.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Fujimiya rolled his eyes: "I just owe Takano Jun some inventions."

Fujimiya thinks that I have failed in dream studies. I used to be such a simple fool, but now I have become a wretched fool.

Just when I Meng was fighting with Fujimiya, a strange smile sounded in Takano Jun's mind.





"You're sick!"

"Haha, uh..."

……… Off-topic…………

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