Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 78 Ace's 8-point light wheel strikes

Chapter 78 Ace's [-]-point light wheel strikes (for further reading)
Ace World, Tokyo.

Recently, many women with blood type O have been attacked. The Tucker team believes that this is done by super beasts, because the conditions of the murders are very bad, and the originally solid ground has all turned into sunken sand.

In addition, there were many other people who were swallowed by the sand vortex, but their bodies were spit out one after another. Only the body of the woman with blood type O never appeared.

Therefore, the Tucker team thought that the target of the monster was the woman with type O blood, but the monster was deep underground, and they didn't find anything.

On this day, Ali Punta, the giant ant super beast that devoured a woman with type O blood, finally grew into a complete body. The underground geek has turned into a skeleton.

Under the influence of the Yabo people's crazy consciousness, Ali Punta began to climb towards the ground. During this period, a subway was coming towards the direction of its upward climb.

Inadvertently, Ali Punta smelled the sweet and delicious type O blood in the carriage, and his hunting instinct made him head for the subway.

A few minutes later, the subway rushed out of the tunnel, and was instantly broken into several sections under the destruction of Ali Punta. The ferocious super beast immediately sprayed out formic acid, melting the iron shell of the subway.

The huge teeth broke through the iron sheet, and Ali Punta began to enjoy this sumptuous lunch.

The attack on the subway soon spread to the Tucker team, and when they arrived at the scene, only the wreckage of the subway and a skeleton of bones remained in the huge cave.

The occurrence of such a bad super beast incident made the whole Tokyo panic for a while.

Under the arrangement of Captain Tucker, Beidou Xingsi and Nan Xizi sneaked into the ground in a ground-drilling tank, preparing to use rockets to blow up the monster to the land.

With the deepening of the ground-penetrating tank, the huge movement woke up Ali Punta who was soundly asleep.

The demonic whispers of the Yabo people echoed in the ears of the super beast, and the violent emotions surged instantly, and Ali Punta began to move towards the direction of the ground-penetrating tank.

Nan Xizi looked at the dark surroundings, and she reminded: "Be careful, super beasts may appear at any time, and the earth-penetrating tank doesn't know if it can withstand its attack."

Big Dipper was full of confidence, and he said arrogantly: "What are you afraid of, even if we can't blow up the super beast to the ground, we can become Ultraman Ace and get rid of the monster."

Nan Xizi frowned.

"Ace's power, we shouldn't use it at will, we must wait until the critical moment."

"Dealing with super beasts is the critical moment!" Beidou Xingsi said: "Ultraman Ace is used to deal with super beasts, Nan Xizi, as long as we work together, no matter how powerful the monster is, we can defeat it."

Nan Xizi didn't like Beidou Xingsi's attitude towards monsters.

She feels that no matter whether they have the power of Ultraman Ace or not, they should maintain a basic vigilance against super beasts, and they should not ignore the power of super beasts because of the strength of Ultraman Ace.

Suddenly, the entire tunnel that had been drilled trembled, and the mud, sand, and gravel rolled down, and with a bang, Ali Punta appeared in front of the two.

"Nan Xizi, let's attack!"

Beidou Xingsi held the joystick: "Let it taste the rocket."

Bang bang bang!
Rockets spewed out, lighting up the entire cave.

As usual, most of the weapons of human beings are superior to beasts, which can't do any harm. This angered Ali Punta instead, and it roared and sprayed acid at the burrowing tank.

The strong stench melted into the nostrils of the two of them at once. Beidou Xingsi saw that the shell of the tank was corroded and had countless holes. He immediately said, "Nan Xizi, let's transform!"

With no escape in sight, Nan Xizi could only nod her head in agreement.

The rings of the two collided with each other and burst into bright light. The next moment, Ultraman Ace appeared in the cave.

The confrontation between the two behemoths made the cave appear very crowded. Under such circumstances, many methods of Ace could not be used.

And Ali Punta is like a fish in water, attacking one after another.

The terrifying super beast rampaged, like a bull, spit out pale acid from its mouth, and quickly corroded a large piece of rock.

The ground under Ace's feet was getting smaller and smaller, he put away his small heart, used the energy with both hands, and threw out the huge eight-point light wheel.

There were bursts of tearing sounds in the space, and layers of ripples spread to the surroundings, and Ali Punta couldn't avoid it at all in such a narrow space.

But at this moment, the unstable space exploded instantly, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of the eight-point light wheel.

Ace heard an "ah", and the next second, a terrifying space energy exploded, and the huge eight-point light wheel turned sharply and shot upwards.

The monster Bruton appeared between Ace and Ali Punta. The crowded space made Jun Takano very uncomfortable. Driven by the four-dimensional energy, three behemoths appeared in the city instantly.

The Tucker team, who had been waiting for a long time, was overjoyed when they saw Ali Punta, because their plan had succeeded.

But when Bruton and Ace appeared, they were all confused. How could there be two monsters?

Before Jun Takano had time to communicate with Ace with his thoughts, Ace clenched his fists and attacked him straight.

In Ace's eyes, the sudden appearance of Bruton must be a monster summoned by the Yabo people, otherwise, it would not stop the eight-point light wheel.

Space shift!

Ace appeared in front of Ali Punta in the blink of an eye, and hit its fangs with a fist.

At this time, Jun Takano switched the Aguru card and appeared behind Ace.

He said, "Ace, I'm not your enemy."

Kicking Ali Punta to the ground with one kick, Ace glanced back at Aguru.

"Your disguise is really unique!"

"Since when did Ultra fighters have patterns like yours?"

Just now this guy was obviously a monster, he turned into an Ultra warrior in the blink of an eye, what is it not a disguise?
Spreading his five fingers, Ace materialized the power of Ultraman and the energy of light, and created the Blade of Ace. He wanted to cut off the head of this guy disguised as an Ultraman with his own hands!

Ace's fighting spirit is strong, and the battle is obviously inevitable.

Aguru's lightsaber appeared, Takano Jun slowly raised his hand and looked at Ace.

Without any hesitation, the two Ultra fighters shot at the same time, the blade of Ace and the lightsaber of Aguru collided continuously, and the wind and waves of the battle made it impossible for the fighters of the Tucker team to approach.

In desperation, the Tucker team could only choose to prevent Ali Punta from escaping.

Although the two Ultra fighters were fighting, they also noticed Ali Punta's actions. The two of them had a tacit understanding and approached the super beast intentionally or unintentionally.

At this moment, Ali Punta, who was still thinking about fleeing the scene, didn't notice the enemy's approach at all.

When the sense of crisis in its heart suddenly broke out, the blade of Ace and the lightsaber of Aguru had already been blessed on its body, and it puffed twice, crossing back and forth.

Aguru and Ace passed by.

Ali Punta in the middle shook twice in the wind, and the next second his body was divided into four pieces and shattered.

Ace's chest rose and fell, and he looked sideways at Aguru.

"who are you?"

After a battle, he could feel the light-filled energy of Aguru, which was very pure, but for some reason it felt a little salty.

Has this strange Ultra warrior been soaking in the sea?
Retracting the lightsaber, Takano Jun replied.

"Aguru, the name of this body is Aguru Ultraman."

Takano Jun, who has always fantasized about becoming an Ultraman, did not call himself Aguru.

……… Off-topic…………

Ask for a ticket today!

Please read!
Ask for a reward!
Seek someone! (kimbo)
Today is double shift, and tomorrow is triple shift.

(End of this chapter)

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