Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 534 I Can't See the Warden

Chapter 534 I Can't See the Warden
In the TPC headquarters with flashing lights, the generals of the Imperial Stars and the first generation of human form, the chief of the Mephilas Stars sat with the top leaders of the TPC.

At the beginning, the Mephilas star didn't want to turn into a human form, but after seeing the changes in the first generation, he also used the power of technology to transform himself into a handsome human being.

In his own words, this is to increase the sense of intimacy with human beings.

Just now, the three forces saved the earth and even the solar system, so human beings have no reason to reject their friendly exchanges.

Through a series of conversations, the tripartite forces have almost provided great help to the civilization of the earth with an attitude of actively helping the poor.

From the development history of cosmic civilization, to the specific research of cosmic technology, to the relationship between various races...

Sawai and the others were flattered by the attitude of the three parties.

But they didn't agree immediately, it was too sudden, this sudden friendliness made people on earth feel incredible, even inexplicable.

Although the population of the earth has always said that various civilizations develop peacefully and tolerate other cosmic people, but this is all for those wandering cosmic people or weak cosmic people.

But the gap between the earth's civilization and the three-party forces is really too big, just like the gap between ants and humans.

As long as any of the latter forces is willing, they can easily destroy the civilization of the earth, and even destroy the earth.

There is a saying on the earth that a weak country has no diplomacy.

In the process of the exchange of civilizations in the universe, there is also such a reason.

TPC executives discussed for several days, and finally agreed to it after considering various factors.

After all, judging from the attitudes of the Imperial Stars and Mephilas Stars, the earth civilization cannot refuse this time of poverty alleviation.

A few days of earth time is nothing to the people of the three parties. They are all long-lived races, and the lifespan of a thousand years is considered short.

After signing the "Poverty Alleviation" agreement with the civilization of the earth, all the warships of the three parties were dispatched, dragging the Otto cloak wrapped in Gulansfia, and set off.

"Aren't you leaving?" Asuka asked Max.

Max rubbed his head: "It's not the time yet. Besides, I'm a civilization observer on Earth. There are no other Kingdom of Light fighters coming to hand over the mission. How could I leave?"

Seeing the teammates of the Victory Team waving their arms below, Takano Jun nodded slightly and boarded the battleship.

He knows better than anyone that as long as the Ultra warriors of the Kingdom of Light stare at the earth, the earth's civilization will never be invaded by other civilizations.

Because this is Ultra Universe!
Now that the crisis on the earth has been resolved, it is time to try to test the limits of that prison.

Through the records of the Mephilas alien database, Takano Jun has a general understanding of the deeds of the "monsters" recorded in the prison.

Each of them is a rare talent in the universe, strength, mind power, technology, swordsmanship...

The top figures in almost all fields in the universe have those prisoners.

It is conceivable that the lower limit and upper limit of this prison are ridiculously high.

But judging from the current situation, today's prison is no longer glorious, except for the Babar star who inexplicably became a prison guard, there is no living thing left behind.

Takano Jun sat in front of the table, watching the data flow on the screen, and the light spots flickered.

"Gransfia is still a big guy that cannot be copied."

At this time, the chief came in: "It's a pity, once such a big guy is under our control, it will become one of the most terrifying hole cards."

Even if no one talks about it, everyone knows that the three parties are constantly analyzing the data of Gulansfia day and night.

A highly intelligent life form of such strength is extremely rare in the universe, not to mention it also incorporates parasitic monsters.

"It's not that high-intelligence life forms have never been caught, but why is Sfia so special?"

The officer was puzzled.

He has never seen any kind of monster, but he has never seen such a special life form as Sfia.

Takano Jun said: "Is it possible that it has something to do with that special parasite?"


The chief nodded slightly, but there was no answer either.

There are too many types of parasites in the universe, too many to tell, and there are even many undiscovered parasites.

The officer sat down straight, and he asked: "Actually, you want to test the power of that prison, right? But I don't recommend you to do so. The identity of the warden is actually a curse."

"Why do you say that?" Takano Jun asked.

"Because the Shikels before you all died badly."

The chief is also not sure about the specific situation. Except for the previous generation of Xi Keer, the Xi Keer who counted before are all very far away from now.

"In short, you have to understand that this is definitely a terrible curse, so terrible that you may die at the hands of your best brother."

The officer then raised his head, muttering to himself.

"The current Mephilas star does not need a special warden, only a president is enough."

Takano Jun nodded, staring at the starlight outside.

"A curse?"

The reason why Takano Jun became a Mephilasian was because of the request of King Ultra. If it was really a curse, then it must be a good thing for him.

On the battleship of the Imperial Stars.

With his hands on his back, the general looked at the twisted direction of the universe.

"The warden, the prison, the space criminals... Is the curse of the past about to start again? Who is planning all this behind the scenes?"

Staring at the broken sickle in his hand, the eyes of the first generation showed a look of memory.

He personally killed the previous generation of Xi Keer.

He originally thought that the name "Warden" would never reappear, but he didn't expect it to appear again after only a thousand years.

And Takano Jun, who appeared under this name, really made the first generation feel extremely weird.

Let’s say he is from Earth, he can become an Ultra warrior, and he not only has the light of the Ultra brothers in his body, but also the unique light of other Ultra warriors, which is simply miscellaneous.

Let's say he is an Ultra warrior, Takano Jun can turn into other cosmic beings and monsters, and now he appears in a very special capacity.

Such a character, the first generation felt very headache.

Of course he believed in Jun Takano, but he really couldn't figure out what Jun Takano's purpose in doing all this was.

A title with an ancient curse?
Or, just have nothing to do and play around?
On the Mephilas star warship, Takano Jun withdrew his gaze, and then looked at the officer who was resting with his eyes closed.

I can't see things like this.

……… Off-topic…………

Ask for a ticket today!

Ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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