Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 13 Civilization Development Riding Against the Current

Chapter 13 Civilization Development Riding Against the Current
"I'm here to reiterate that the coalition needs stronger weapons."

"The failure of the Bogu Nebula battle fully demonstrated the obsolescence of our military equipment."

"According to the survivors of the battle, the heavy armor of the battleship is no longer defensive in the slightest. The psionic energy of the swarm creatures can even pass through the solid armor unscrupulously, crushing the crew in the battleship into meat balls. And all the counterattacks of our fleet cannot cause substantial damage to the enemy."

"The soldiers of the Union Army are not afraid of sacrifice, but they need to win, and they cannot afford to lose, because behind them are countless compatriots, countless people they need to protect... and everyone present."

In the Galaxy Alliance meeting, all kinds of aliens gathered in this conference hall constructed from virtual space.

Due to the large number of participating races and the need to meet their needs to express their political demands in real time, a conference hall composed of virtual space has become necessary.

The focus of debate at this meeting is the upgrade of the Allied fleet's armaments.

In the Battle of the Bogu Nebula, the bee colony led by Lu Entropy won the war with an overwhelming advantage. It was like jumping wildly on the sensitive nerves of the Galaxy Alliance. Lack of security.

The member forces of the Galaxy Alliance urgently need a force.

A force that can counter the swarm of Babel and defend their civilization and race.

However, there is a problem here, how should the new armament be developed?And who should develop it?To whom should the alliance's resources be concentrated?

And while the Galaxy Alliance was arguing endlessly over resources, their opponents were also changing.

Bogus nebula, white dwarf system.

The meteorite floating in the star system suddenly shattered, as if it was crushed by some external force.

On the nest star, Lu Entropy, who is connected to the swarm network, opened his eyes in disappointment.

"Extending to 1 million kilometers is the limit, and it is still the same as before."

"It seems that it is just a simple physical connection, and there is no way to bypass the psionic class."

Psionic energy has a range of influence, just like gravity, which decreases with distance, and the farther away from the psionic brain, the weaker the influence of psionic energy.

The higher the level of psionic power, the greater the range of influence.

Although Lu Entropy can concentrate multiple psychic brains to release psychic energy at one point, it can exert physical effects far exceeding the tenth-level psychic power, but in the final analysis, these are still only ten-level psychic brains, and the distance of action is still the same. It is only limited to the distance of the tenth level of psionic ability.

Therefore, Lu Entropy thought, if these psychic brains are connected in parallel, can they be regarded as a brain?
As we all know, the brain is made up of brain cells, so if these ten-level psionic brains are used as the 'brain cells' of a super brain, can they reach a higher psionic level?

Lu Entropy carried out experiments with such doubts in mind, but unfortunately, the range of action is still at the level of tenth-level psionic power, and the physical impact is still similar to that of non-parallel connection.

"Why is this happening? Now that these brains are connected to each other, they should be regarded as the same brain in theory..." Lu Entropy frowned and thought.

"Could it be that the level of spiritual power usage is no longer determined by body size, but by the structure of the brain?"

Lu Entropy frowned, feeling that this direction of thinking seemed to be most in line with the experimental results.

Some individuals in the bee colony had brains about the same size as Lu Entropy, and their psychic powers were all higher than one level, but he didn't even have one level, so it could only be due to the structure of the brain.

"Forget it, this matter should be left to other bee colony individuals to study."

Lu Entropy shook his head and gave up his intention to investigate further, because there were other things waiting for him.

Lu Entropy walked out of the cave he had lived in for a long time, and walked into the big cave he dug when he preached to the bee colony last time.

From the path made by the densely packed worker bees in the cave, climb up to the granite platform again.

Lu Entropy pondered for a while, glanced at the worker bees in the audience, and then asked: "Are you all individuals with brains now?"

Worker bees, you look at me, I look at you, and then focus on Lu Entropy again.

Lu Entropy asked again: "Who hasn't hatched the brain of the master brain for himself?"

No one in the swarm network answered.

"No answer." Lu Entropy nodded, and then said: "Then I will take it as your default, and all of them have hatched."

"Then, what we're going to talk about next, I don't have to worry about any of you not being able to understand the basic concepts."

The worker bees looked at Lu Entropy suspiciously. All the individuals in the bee colony led by Lu Entropy also looked at them through the sensory organs of the worker bees, wondering what their main brain, which was very different from the previous bee colony master brains, wanted to tell them.

Lu Entropy paused, and then asked: "What do you think is the ultimate goal that the bee colony has been pursuing?"

"Survive, continue the race."

In the bee colony network, soon the bee colony individuals answered the question of Lu entropy.

Lu Entropy nodded, and then asked: "Yes, survival, what should we do if there are factors blocking the survival of the bee colony?"

"Destroy! Eliminate! Even if you pay any price, you must go on the road of survival!" The individual bee colony replied.

Lu Entropy then asked: "Then what if the master of the bee colony wants to destroy the bee colony?"

All of a sudden, the bee colony individuals led by Lu Entropy fell silent, and the bee colony network suddenly became quiet.

After a while, an individual vetoed: "That's impossible."

After the master dies, the new master is selected by the bee colony, and if it can be recognized by the bee colony and become the master, there is no reason to lead the bee colony to destruction.

Individual hives think this way.

"Nothing is impossible, even if the master doesn't think so, he can do bad things with good intentions." Lu Entropy said.

Lu Entropy said slowly: "Every time I sleep, because of the memory of the bee colony, I will inevitably recall the 43 years when the Babel bee colony has not yet contacted the Void God and has not yet obtained spiritual power."

"The entire Babel bee colony can't find the direction of race development at all. It is obsessed with collecting the genes of creatures. In the end, it can only use the light radiation of stars to randomly mutate genes and then screen them to make such a slight progress. .”

Lu Entropy looked seriously at the group of worker bees in the audience, and said solemnly: "You chose me, so as the mastermind, I must be worthy of your choice."

"I kept thinking, what is the reason that caused the swarm to be trapped in their parent star system for 43 years? Why didn't the civilization on the side of the Galaxy Alliance be trapped in their parent star system for 43 years? Why are bee colonies that can optimize their own abilities through genetics inferior to those naturally evolved species?"

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Cruel competition for survival is the law of the universe, and the stagnation of development itself means running counter to survival. During the 43-year stagnation period of the bee colony, who is it? It is always like an insurmountable barrier, blocking The development and survival of the entire Tower of Babel bee colony?"

Having obtained the brain of the main brain, complex thinking is not a problem for the bee colony led by Lu Entropy.

After Lu Entropy's questioning like this, the reason why the Babel swarm was trapped in its parent star system for 43 years and its development stagnated gradually became clear.

Lu Entropy continued: "I have been thinking about this question for a long time, until this time when we met the mastermind chosen by the new master of the bee colony, I finally knew the reason."

"It is the master and the mastermind it chooses that prevent the Babel swarm from surviving, but in the final analysis, the problem lies with the master, because the mastermind is chosen by the master."

Lu Entropy's shocking remarks to the individual bee colony caused quite a stir in the bee colony network.

(End of this chapter)

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