Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 520 Suspected New City

Chapter 520 Suspected New City
Gulansfia, a special existence in the universe, its life essence is very peculiar, it can be said to be unique.

Its wisdom comes from an intelligent life form developed by a certain advanced civilization, and its body is the former home planet of that advanced civilization.

As for why the Sfia sphere appeared, no one knew about it.

However, the Kingdom of Light has done research, and they speculate that this may be the self-"salvation" of Gulansfia, which merged with a strange parasite in the universe.

Many cosmic civilizations are very interested in such a monster, but no one wants to touch this guy. After all, no one wants an accident to cause civilization to dissipate.

It is undeniable that Gulansfia's ability is very powerful, but it is also very threatening. Even the Kingdom of Light is not willing to directly contact such a guy.

Takano Jun is still an Earthling after all. Although he has not been on Earth for many years, he is an Earthling.

The Granthia Crisis is, by any measure, very dangerous for Earth.

So after knowing the horror of this prison, he thought about imprisoning Gulansfia... no, all Sfias.

From the perspective of the earth, the possibility of doing this is almost zero. The gap between the strength of the earth and Sfia is too great, even with the protection of Dyna and Max.

When viewed in the context of the universe, such an idea is actually not difficult.

The Kingdom of Light, the Empire Star, and the Mephilas Star, these three civilizations are also the most powerful group in the universe.

They find it troublesome to deal with life forms like Sfia, but that doesn't mean they are incapable of catching Sfia.

For example, as long as there is enough energy, just the infinitely expanding Ultraman's cloak can take away Sfia and others.

Of course, such an idea is ideal, but it is a prop for the Kingdom of Light to deal with Sfia.

Let's talk about the earth.

Because of Jun Takano's intervention, the earth established diplomatic relations with alien civilizations a long time ago.

Although the overall level of science and technology is still not up to the level of cosmic civilization, every earth in the Ultraworld has some black technology that transcends the times, such as the glass smashed by a mega-degree fireball...

The original TPC gathered almost all smart people from all over the world. If you pick a few at random, they are all geniuses outside.

In the time of peaceful development, TPC's black technology does not mean that it can kill super beasts in seconds, and it is easy to deal with veteran monsters like Flame Gorzan.

Although there are always some people who will always make all kinds of messes and bring TPC to a stagnation stage, by and large, everything is booming.

Especially every time a disaster strikes, human beings can always show a noble hymn to life.

This...maybe it is the particularity of Tiga World Earth.

After all, this is the only place that has gathered the light of all mankind.

The justice and beauty that human beings yearn for, as well as the kindness and strength shown, make the Super Victory Team stronger, and make Max, a visitor from the universe, very willing to protect this beautiful planet.

Different from the original plot, the super victorious team has expanded a lot, and there is no lack of cosmic people among them.

Jun Takano's influence is still relatively large, and the mascot of TPC used to be the coin monster Kanegon, so so far, the attitude of the Super Victory Team towards the Cosmos is still very friendly.

They do not reject the aliens, and are even willing to hand over some important positions to the aliens.

"Actually, a beautiful planet like the earth is very valuable in the eyes of many cosmic people."

"Especially the civilization of the earth has not yet joined the civilization of the universe. In the eyes of some powerful people, this gem is a thing without an owner."

As a seat in the dormitory, Max played with Max's figure in his hand, communicating with Asuka.

"You may not believe it, even though it was once guarded by Ultra warriors, the Kingdom of Light has never cared about the earth."

"However..." Max moved his shoulders, and he said: "The existence of Ultraman Freya makes the Ultra Brothers, me, and some members of the Space Guard pay attention to this place all the time."

"Ultraman Freya..." Asuka Shin murmured. In fact, he has been very confused since the battle. He didn't know why he was fighting. Monsters appeared all the time, and he went to stop them.

But in some cases, fighting cannot solve the problem.

"Can you tell me about that senior?" Asuka asked Max.


Max looked at Asuka letter in surprise: "Isn't Ultraman Freya an Ultra warrior on Earth? If you don't understand as a human being, how can I know much?"

Max didn't know Takano Jun, very little.

When Takano Jun guarded the earth, there was no Ultraman Freya, but it was Aguru and Beria.

Max knew this.

He also knows that Takano Jun is very powerful, but there is almost no information about Ultraman Freya in the Kingdom of Light, and there are not as many records as there are on Earth.

Even, "Ultraman Tiga" filmed by Tsuburaya Company on Earth will make Max feel the power of Takano Jun and Tiga.

Asuka Shin paused for a moment, looked up at Max, and asked, "Did Tiga and Freya in the past be human like me?"

"After you became Dyna, haven't you thought about this situation?"

"I..." Asuka Shin sighed: "I thought about it, but... I always think it's impossible, it's light!"

"But aren't you the light now?" Max didn't understand Asuka Shin's mentality, and he pointed out the key point: "Asuka, is it possible that the Ultra warriors on Earth have always been human?"

Max doesn't know how Ultraman Freya and Ultraman Tiga were born, but judging from the current situation, they should be human beings.

Max became serious and said, "Asuka, maybe you can contact your seniors, former members of the Victory Team, and learn about Freya and Tiga from them."

"I think there will always be someone who knows something. After all, according to the records of the earth, many people became light in the battle of Gatanjae."

Asuka was in deep thought.

Through the technology of Kingdom of Light, Max retrieved all the information of the winning team members. After a period of analysis, he raised his chin.

"I seem to have discovered something..."

His eyes fell on the heads of Dagu and Xincheng, and then he said to Asuka Xin: "Have you noticed that the experiences of the two of them are very similar to yours?"

Asuka Shin didn't quite understand what Max meant.

Max pondered: "The plane crashed."

"Although this guy named Xincheng is an ace pilot, every time he and Dagu are flying together, the plane crashes, and they crash a little too many times, right? There are so many that something is wrong!"

"According to my judgment, this new city has a big problem. Pilots who like crashes, aren't you the same as you were more than ten years ago?"

Max touched the bridge of his nose and narrowed his eyes: "To sum up, I have a little doubt that Xincheng is hidden in the crowd, Ultraman Tiga!"

……… Off-topic…………

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(End of this chapter)

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