Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 17 Planetary Creatures Also Breed

Chapter 17 Planetary Creatures Also Breed
In the capital city of the Dias Empire, many Dias people took to the streets.

On the sky of the dome, the big round light ball that gently illuminated their race for an unknown number of years now grew a long and thin 'tail'.

Since the imperial fleet guarding their capital star was defeated, this 'tail' has grown on their parent star.

In space, a large amount of stellar matter is extracted by the majestic spiritual energy of the planetary organisms. These materials are gathered together by the spiritual energy, and then spontaneously combined into a plasma ball under the action of universal gravitation.

Gravity itself can restrain matter, so there is no need for planetary creatures to use psionic energy to bring these plasma matter together.

Planetary organisms only need to use spiritual energy to provide the plasma sphere with an initial velocity of revolving around the star, and all that remains to be done is to continuously inject star mass into this plasma star to make its volume continuously increase.

After the volume of the plasma sphere reaches the same volume as itself, the sphere will be covered with a warp space-time bubble by the planetary organisms, and thrown to a place far away from the star, and then the plasma planet will be surrounded by spiritual energy, and the planet will Stretches space-time around the center.

The scorching light of the plasma planet is dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As we all know, according to the scaling effect, if the space is compressed, the time will also be affected, so the closer the matter is to the black hole, the slower the entropy increase rate.

So in turn, if space is stretched, like the expansion of the universe, time will also speed up.

The majestic spiritual energy stretches the time and space near the plasma planet. In the normal time and space, a day has passed, but for the plasma planet in the expanding time and space, a year or even more has passed.

After the surface of the planet is completely cooled, the swarm creatures can start to incubate this planet made entirely of star matter into planetary creatures.

With the passage of time, the Dias people in the capital star discovered that their parent star had an extra long and thin 'tail', and the bright parent star also dimmed a little.

However, even such a slight change would have a huge impact on the capital star of the Dias Empire.

The temperature of the surface of the earth dropped sharply, and all parts of the world began to enter the ice age. The sky around the world no longer rained, and all of them were snowfall.

In the end, without even contacting negotiations, the government of the capital star of the Dias Empire has been begging for landing, and the entropy bee colony has infected them all with bee colony spores.


The fall of the capital star of the Dias Empire was spread to all member forces of the Galaxy Alliance at an extremely fast speed on the day the defense war ended.

Undoubtedly, this news caused extreme panic among other members of the Galaxy Alliance.

They originally thought that even if the Dias Empire couldn't defeat the mutated bee swarm, they could at least last for a while, but they didn't expect that the capital star would be directly washed away by the enemy.

Although the strategic decision-making center of the Dias Empire is not in the capital star, it is an unprecedented blow to the morale of the Dias Empire, and it also makes it difficult for other members of the Starship Alliance to think that the Dias Empire can survive.

"We can't wait any longer! New weapons must be installed as soon as possible!"

"There are still many safety tests that have not been completed. It is irresponsible for the lives of soldiers to rush new weapons into the battlefield!"

"Responsibility? Will the swarm of Babel give us a chance to show responsibility?"

"It's our turn next!"

Stimulated by the fall of the capital of the Dias Empire, the Starship Alliance quickly reached an agreement to quickly install weapons that are still in safety testing into the fleet. As for other issues such as safety, they can only be discovered during combat, and then slowly resolved. adjusted.

With the living intelligence network that used bee colony spores to infect and spread earlier, Lu Entropy naturally knew the news a few days after the Galaxy Alliance made the decision.

"New weapons?"

Lu Entropy frowned. He had known this news for a long time. The new weapons were not considered military secrets. The announcement would also make the people more confident and improve their morale.

However, Lu Entropy is not clear about the specific new weapons, but based on the official announcement of the Galaxy Alliance, it seems that they are extremely lethal to bee colonies.

In the past, Lu Entropy was quite nervous. After all, it was an interstellar alliance of multiple civilizations. What if someone suddenly gave him a technological explosion?
But now, Lu Entropy feels that the Galaxy Alliance has a lot of bragging, and it's not that he takes it lightly. He really can't imagine what else the Galaxy Alliance can create that can wrestle with the planetary creatures on his side.

"Let's just wait and see what happens."

After thinking about it, Lu Entropy felt that it was not safe, and he ordered: "There is no need to act on the solid planet during this time, and concentrate on incubating and transforming it into a planetary creature."

Planetary creatures are not specialized individuals, but mass-produced ones!
If one planetary creature's psionic powers aren't enough to take out your enemies, get another one!
The most important thing for a bee colony is quantity!

On a desolate planet full of yellow sand, there stands an area covered by a transparent cover.

Compared with the desolation outside, the interior of the hood is full of vitality, and animals and plants can be seen everywhere, but this area is the same as the outside, and the tombstones silently interpret the theme here-death.

This planet used to be the most prosperous commercial hub in the Inlon Sea Kingdom. Countless merchant ships anchored here, loaded and unloaded goods. Here, every inch of land was precious, and a house could buy a livable planet.

Because the Lunhai people are lavish on this planet, countless people flock to it because they can buy anything they can think of, as well as things they can't think of.

Until the arrival of the bee swarm, the brutal orbital biochemical bombardment took hold, devouring everything on the planet's surface, and then being baptized by the Starship Alliance Fleet's orbit...

Today there is only this cemetery left on Campello, which commemorates the victims of this planet.

Located in the center of the cemetery is a huge obelisk with densely packed text engraved on it.

An Inlonhai man in military outer armor stood quietly in front of the obelisk, standing for a long time like a statue.

"Commander Berndt, you are indeed here."

In the distance, an Yinlunhai man wearing low-level military outer armor came from a distance.

"It's time to go."

"Sorry, Boss, I'm used to coming to say goodbye to my family members before going to battle." Berndt turned his head to look at his adjutant with an apologetic expression.

The adjutant came over and gave a military salute, then said, "I can understand."

"No, you won't understand. Everyone's pain is unique." Berndt shook his head slightly, then turned his head to look at the obelisk, and after a moment of silence, asked faintly: "I heard, Dias Has the Warmaster of the Empire been executed by his own civilization?"

The adjutant nodded and said: "Yes, new mutations have taken place in the swarm creatures. The strategy formulated by the commander of the Dias Empire is useless. According to the battle report, it seems that a planetary swarm creature has appeared. Its spirit The reaction was even better than that of Void God, most of the warships participating in the battle were violently pinched into metal balls, and only a small number of ships fled the battlefield."

"Really? That's really good news." Berndt sighed.


The adjutant was startled, not understanding what his boss said.

The Tower of Babel swarm is the public enemy of all races in the river system. Even if the relationship between the two civilizations is not harmonious, they still have the same interests in treating the swarm of Babel.

The capital star of the Dias Empire has fallen. Such news indicates that the gap between the equipment of the swarm creatures and the Starship Alliance fleet is too great, so that it is no longer possible to rely solely on quantity to make up for the quality gap.

Why did my boss agree with such a severe situation?

"My old friend brought me good news. Now, I'm [-]% sure." Berndt smiled and didn't explain the reason further.

(End of this chapter)

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