Chapter 615 Enemies Unite
In the dark and damp soil, I occasionally saw a huge ghost-like body flashing past. It was EX Gomora, carrying the stone statue of the first generation Ultraman, falling rapidly.

Under the barrier, at a depth of [-] meters underground, is a passage excavated by EX with unremitting efforts day and night.

Just to try to keep the stone statue of the first Ultraman from being destroyed by the Lebrondos.

Raymond didn't know if it would work, but it was better than nothing.

At this time, they had sunk for a long time, and Raymond didn't know how far they were from the surface, but they hadn't reached the end of the deep pit yet.

Strictly speaking, at this depth, there are no undead monsters chasing us.

The muscles of EX Gomora's whole body are tense, but its body has reached a state of extreme exhaustion, but now it can't give up, it can't let go yet.

Both Raymond and Ultraman need it to save.

It landed almost without exhaustion, causing the underground cave excavated by EX Gomora to shake violently.

If it weren't for the stable geological structure here, this empty and narrow underground cave would have collapsed directly.

"Hiss! Ultra-vibration waves are not used in this way, but thank you."


At this time, the bodies of the Panlong team members were sore all over, and their bodies were inevitably affected by the non-stop high-difficulty flying.

Raymond raised his head, smiled at Gomora, and then took a sip of the groundwater.

"You want to stay with me, Gomora!"

"Gomorrah..." Raymond raised his lips slightly, and accidentally pulled the chapped place, causing him to gasp.

He picked up the wet soil with both hands, opened his mouth, and squeezed hard.

Gritting his teeth, Hyuga vaguely heard the unwilling movements of the team members behind him.

Raymond looked back and saw that it was EX Gomora.

Recalling the Lebrondos who turned the entire planet into a hell of the undead and that lore blow, even Raymond, who regarded the Lebrondos as an enemy, couldn't help feeling terrified.

Gomora's whole body vibrated violently and emitted light, which gave Raymond a vision to observe.

Raymond recognized the guy in front of him, and the vigilance in his heart was raised to the extreme. The Yapo people are the enemies of Ultraman Ace and the Ultra fighters.

Raymond reached out and stroked his partner's cheek.

The place where he was standing was actually the pool that Gomora dug out with his claws.

Gomora narrowed his eyes, raised his head slightly, and continued to light the way ahead for Raymond.

"It turns out that you have already arranged it."

"Are you... from Yabo?"

The Panlong flew over a large area, but the attacks around it ceased. Especially the undead monsters seemed to interfere a lot with the electromagnetic waves, which once caused problems with the Panlong's radar.

The roaring air wave immediately blasted a white light in the sky.

And the wet mud he just stepped on was probably the dirt that had been dug out.

The problem of water shortage was solved, and Raymond returned to the stone statue of the original Ultraman. He touched the fallen stone statue of Ultraman: "Ultraman, you saved me again..."

The team members turned their heads to look at Hinata.

"Electromagnetic waves are interfered, communication can't be carried out, even our electromagnetic cannon can't be launched...Raymond, I also want to save him, but I can't help it, now I really can't help it, really... I can't help it!"


"Sprint with all your strength, target the universe!"

The sound of dripping water means that there is a source of water here, and he can't keep milking the soil like milking cows.

There's no warm light in the cave, nor on the surface, but thankfully, there are no enemies here.

"We haven't found Raymond yet!"


The huge breath blew Raymond's hair, and then Gomora's head lay on the ground, facing Raymond.

As he spoke, he raised the battle instrument, but Gomora did not respond to his call this time, but stopped releasing low-frequency super vibration waves, and lay down around the stone statues of Raymond and Ultraman.

After licking his chapped lips, Lei Meng walked over as if his body was shaking from side to side.


Lei Meng suddenly heard the sound of dripping water. Through the light of Gomora's pupils, he vaguely saw a small puddle. If wet mud can be counted as a water mass...

He and Gomora were almost at the same time, his whole body was tense, and he entered the fighting state in an instant.

While this scene was happening, Lei Meng also heard a faint noise in the underground cave.

Looking back at Gomora, who was still trembling at a low frequency and emitting light, Lei Meng said, "Gomora, come back first, you should study hard."

He spat out the sand in his mouth and groped in the darkness with his hands.

"There is no time, we have no time..." Hyuga's tone was extremely low, and his voice was almost hoarse: "If this goes on, we will surely die, why don't we give it a go and see if we can cover up that slim chance and rush to to the universe."

Lei Meng exhaled lightly and completely relaxed. Having a source of water meant that at least he would not die easily.

The legendary characters in the universe, even if some actions failed in other universes, are extremely terrifying existences.

Hyuga slapped his palm on the table, and said with a ferocious face: "Sprint with all your strength, the goal is the universe!!!"

No one responded verbally, but Panlong's flight direction changed immediately, facing the universe.

Looking through the hideous shadows in the sky, and falling on the barren land, Hyuga clenched his fists and ordered in a deep voice: "Give up entanglement with these monsters, sprint with all your strength, and aim for the universe!"

The muddy muddy water fell into the throat, and it felt like stones slipped through the throat, but Raymond only felt that he was alive again.

Suddenly, slight and continuous vibrations appeared beside him, followed by a faint light, illuminating his surroundings.

With the light, the source of the dripping water was finally found, and Raymond saw a crack in a rock wall.

The Yabo people looked at Raymond who was fully alert: "Leonix Raymond, I finally have a chance to find you. You are the key to defeating the Lebrando Stars. Please leave here as soon as possible with you and me."

Raymond was taken aback for a moment, and then came to his senses.

A figureless guy tore through the space and stood under the stone statue of the original Ultraman. He said with emotion: "Ultraman... is really dead!"


As the footsteps gradually stepped into the range of wet mud, the eyebrows clearly felt that the surrounding air had become moist. No, it should be that he walked into the moist air.


The cave was dimly lit.

Captain Hinata looked at the red screen in front of him, and knew that the Panlong had reached its limit, and if he was still entangled with these undead monsters, they would die without a place to bury them.

The soil under his feet had an obvious slope. Lei Meng lowered his body slightly, and he raised his hand...


Raymond didn't trust the Yabo people, and the EX Gomora behind him even spit out a wave of heat, and had already launched an offensive posture.

The Yapo shook his head, and waved his hand to open a tiny crack in another dimension: "It's up to you!"

Under the gloomy light, Raymond saw the face of Ultraman Ace.

(End of this chapter)

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