Chapter 684 Awaken!Amui



"hold head high!"



The superhumans in the village are fighting the hordes of monsters.

Not long ago, a person with a superpower similar to clairvoyance saw a large wave of monsters coming.

Although the superpowers had taken defensive measures, the time was still too short. Under the impact of the monsters, the village suffered a lot of damage.

"Marisula, hold on!"

Yuan Yi gritted his teeth tightly, his partner Marisula held back the three monsters by himself, this was already his limit.

But there are just too many monsters.

Bang bang bang!
From far to near, the earth burst into cracks, and an extremely powerful monster broke through the ground, and Gorzan, the monster that cracked the earth, appeared.

The individual in front of him is even more violent than King Red. Whether it is a teammate or not, it will attack and kill as long as it gets in the way.


With a loud shout from Yuan Yi, Marisula instantly sucked up the monsters around her, and then rushed towards the monster Gorzan.

But Marisula's current situation is very bad. The outbreak just now consumed most of her stamina, so she can't last long against this berserk Gomora.

A monster came from the sky, tore the clouds and cut the sky.

The super ancient dragon Melba appears!
This monster was also extremely powerful, and the ultrasonic waves it emitted directly shocked several superpowers to death.

"Impossible, how could Gorzan and Merba be so strong?"

Yuan Yi couldn't believe it.

Obviously, when his father transformed for the first time, he easily defeated these two monsters, but why did the two guys in front of him bring such a strong sense of oppression.

Mary Sulla is absolutely impossible to be the opponent.


Dagu said softly: "At that time, I actually lost most of my consciousness. It was Ultraman Tiga who really defeated Gorzan and Merba, and it was the remaining consciousness of Ultraman Tiga."

"I understand."

Ye Rui raised his head. As a computer genius, he has a very good understanding of computer games, and also understands what this thing should be called.

"Post-hitting! Master-hitting!"

Jujianhui sighed: "So, what should Xiaoyi do? This crisis needs a light."

"Have you all forgotten? That prophecy, the prophecy brought by You Lian." The clever stubborn well seems to have thought of something: "The first omen of the appearance of Ultraman Tiga, the monster Gorzan and the messenger who shook the earth The strange Melba who broke the sky appeared, and now, the conditions are met, maybe..."

"Little Wing will understand."


"Melba, the monster that cracked the sky..."

"Melba, the monster that shakes the earth..."

"The prophecy in Ultraman Tiga, the words brought by You Lian, the captain of the Earth Guard in the ultra-ancient era..."

Yuan Yi recalled the days of "Ultraman Tiga" when he was a child. It was a special drama produced by TPC, and most of the things that happened in it naturally existed.

"Father turned into Ultraman Tiga at this time, so can I, too?"

Yuan Yi took out the bronze divine light stick on his chest: "Uncle Masaki said that my gene of light is not complete, so it is difficult to use the divine light stick to become Ultraman Tiga."

"But Uncle Takano also said that there is a ray of light from him on my body, which may be able to echo the gene of light in my body and temporarily become a new Ultra warrior."


Yuan Yi imitated Dagu's movements in the special film, twisted her waist enchantingly, and then raised the magic light stick high: "Transform!"

call out--!
With the pressing of the fingers, the ultra-ancient genes in the round wing exploded with inexplicable power, and the light spread all over the body along the DNA and the gene chain.

At the same time, wrapped around him, the light belonging to Jun Takano appeared.

Hot, warm, red!
"Leave the next battle to me, child, let you experience what is called substitute fighting."

Takano Jun's thoughts covered Yuan Yi's whole body.

"The fusion of Freya and Tiga, the intersection of the sun and hope, this is the eternal light, this is a bright moment, I can only exist for three seconds, but..."


An invisible light and shadow appeared.

Takano Jun seized the time.

In the first second, ten punches were thrown out, smashing the ten strongest monsters present.

In the second second, he rushed to the sky and wiped out all the flying monsters.

In the third second, he put his hands on his chest.

"Timer light!"

The bright light penetrated the world, as if nothing could stop it.

The matter did not end here. At the end of the third second, Takano Jun raised his head and shouted towards the sky: "Old and immortal, look here."


In the next second, this thought force was chopped off by Thunder, but the remaining Thunder didn't just leave, but stayed on Yuan Yi's body.

Jun Takano's last voice echoed in Yuan Yi's ears.

"Congratulations, the stingy power bestowed by the old immortal, at the most critical moment..."



Jun Takano, who was smiling, was suddenly paralyzed all over his body. He straightened his legs on the chair and his whole body was stiff.

His sudden action startled everyone.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Ju Jianhui hurried over and asked.

Takano Jun couldn't speak, because his whole body was shaking now.

That thunder actually traveled through time and space and acted on his body, which is simply outrageous.

a long time.

Takano Jun spit out a breath of foul air: "It's okay, the price of mouth, but now that Yuanyi is coming, he can't lose even if he wants to."


"Stingy power, critical moment?"

After the battle was resolved, Yuan Yi kept thinking about this last sentence.

He understands that Uncle Gao Ye must have left something on him, but he can't appear now, only at a critical moment.

"Do you still have to wait for the crisis to come?"

Yuan Yi lowered his head and glanced at the divine light stick in his hand. He wasn't sure if he could transform again in the following process.


Back Mountain.

The wizard led all the ordinary people forward in the primeval forest. They were looking for the mysterious pyramid, but they have found nothing so far, but some people have been injured now.

Someone said: "My lord wizard, we can no longer move forward. How can there be a pyramid in this deep mountain? It may be a scam by outsiders."

Someone asked: "Master Wizard, am I going to die? I was bitten by a poisonous snake just now."

Someone asked: "Master Wizard, shall we go back to the village?"


Even a wizard couldn't answer all the questions one after another, but she had already noticed a different child—Amuyi.

When everyone was disappointed and decadent, only Amu Yi has maintained a positive and cheerful state until now, and even made friends with some wild beasts in the mountains.

"Really delicious."

Amu Yi dug out the wild ancient chili, and just chewed it dryly. It was a giant ape. Following his example, the giant ape also took a bite of the chili, and then screamed loudly while clutching its throat.

Amuyi said: "Hahaha, you think it's delicious too, right? You jumped up."

The great ape can't speak, if it could speak, it would definitely curse.

What's your look like?
Are you blind?

I'm about to die from the heat, but you think it's delicious. Are you a human being?Where is your sense of taste?

The sudden giant python blocked the way.

The hot and fiery giant ape was worrying about having no place to vent, he rushed to the front of the crowd, picked up the giant python and began to swing it around on the ground.

This huge movement soon attracted Mahoropa.

"Is it a partner?"

Mahoropa went out with the big sword in hand, ready to strike.

"Great apes are partners."


Mahoropa rushed out like a swimming dragon, between these two behemoths, the elegance was like a butterfly.

At this moment, Mahoropa showed his experience as a hunter and hit the snake with seven inches. This big snake is too big, and the so-called seven inches is useless at all.

She jumped onto the great ape's arm and sprinted down the arm.

Great timing, great location.

She strode over, swung the big sword in her hand, and turned into a spinning top, piercing into the eyes of the giant snake.


At this moment, even the giant ape couldn't grasp the giant snake's struggle.

But this struggle lasted only for a few seconds, because Mahoraba smashed its head.


Mahoropa rushed out from the other eye, his whole body was blood-white, like a demon god.


She fell to the ground and grabbed Amui: "Come on, let's go find the pyramid!"

The two came to the shoulders of the great ape.

The incomparably tall giant ape rushed into the deeper forest, beating its chest and roaring.

At the same time, the wizard was absolutely sure that a burst of light erupted behind him.


She turned to look at the villagers behind her: "Everyone, shall we go back, or continue forward?"

"go back!"

"go back!"

"Guard the homeland!"


Mahoropa saw the pyramid, and the moment he rushed out of the eyes of the giant snake, he saw the pyramid.

Although she didn't know why she could only see it for a moment, she had already determined the location.

In the middle of several mountains, there is a slightly spacious place. Even though it is full of virgin forest, the land is extremely flat.

Mahoropa asked, "It's right here, Amui, the pyramid is here, can you see it?"

Amuyi didn't answer, because he was so shocked that he couldn't speak at this time.

In his eyes, a gleaming, extremely tall pyramid appeared.

At the same time, he seems to have heard a voice, calling him to walk into the pyramid, constantly telling him to go, go, go!
Without anyone saying a word, the giant ape put Amui down.

Amuyi was ignorant of everything, and everything around him couldn't compare to the pyramid in front of him. He stepped forward step by step, without stopping, and entered the mysterious space.

Mahoraba watched helplessly as Amuyi disappeared into the ripples of space.

Mahoraba muttered to himself: "Sure enough, he is the successor of the light in the village, Amui, can you prevent this crisis? My child..."

The scene inside the pyramid was exactly the same as what Dagu saw for the first time.

However, this time there was a voice guiding Amui.

"Amuyi, come, come to the middle."

Amyi walked up the steps to the middle of the three giants. He looked up at the three stone statues in front of him: "Giant of light, am I the successor of light in the village?"


At this moment, Amu Yi's mood is abnormally calm, he seems to have grown up in an instant.

He opened his arms and said to Di Jia: "Then give me your power, let me stop this inexplicable crisis, the wizard is very anxious."

Tiga's remaining consciousness asked: "I can give you my power, but what are you fighting for?"

"What are you fighting for?"

Amui doesn't understand.

Because he has never fought since he was a child.

He didn't understand the meaning of fighting.

However, he thought for a while: "I just don't want to make Mr. Wizard tired, make everyone sad, and let the village be attacked by monsters. I want everyone to be happy, and I want everyone to be happy!"

Amuyi is not like Dagu.

As a child, he really couldn't think of the meaning of fighting, and at the same time, he couldn't equate protection and fighting.

But what he said was sincere and simple.

"In that case, wake up!"


Drop drop!
Junjian Hui and Captain Xibi received the message almost at the same time.

"On Mars, there was a situation with the man-made Tiga statue."

Takano Jun looked up: "What's the situation?"

Ju Jianhui's tone was very dignified: "It's shining!"

on Mars.

The two artificial Tiga stone statues exude a soft light, and the countless cracks are also disappearing quickly.

"Analyzing the light..."

"What on earth happened?"

"Has hope appeared again?"


Dark session.

The instigator of all disasters felt bad when he saw his monster group was defeated.

"The light has awakened. Could it be that the Giant of Light has awakened?"

"Why so fast? Impossible, why so fast?"

The man in black stared at the picture of the giant of light destroying the monster group in the crystal ball at the right time.

"Why is it so powerful?"

"Who is this giant?"

"What happened in that village?"

He has countless questions flooding his head, but this is no longer the time to solve the problems, but to solve the people who created them.

"There is no way, that guy must die, that human must die!"

The man in black gritted his teeth.

"Master Demon God."

"The dark enemy has emerged."

"Ugly light erupts in the world again."

"Wake up, my lord, wake up quickly, Lord Demon God!"

The roar echoed in the empty dark canyon.

The next moment, black mist spewed out from the deepest part of the canyon, and one after another, monsters in the shape of skeletons stood up in the canyon, like a natural disaster of the undead.

Skeleton monsters began to march towards the world, and the creepy army of bones marched forward.

"Everything will end."

"The world belongs to darkness!"

The man in black laughed, laughing wildly.

A gigantic hand broke through the ground and grabbed the man in black.

The crystal ball rolled along the crack and landed on the dark being.


The demon god sleeping in the Dark Realm Canyon has awakened!
(End of this chapter)

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