Chapter 584 Jokes
In the atmosphere of Mars, the battle between Dyna and the soldiers has reached the fever pitch of the show.

The soldiers spread out, harassing and attacking Dyna from all directions, distracting his attention. The squad leader held a simple weapon and slashed at the timer on Dyna's chest from time to time. Of course, the energy blade would not be broken. Defend……

It didn't take long for several people to embark on an absurd and bizarre pursuit journey. They followed the guidance of Takano Jun and the four generals and came to a specific location.

Near Mars, because of the last capture of Glansfia, many ordinary planets Sfia exploded, and almost all the fragmented meteorites were left in the universe.

And this kind of situation also led to a strange and beautiful phenomenon in the solar system. Bright and dangerous meteorite belts appeared around the eight planets of the solar system, and even a thin layer of meteorites appeared near the sun. No, the planet Core Fragment Aura.

Dyna and the others arrived at the designated location near the Martian meteorite belt closest to the main ship. They chased in the meteorite belt and continuously launched energy impacts on some meteorites that had been arranged in advance.

Bang bang bang!
Some huge meteorites filled with energy explosives exploded, causing great damage. The explosion and intense flames quickly entered the detection screen of the main ship.

"There was an abnormal energy reaction near the Mars era, and three teams were sent to check."

The hatch opened, and three pre-announced teams set off.

In this regard, the Ampera Stars don't know about it yet. He is sitting on the throne in the palace at this time, with the huge national emblem of the Dark Empire behind him.

He looked down at Jun Takano with a hippie smile below him, and grabbed the armrest twice with his palm.

"Have the people on Earth made arrangements?" He asked the Mephilasians.

The Mephilas star knelt on one knee and saluted: "Your Majesty, the arrangements have been made. Do you want to see them?"

"no need."

The Ampera star waved his hand: "It's up to you to arrange the rest of the matter, but try not to let the evil general feel that we have treated his fellows badly."


The Mephilas star bowed his head, and then stood up. He glanced at Takano Jun, turned around and walked to his general position. The one opposite him was Disrem, and the one next to him was Gro Zam.

The Ambella star stared at Jun Takano, and said slowly, "The evil general Jun Takano, this is the first time we have met."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Takano Jun imitated the appearance of the Mephilasian and saluted.

The Ampera star leaned forward slightly, and beckoned to Takano Jun: "Come here, let me take a good look."

Takano Jun was surprised, what is there to say about this, this palace is so bright, and you are so strong, with such a little distance, you still can't see clearly?
I thought so, but Takano Jun still took a few steps forward.


The Ambella star spoke slowly, but he didn't know what to say. The situation where Takano Jun became an evil general was too special.

He doesn't know much about Takano Jun, he just believes in another self.

He thought for a while and said, "Tell me, how did you become an evil general?"

"It's His Majesty the emperor's insightful eyes, the big waves washing the sand, the needle in the haystack..." Takano Jun immediately babbled a bunch of idioms, mostly praising the Ambella star for his good vision, but some of the idioms were not used in the right place.

And after talking for a long time, he didn't say anything, it was all water.

The three generals looked at each other, and looked at each other. If they looked like humans, the corners of their mouths would probably be twitching.

In the palace, fell into a deathly silence.

The feeling of wanting to kick Takano Jun surged in the heart of the Ambella star. He naturally knew the evil nature of this Ultra warrior, but such a shameless appearance really broke his perception of the Ultra warrior.

What kind of virtuous light is this!

Why would such a person be favored by another self.

Having been watched by the Ampera star all the time, Takano Jun was a little flustered. In fact, he also thought about not being recognized by the Ampera star in this universe, but the gaze of one of the strongest in the universe, coupled with the majesty of the emperor, Takano Jun was also a little courageous. Trembling.

The Ampera star left his seat and walked towards Takano Jun. The other three generals immediately stood up. If His Majesty didn't sit down, how could they dare to sit down.

The sudden action of the Ampera star made Takano Jun frightened, and he took a step back suddenly.

"Are you serious about taking a step back?" the Ampera star asked.

Takano Jun didn't know why he had such a reaction, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "It's because His Majesty's majesty is too strong."

"You kid speaks people's words when you see people, and you talk nonsense when you see ghosts. This shameless kung fu and lip service are really good."

The Ampera star came to Takano Jun, slipped Takano Jun up with one hand, and turned around.

"Tell me, besides Ultra fighters, spacemen, monsters, and magic, what else do you want?"

Gao Yejun relaxed his limbs and did not dare to resist, but the words of the Ambella star surprised him.

Most of the abilities in this body are known to the Ambella star.

When the three generals around heard this, they were dumbfounded. Hearing what His Majesty said, Takano Jun was not just an Ultra warrior.


Very weird!

Takano Jun replied sincerely: "I... that's all I know."

The power to blow the stars, the background of King Ultra, this thing, Jun Takano dare not tell the people of Ambella.

"It seems that you have a lot of secrets." The Ambella star put Gao Yejun down, and the question was still the same: "How did you become an evil general? Tell me well, don't flatter."

Takano Junxin thought, I just talked for a long time, and you have listened for a long time.

The three generals are also very curious about this, after all, Jun Takano's appearance in the Tiga universe is too weird.

Takano Jun replied sincerely: "The bottom line is that it is because of the cosmic crisis in another world..."

Regarding the existence of the kingdom, Takano Jundao said nothing. After all, according to the concept of the Ampera star, it can be regarded as light, and it is still a kingdom of light with several ultimate life forms.

In the hearts of the Ampera star and the three generals, there was a stormy sea. The kingdom from another universe actually made the kingdom of light summon almost all the pillars.

"You also have the power of the kingdom in your body?" Ambella stared sideways, and he heard Jun Takano say that the power of light in the kingdom is extremely violent, and he also felt it from Jun Takano.

"Your Majesty has discerning eyes."

Takano Jun nodded like a chick pecking rice, and replied: "In addition to the Ultra warrior and the evil general, I am also a helper of the kingdom. Of course, I am a spy who hides in this darkness and can open his fangs to the kingdom at any time." .”

"Good boy."

The people from Ambella have learned a lot.

There are not many spies in the cosmic civilization, but there are probably not many spies like Jun Takano who have been repeatedly jumping around among the top forces in the universe by virtue of their own ability to change.

He waved his hand, and Takano Jun heard the dark armor suddenly appeared.

According to Takano Jun, the crisis of another universe is in the future of the multiverse, and now, the Tiga universe is still an independent universe.

Therefore, this set of dark armor should have been complete.

In this universe, up to now, the dark armor prepared by the Ampera star people in order to enhance their dark power has not been completely manufactured, and there are many and complicated problems.

But at this time, he got answers to some questions that he hadn't solved for a long time from the broken dark armor, and he nodded slightly: "So that's how it is."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at Takano Jun: "You fooled him into another universe, and he actually believed you, and even gave you the identity of the evil general..."

Takano Jun said pitifully: "Your Majesty, how could this be a bluff? I fully considered the situation at that time! At that time, the universe was already ruled by the Kingdom of Light..."

"Oh, don't they think they are neutral?"

"But they are still space police!"

Ambella's eyes flashed: "Yes, they are so hypocritical. Tell me, where is the father of Otto? Where is Kane on the earth?"

"This..." Takano Jun lowered his head.

The Ambella star snorted coldly: "There is nothing to hide, don't forget your identity, my dear evil general."


Takano Jun said helplessly: "Otto's father is in the universe at this time, in the solar system, and he has been waiting for His Majesty for a long time."

It was arranged in advance, and it was impossible for Takano Jun to deliberately change anything because of his multiple identities.

"How long have you been waiting? I think it's an ambush!" The Ambella star subconsciously glanced at his waist, and he sneered.

Takano Jundao: "How come, Your Majesty, you must know that the solar system is my hometown, and the earth is also a civilization observation point pointed out by the Kingdom of Light. It is impossible for the father of Otto to risk the destruction of billions of human beings here. to war with you."

Ampera star said: "It seems that you have thought it all over."

He immediately laughed: "That's right, here, we can completely hold the earthlings hostage, and let the father of Otto be captured without a fight."

As soon as these words came out, Jun Takano panicked in an instant, what's going on, this Ampera star didn't play cards according to common sense.

Where is your pride?
Are you arrogant?
"His Majesty……"

Takano Jun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the Ampera star.

"Don't worry, my evil general, I won't really hurt the people on Earth, the father of Ultra will definitely be caught without a fight, you must believe in the kindness of their Ultra fighters..."

Believe in a ghost!
If you don't hurt, you will hurt when you fight.

Takano Jun looked at the three generals at the side, but they didn't move, so Takano Junyi gritted his teeth and stomped his feet: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, if you do this, this evil general, I will... I will..."

"What are you?"

"I'm wrong!"

Takano Jun took a deep breath, held his head high, and burst out with arrogance, and faced the Ambella star face to face: "Although I have nothing to do with most humans, I was also one of the guardians of the earth. Maybe let His Majesty hold them hostage in front of me."

Seeing Takano Jun like this, the three generals also burst out their aura and pressed towards him.

"You are very courageous, do you think you can defeat me on my main ship by yourself?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't fight, even if I'm looking for death." Gao Yejun pretended to be relaxed and said: "How about, Your Majesty, let's make peace, you want to fight, I won't get involved in this matter, okay?"

Takano Jun has not forgotten that there are some dark soldiers in the Super Victory Team, and now he is here, Dyna has been lured away again, and Xie Di seems to have defected to the Ampera Stars.

Nowadays, the defense power of earth civilization is extremely empty.

"Begging for peace?"

The Ampera star and the three generals all laughed. Unexpectedly, at such a time, Takano Jun could actually say the word for peace.

They really couldn't help it, Takano Jun, a cosmic powerhouse, didn't have any airs of being a powerhouse, and now he didn't even want face.

The Ampera star asked: "Do you think it is useful to seek peace?"

"I don't know." Jun Takano said, "You have to give it a try."

Ampera sneered and said, "Then make peace."

Takano Jun froze in place for a moment, and then the laughter in his ears changed from mocking to roaring laughter.

At this time, he suddenly realized that the Ambella star and the three generals were making fun of him.

"Your plan is also called a plan? It's blatant, short-sighted, has no pattern, a little clever, but only a little bit."

The Ambella star waved his hands and turned around, returning to the throne.

"In the empire, my will is the only one, what I want to decide to do..." Ampera's eyes fell on the three generals: "You can only support, understand?"


Takano Jun smiled wryly, he was really cheated by the three generals.

"For the sake of your teacher, I won't pursue these small actions of yours."

"As for the matter between me and Kane, you don't have to be afraid. It will not involve the earth or the solar system. We will fight in the dimensional space."


Takano nodded.

"Grozam, take him around for a while. As an evil general, I don't understand the power of the Dark Empire, so I can't justify it."


Grozam's cold eyes fell on Takano Jun, and at the same time, there was a strong fighting spirit.

Takano Jun, who killed the evil Bogaru, is undoubtedly a new opponent for him.

Watching the two leave, the huge palace door closed again.

Disrem, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke: "Your Majesty, don't you mean that you want to include the solar system in your territory for protection?"

The Ambella star said: "You have also seen that the evil general himself is not willing. If this is the case, Desrem, you should spend a little more time in private to clean up those eyes staring at the earth."

The universe is so vast, how could the only enemy of the Dark Empire be the Kingdom of Light? It has been silent for tens of thousands of years, and the sudden appearance of such a big movement by the Ampera Stars will naturally win the attention of all enemies.

The appearance of the new evil general Takano Jun will of course be met with crazy revenge, and by the same token, the earth will also fall into the sight of those crazy people.

"Mephilas, go check out your fellow clan, this kid has the aura of your race."


The Mephilas star stared blankly, then nodded: "Understood, I will investigate the people in the Mephilas civilization over the years."

When the remaining two generals left, the vast hall fell into silence again. The Ampera star leaned his face on his right hand, and his purple eyes gradually darkened.

"What kind of power is hidden behind you to make the other me choose to leave the universe..."


The door of the hall slowly closed.

(End of this chapter)

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