Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 89 The feeling of oppression of the adult

Chapter 89 The feeling of oppression of the adult
In the absence of a one-on-two dusk BUFF blessing, Ace is very reluctant to one-on-two. Most of them are fighting back, occasionally counterattacking twice.

In order to give Ace more time to resist, the combat power of the Tucker team continued to hover around the enemy to attack, and the laser shells were fired in bursts, exploding into sparks.

But their attacks were not very effective, and at most they made the Metronians and Murucci a little irritated.

Ace doesn't know his opponent well, but the Metronians have already done some analysis on Ace. Although Ace doesn't fight much on Earth, it is barely enough at this time.

Murucci has always been the one who attacked fiercely, and the Metron star attacked when Ace raised his hand to prepare his light skills, thus interrupting his power accumulation.

Hitting and hitting, Ace felt too aggrieved.

Except for physical attacks, he didn't have time to release light at all, let alone cutting skills.

Just when he was distressed, the third enemy, Doragari, appeared.

A pair of three, cool!
Ace, who was still able to resist, now has no room to resist at all, and was directly beaten by three enemies and rolled on the ground.

But Gao Yejun was not in a hurry, he stood around the battlefield, licking the popsicle in his mouth, feeling uncomfortable.

"TMD, transform yourself!"

Ace used his mental power to yell curses in Jun Takano's mind.

Takano Jun said: "I'm not afraid that there will be super beasts. Besides, there are only three enemies. You can still persist."


"If I don't help, my energy will be exhausted."

Ace has been in a state of being beaten, and the timer has started to blink at this time.

"It seems that the Yabo people have a chance to win." Takano Jun said: "I thought he would come out in person and kill you."

At this time, Ace had no time to answer.

He had already been firmly pressed to the ground by Murucci, Doragri's slap slapped him in the face, and the Metron star kicked his waist.

Jun Takano took out the Bruton card.

The reason why he didn't want to prepare to become Aguru is because Aguru is not stronger than Ace, and it is difficult to fight three times, so he is going to be a support who will not be beaten.

The blue and red Bruton swelled up loudly, knocked Murucci away with a bang, pressed Ace and pushed Dragoli away, and then used the power of the four dimensions to transfer the Metronian to the hundred meters away.

Ace hammered Bruton, and he said, "Come on down, it's going to crush me!"

Takano Jun snorted coldly, crushed twice and fell to the ground.

Ace got up and asked, "Why not become Aguru?"

Takano Jun said: "Because Aguru is difficult to fight, I will create a four-dimensional phenomenon, put you and the Metronians together, and you solve it as soon as possible."

"A vertical guillotine is enough for me to deal with a Metronian!" Ace was full of confidence.

"Then as soon as possible!"

Huge four-dimensional energy suddenly burst out from Bruton's side, covering everything around him.

Under Takano Jun's deliberate control, Ace met the Metronians, Murucci crashed into Doragri, and the fighter piloted by Ryugoro flew in the sky for a while, and crawled on the ground for a while.

This is definitely not his intention, it can only be said that Long Wulang is unlucky!

"Ace, die!"

The Metron star spread his five fingers, and countless powders fluttered in the wind.

Although I don't know what these powders are, they are definitely not good things. Strong energy bursts out, and Ace uses a barrier to isolate the powder.

At this moment, the Metatron star suddenly laughed wildly, like a hellhound, with ferocious behavior and high spirits.

Ace was at a loss: "Crazy?"


The Meitron star stepped out, waving his sharp claws, like a madman, and directly hit the barrier.

With a bang, both Ace and Metron fell to the ground.

Without the barrier, Ace smelled the powder in an instant, and a message appeared in his mind in an instant, and he lost his voice and said, "Cosmic Poppy!"

"What a lunatic!"

Ace crossed his arms and spun violently, a violent hurricane swept through the small space.

Ace used his mental power to contact Takano Jun: "Takano, throw this wind into the universe!"

Although I don't know why, Ace's tone was very tense, and Takano Jun immediately opened the four-dimensional space, swallowed the hurricane, and then released it outside the earth.

Seeing that the powder had all disappeared, Ace felt relieved.

But the crazy Meitron star fought without any rules, moved quickly, and was not afraid of severe pain. Like a walking dead, he stuck to Ace's side.

"What a hassle!"

Ace knocked Metron into the air with one punch.

Just as he was about to release the vertical guillotine, two laser beams were shot from the hands of the Metron star who landed.



"Come with me to find my father!"

The Metatron star who has been smoking cosmic poppies for a long time still retains a clear consciousness. He flew towards Ace, biting his shoulder with his ferocious mouth, and the mucus dripped down.


Enduring the severe pain, Ace pulled the Metronian's head away, kicked his feet, and kicked him away.

He released the laser light at the fastest speed, severely injuring the Metron star, and then pulled his hands, and the guillotine sprayed out vertically.

The Metron star split open, and Skittles flowed out of his body.

Looking at the other side, under Takano Jun's intentional control, Muruchi, who was being played around by the four-dimensional phenomenon, kept bumping into Doragari.

So much so that this impulsive super beast was directly furious, and gave Muruqi two big mouths when he went up.

And Muruqi himself is a monster with a ferocious nature. If he hadn't been raised by the previous generation of Metronians, the Metronians in this area would have been eaten by him long ago.

When Doragari beat it, Muruqi opened his mouth wide, and his poisonous fangs pierced deeply into Dorragori's body.

Most of the monsters are inferior to super beasts. After being attacked by the weak food in its eyes, Dragley immediately abandoned the orders of the Yabo people.

Doragri roared loudly, knocked Muruqi back with terrifying force, and then brutally dismembered the monster Muruqi.

Whack teammates!

No, violently kill teammates!

Seeing this scene, the Yapo people in the different dimension wished they could rush to the earth and press Dolagri into the ground and kick him.

There was only one enemy left, Takano Jun felt relieved, he switched the Agur card, and Ace followed each other, each released a kill light, and killed the pig enemy.

At the same time, Sophie and the others have completely destroyed the demon star koala.

Considering that the energy after the explosion might affect the earth, the first generation, Seven, and Jack worked together to compress the terrifying energy of the explosion and throw it out of the solar system.

Sophie unleashes a simple m87 beam to clean up the huge meteorite fragments.

When everything was done, they left.

When leaving, Sophie stopped suddenly, looked back at somewhere in the outer space of the earth, stared for a moment, and then left.

The Yabo people in the different dimension who were going to see the demon star Koala seemed to feel that Sophie had really seen him. He was restless, but kept comforting himself.

"It is impossible for someone to directly see through the dimensional space."


"Absolutely impossible!"

In the next second, there was a sudden explosion where the Yabo people were located.

"Impossible... Sophie..."

……… Off-topic…………

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(End of this chapter)

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