Chapter 559 Scarlet Land
Arber Star, this is a beautiful planet that has existed for billions of years. There is no dispute, peace and prosperity. The surface of the planet is covered by countless shining crystals, which is very beautiful.

The location of Aber Star in the universe is relatively remote, and most of the development strategies of the universe civilization have not summarized it.

Moreover, there is no fixed form for the life forms of Abo on Abo planet. They are like fireflies, co-existing with Abo crystals.

And such a situation led to the fact that the Aber Star civilization did not appear at all, and even for billions of years, this planet was still in the most primitive green state.

But there is no doubt that time has proved that this is the most suitable for Abo, but such a fragile Abo has no strength to resist alien invasion.

Fortunately, Ultraman Hikari is their friend, and they are not related by blood, but they are like giants of the same family.

A long time ago, the Kingdom of Light included Arbor Star in the category of protecting planets, and made it public to the whole world.

Most of the invasion behaviors of cosmic civilizations are based on profit. Judging from the situation announced by the Kingdom of Light, Arber Star is very special. Apart from the abundant vitality and crystals on the surface, the substances that can be really used inside the planet are very large. few.

Therefore, Aber Star is also despised by many cosmic civilizations.

At the same time, some cosmic civilizations who love green and life are very friendly, and actively include Arbor Star in the ranks of civilizations protecting planets.

The whole of Arbor is filled with the smell of death, the land covered with flowers has turned into sand, and the crystals densely covered with cracks have appeared on the ground.

Abo's life body felt a familiar light, but it was different. They surrounded the first generation, grateful for the arrival of this light.

The Arbor lifeform has a peculiar ability, and they can speculate on the situation of Arber Star in the near future.

The light and shadow projected on the injured Bogaru, making it look like a bloodthirsty beast.

They may be influenced by the evil Borgara, or they may be born evil, they are unscrupulous, they have no fear.

Bogaru finally descended, easily broke through the fragile defense of Abo Star, and crushed countless Abo life forms between his fingers.

However, the Bogaru who appeared this time is not him. The Ampera star in this universe is still alive, and the evil Bogaru has not yet been able to break through that seal.

boom! !

And this kind of behavior has led to the fact that Bogaru, who is alive and active in the universe today, is extremely powerful.

Bogaru let out a mocking roar, and opened his wing-like mouth to prey on this group of "moths" that were dying.

"Failed to contact nearby contact..."

After several collisions, the first generation and Jack teamed up, but they didn't have much advantage yet.

"The evil Bogaru is not dead. I think this guy should be limited to the evil Bogaru."


At this moment, Bogaru has not arrived yet, but in their eyes, he has already fallen into a crisis of life and death.

Suddenly, a strong life energy fell from the sky and kicked Bogaru out.

Hard power is not strong, but Abaixing has many friends by virtue of her beauty.

The first generation and Jack shot almost at the same time, with two pairs of iron fists attacking, one in front and one in back cooperating tacitly.

Jack noticed the scars on the monster's body, he nodded and said: "It has experienced a very tragic battle, no wonder it devours life so recklessly, these guys are crazy, I think it still wants to eat us now!"

Some Abo life forms tried to activate their abilities and contact Hikari in the universe, but they were not strong, and they didn't have that kind of power at all.

As Bogaru inserted into the underground limbs, terrifying life energy began to pour into its body.

The sad thing is that this time the evil staring at Aber Star is the high-dimensional predator Bogaru, who is vicious, cunning, and gluttonous.

Three different energies collided on the red earth, shattering the cracked crystals.

The contact again and again was forced to be interrupted in the atmosphere, and the firefly-like Arbor life forms flew up and spread all over the sky.

"It's a bad feeling. I saw the evil Bogaru from this guy. Could this guy be the leader of Bogaru?"

"Then let's see if it has this ability?"

"But this is already our fastest speed." Jack landed behind Bogaru, he looked around the mess and said, "All we can do is make this guy pay for it."

So after the evil Bogaru was sealed, many cosmic civilizations also spontaneously started hunting down Bogaru.

The red earth, the dark sky, the roaring monsters...

Abo's living body is like a moth to a flame, constantly rushing towards the evil Bogaru, fighting for hope for the future of the race and the life of the planet with endless deaths.

They looked at the sky from a distance and wailed.

Therefore, even in the face of the two Ultra fighters, Bogaru still has an extremely greedy appetite. It wants to eat Aber Star, the first generation, and Jack all——eat!
Just as it turned its head, the first generation felt the extremely evil aura on it.

"It's more difficult to deal with than I imagined, but that's all." Jack shook the Otto spear in his hand, watching the black blood fall to the ground.

Occasionally, there will also be a group of tourists visiting Aba Xing.

"Cooperate with me, and I will send it to heaven."

He used to be the most powerful general of the Ampera Stars, but he angered the Ambella Stars because he arbitrarily ignored the emperor's order to devour many planets, and was sealed into a black hole by the Ampera Stars and the other three generals.

Bogaru is rare in the universe, and the most famous of them is the evil Bogaru, the leader of the Bogaru clan, the first evil general and high-dimensional predator.

Looking at the red deserted land, the first generation sighed and said: "We are still a step late, and let it bring irreparable trauma to this place."

The first generation noticed that the phenomenon of redness is still expanding, he said: "We can't continue here, this guy will take the opportunity to absorb Abo's life energy, and it is constantly getting stronger."

"Contact Hikari..."

Trembling predators, this is the name of the cosmic civilization to Bogaru, this race is a very threatening existence to all life forms in the universe.

The long-term pursuit and non-stop fighting are also constantly stimulating Bogaru's appetite. In its view, Aber Star, which does not have many mineral resources but is full of life energy, is simply the most delicious food in the universe.

Bogaru is a very threatening existence to all life forms in the universe, and has an appetite for all high-energy objects.


Jack opened his mouth, and then raised the spear in his hand. He took a few steps forward and threw the spear out.

Accompanied by it, there is also a huge eight-point light wheel.

……… Off-topic…………

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(End of this chapter)

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