Chapter 468
"Recently, the weather in Xingshan City has changed abnormally. Experts infer that it is related to monsters. Residents are requested to reduce going out and avoid..."

The news was on the big screen, but under the big screen, the bustling traffic was really clogged.

Even if residents are not advised to go out, migrant workers still have to work. With the change of traffic lights, there are hurried footsteps one after another.

Heavy rain mixed with the roar of thunderstorms fell from the sky.

Holding an umbrella, Asakura Riku rushed under the building with a wet kitten in his arms.

After explaining to Peijia in the shadow, Zhao Canglu held an umbrella and went to the supermarket not far away. When he came back, he had more towels and hot meatloaf in his hand.

One hand tightly held the shivering but resisting kitten, and the other hand held a towel to wipe its whole body.

Putting down the slightly drier kitten, Asakura Lu tore the meatloaf into small pieces and fed it.

"Why don't we take it back?" Pejia asked curiously with half of her head exposed on the ground.

He takes pity on the kitten that was nearly washed away, and the base is huge, more than enough room for a cat.

"Because father won't agree."

As Canglu fed the kitten, he replied: "Father doesn't like cats. Although I don't know why, I can feel that he doesn't like cats."

After more than ten years of life, even Asakura Riku is sloppy, but he still has enough understanding and cognition of Tregear.

Tregchia has never shown his liking for animals. Whether it is stray cats or stray dogs, they are dispensable in his eyes.

Asakura Lu didn't know that in Tregear's eyes, human beings were no different from stray cats or dogs. The only person he cared about on earth was not human, but an Ultraman.

Tregia didn't like it, and Peggy didn't dare to talk about taking in the kitten.

After feeding the kitten, Asakura Lu found it a relatively hidden place that would not be exposed to the rain as a nest, put the remaining meatloaf there, and then left.

Not long after Asakura Riku left, Tregear came out, he knelt down and picked up the timid kitten.

"It's not that I don't like it, but that I don't want to see my shadow."

Tregchia also sometimes felt like a cat, with elegant posture and a strong figure, a natural hunter hidden in the dark.

Therefore, he does not like cats, especially such a weak cat in his hands.

The fingertips were making noise on the cat's chin, which made the kitten gradually relax and make a comfortable whirring sound.

"You are really lucky. If you hadn't met Xiao Lu, you would have either been frozen to death or washed away by the water."

Gently pinching the neck that could be broken by that hand, Tregia chuckled: "Thanks to Xiao Lu for his kindness, at least you can survive."

The elegant man holding the cat looked at the rain outside and the sky in the distance, and remained silent.


Tregchia returned to the base.

He smelled the air for the first time, and after confirming that there was no smell of instant noodles, he glanced at the game console in the corner.

"Very good, Lu, you have grown up."

The tense Zhao Canglu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, if it wasn't for Peijia's help, he would be scolded again.

Tregear said a few words casually, and went straight to his room.

Regarding this, Asakura Lu was even more relieved.

Although he knew that he was an Ultraman, facing Tregear, it was always difficult for Asakura Riku to feel a strong sense of oppression, the kind that was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

After a while, Peggy bumped into the game console and came out from the shadow.

Empress Chao Cang Lu said fearfully: "It's so dangerous, but fortunately there is someone here."

Pejia fell back on the chair: "Fortunately, it's just a game console. If it's instant noodles, then we both have to die."

Tregear has a better sense of smell than dogs, which is a shared opinion of Asakuraji and Pega.

After packing up the game console, Asakura Lu asked Lime: "Lime, has the picture at that time been restored?"

"can not fix."

Lime replied: "After the battle, a special electromagnetic wave affected the shooting, which made it impossible to show the pictures at that time..."

"That's a pity."

Asakura Riku sighed, after the last battle, when he came back, he asked Lime to play the scene where Fushii Dek appeared, but unfortunately, the scene blurred into snowflakes.

And the most amazing thing is the clear picture after the snowflakes, that is, after Fushii Dek disappeared.

If he didn't know the reliability of the artificial intelligence Lime, Asakura Lu even suspected that only hackers had invaded the base.

"Oh, by the way, has the cause of the abnormal weather in Xingshan City been investigated clearly?"

Zhao Canglu didn't care about the abnormal weather at the beginning, but with the occurrence of thunder and roaring all night, he had to have doubts.

"Part of the lightning landed in the same place continuously, and the specific reason cannot be analyzed or understood..."

Pejia said: "Could it be related to monsters as experts say."

Rhyme: "There is no evidence, there is no corroboration..."

"Then let's investigate where the lightning fell." Chao Canglu was also afraid that it might be related to the monster, so he was going to investigate.

As an activist, Asakura Riku took the umbrella and left the base according to Lime's instructions.

This time, Tregear did not follow.

After all, young people have the freedom of young people.

Thunder thundered in the distance, and Zhao Canglu's eyes were even temporarily blinded.

But his target is not there yet, but the location where the first lightning fell.

Despite the torrential rain, the burning smell around was extremely pungent.

"Is this too small?"

Looking at the scorched ground under his feet, Chao Canglu was a little surprised.

The scorched area was really too small, about the size of his two feet.

However, judging from the surrounding environment, it was indeed struck by lightning several times.

"Lyme, the second location..."

The black-faced Takano Jun exhaled, his body exuded waves of heat in the downpour.

"Aren't you going too far?"

Takano Jun raised his head to the dark clouds surrounded by thunder in the sky, and said: "I just said one thing this time! It's too much to hack me for so many days!"

Back then, even if he jumped back and forth on the boundary of his speech, he didn't suffer so much.

But now, the times have changed, he just said a sentence, no, half a sentence, he called out, and he was followed, and has been watched until now.

In order not to affect others, Takano Jun stayed in this remote place, waiting for Lei Ting to pass.

As a result, the weather got worse. After the thunderstorm, there was a strong wind, which brought heavy rain for more than three days...

Jun Takano has reason to suspect that the low-lying areas of Xingshan City have become depressions.

clap clap clap!

The sound of feet walking in the mud sounded, Takano Jun looked back, it was Asakura Riku who came to investigate.

The smoking "black man" made Asakura Lu instinctively think that this is a cosmic being, especially when the black man bared his teeth.


Just as he was about to ask about the situation, he recognized Takano Jun from his inadvertent look.

"It's you!"


Another thunderbolt struck, and the "black man" grinned in the lightning and said, "Yes~I'm uh~~"

Chao Canglu looked at the corners of his mouth twitching.

……… Off-topic…………

Ask for a ticket today!

Ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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