Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 549 Brilliant Shining

white sun?
Compared with the grievances and hatreds of the first generation, who wants to watch this.

Takano Jun?
For a wild Ultra warrior, there is no such thing as the first generation's own major events.

King of Ultra?

Hey, with the king here, there is no need to worry about any accidents, just relax and let yourself go.

This is what Jack and the Otter brothers are thinking at this time.

To be honest, the warships surrounding the entire Mephilas galaxy are enough to start a war on a cosmic scale.

No cosmic civilization is willing to be an enemy of the powerful kingdom of light, unless they are dark forces.

Therefore, the current situation is basically safe, unless there are one or two adventurers who want to show off and are not afraid of death.

The reason why they blocked the Mephilas galaxy was not to protect Jun Takano, nor was it to protect King Ultra.

What do these two beings have to protect?no need.

However, the female president fulfilled her original promise and handed over the head of the Earl to the first generation.

Because this was an internal decision of the Mephilas star, and even Hikker himself agreed. At that time, the Mephilas star civilization needed a major change in order to end the era of chaos.

"According to our scientists' predictions, the time for the red sun to change is still at least hundreds of years away, but the Earl doesn't want to wait any longer."

Stars are of course very important to Ultra fighters. Without the effect of special props such as plasma spark towers, the brilliance of stars is a must for them to recover energy.


It is very rare for such a person to appear.

The first generation said: "Not only you, but the whole universe is surprised."

Boom boom boom!
Suddenly, almost all warships were in an unstable state, and this situation continued to spread outward.

"Hasn't Hikari researched anything? That's really special."

The female president's answer made the first generation more certain that the blurred light on the white sun was Takano Jun.

"This is different from what we expected." The female president approached the first generation and said, "Even if the red sun collapses, it will become a white dwarf in a very short time. The appearance of the white sun really surprised us."

The female president said: "His lifespan is really approaching the limit, so he is going to have a big one."

The first generation nodded.

This is the difference between normal Ultra fighters and Takano Jun.

"What happened?"

The first generation said: "He died... very well, dying in the universe with his mother star, it is probably the most perfect funeral in his heart."

The female president said: "If someone else said this, I would not believe it, but I will believe what you say."

"It's the Earl."

The Mephilasians are not from the Kingdom of Light. They are born with super-intelligence, but a relatively bad and cunning race.

The first generation shook his head and said: "I think you have misunderstood, the white sun is no different from normal stars to me and Ultra warriors."

He really wants to study it!

"What we absorb is the energy of light, which has nothing to do with the state of the star."

It is not a special case, and it is absolutely impossible for the first generation to issue such an order.

Otherwise, there would not be such a big commotion in the Kingdom of Light.

"What do you mean?"

At this time, her fingers were almost touching the first generation's arm, and she was only a little bit close to holding that solid arm.

"You also know that the name Xikel is an extremely terrible curse for Star Mephilas."

But this kind of hatred, Altman is not qualified to retaliate.

Facing the first generation, the female president did not want to lie: "The appearance of the white sun is fundamentally planned by the Earl."


But the King of Ultra is on the white sun, how dare he make mistakes, how dare he use scientific means to obtain the data of the white sun.

"Yes, he loves his home planet that much." The female president inadvertently leaned on the first generation's side.

The female president said these words flatly, then stood up, and slowly leaned towards the first generation.

"Little Shikle...Little Shikle..."

Along with the description of the female president, a tall and ruthless image appeared in the minds of the Otter brothers.

"That's right, but that shouldn't be the reason why you blocked the Meferas galaxy, right?" The female president knew the first generation very well, better than anyone else.

The first generation turned around, with the female president on his back.

The female president lowered her head, apologetic in her tone: "Sorry, of course he is above the star holder."

Jun Takano can not only absorb light, but also absorb and utilize the terrifying energy of the sun itself.

Seacole of the previous generation was one of his few good brothers, but because of the inherent curse, or fate, he was designed by the Earl and sacrificed for the position of the female president of Star Mephilas. life.

But the light of young stars, middle-aged stars, and old stars is no different for Ultra warriors.

The first generation and the Ultra brothers who were watching the live broadcast all pricked up their ears.

"Where's little Xi Keer? He should be on your second home planet at this time."

"So after learning about the appearance of Little Shikel, the Earl decided to use this curse to make all the stubborn clansmen abandon their dying home planet."

"White Sun is related to your Kingdom of Light...or in other words, related to the light in your body, or similar."

No matter how unwilling the female president was at the time, Schickel still pushed the female president to the altar at the price of death.

The female president believes that the naturally formed white sun, disturbed by technology, may have the same effect as the Ultra Star plasma spark tower.

He actually hated the Earl.

Hikari, who was observing, folded his arms when he heard this.

Hikari stared fixedly at the red screen: "The gravitational pull of the white sun has disappeared!"

As soon as these words came out, the female president was stunned on the spot.

The first generation stood up without a trace, then pointed to the white sun, and said, "The reason why we blocked this place is because the white sun is really special. Even Hikari hasn't researched anything yet."

But what was strangest to him was why the female president asked Jun Takano to go to the star holder. Without a certain level of science, going there was just making trouble.

What they absorb is only light, not the terrifying and violent solar energy above the stars.

Without knowing the purpose of the Ultra King, he dared not do it easily, so he used the Ultra Telescope to observe the movement of the Ultra King first, and then made a decision.

"Okay, I probably know."

The blockade just doesn't want some dark forces hidden in the universe to know the situation of King Ultra and Jun Takano.

Earl Mephilas!
A being who loves his race more than himself.

Taking the Otto telescope, Hikari looked at the white sun.

I saw the white flame surging, and the bright star ring spread around the white sun, and then, a hand reached out from the inside of the star, and grabbed the King of Ultra...

……… Off-topic…………

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