Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 25 The Star Destroyer Strategy Is Too Ruthless

Chapter 25 The Star Destroyer Strategy Is Too Ruthless
In the open area between the stars, even a bystander who does not understand science and technology can see at a glance that two groups of space forces belonging to different forces are colliding fiercely.

One side is a new fleet of the Galaxy Alliance, and the other side is the planetary creatures on Lu Entropy's side. A fleet is fighting a planet-sized creature.

This is completely head-to-head, because the battlefield where the two sides exchanged fire was selected among stars with a very low material density, an environment with only one atom per cubic meter on average.

Therefore, neither the Galaxy Alliance nor the planetary creatures can use the environment to gain a greater advantage for themselves. The comparison is who has the stronger hard power without the help of foreign objects.

This kind of confrontation was not a command error by Lu Entropy, but he did it on purpose. The purpose was to find out whether the improved planetary creatures could face head-to-head with the fleet of the Galaxy Alliance. He needed to find out in this small-scale actual battle. all questions.

In this way, there is no need to think about how to solve these problems in the future, because the problems have already been solved.

Lu Entropy found that planetary creatures performed much better than in the original test. The enemy's black hole-induced strike was discovered in an instant, and in the next instant, the ones that had changed direction were thrown back, destroying the enemy fleet. of a battleship.

This is all due to the time acceleration effect of space-time expansion. The psionic brains of planetary creatures can have sufficient time to react. With the ability of the swarm network to transmit information at super-light speed, the black hole-induced strike cannot form an effective attack in a short time. threaten.

Dazzling light spots are constantly being produced on the edge of the Sentinel Nebula, and each light spot is a miniature black hole that evaporates. Against the background of the starry sky, it looks like a string of bright pearl necklaces.

The fleet of the Star River Alliance didn't know that they were being used as trial and error stones by others, thinking that they had finally caught the bee swarm creatures that hadn't had time to hide in the nebula, and the huge fleet bit the enemy tightly.

You must know that because most bee colonies are hiding in the nebula, the effect of the black hole inducing weapon is greatly weakened. The nest star that is not hiding in the nebula like the current one is a rare and large amount of military exploits.

At first, no one thought that they could not win the battle, because countless previous battles have shown that the new warships are lethal to the enemy.

Although the commander of this fleet is a little strange, why there is a layer of cloud covering the stars, but compared with the nebula, he thinks that this layer of cloud can try to break through, what if it succeeds?
Moreover, just to be on the safe side, they also called the nearby fleet to come over.

With multiple fleets encircling and suppressing together, how can such a small cloud and fog stop the continuous black hole-induced attacks?
It's settled!

Not only the commander of the fleet, but also all the crew members in the fleet think so.

But as time went by, the clouds and mist were unexpectedly difficult to become thinner, and such thoughts were gradually fading from their minds.

Because they discovered that the enemy can detect and lock the induced microscopic black hole at an unimaginable speed, and use psionic energy to throw the induced microscopic black hole at them.

Although due to the long distance and the scattered intervals between the fleets, these microscopic black holes only hit a small number of ships in the fleet, but this also caused a lot of damage to the Starship Alliance fleet.

Even if they reduce the frequency of black hole-induced strikes, the enemy can continue to maintain high-intensity black-hole-induced strikes with the matter in the cloud.

The gravity disruptor ship is being destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it will soon be the main ship's turn!
Now, the only hope of this fleet is the reinforcements that are coming. If multiple fleets double-team, they can eat this enemy!
The idea was good, but when the commander of the fleet saw an order from the staff, he almost fainted.

After reading the military information and orders sent by the staff, the commander of the fleet commanded without hesitation.

"Evacuate the battlefield!"

The Starship Alliance fleet entered FTL without hesitation.

The planetary creature didn't force the opponent to stay, not because it didn't want to do so, but because the enemy fleet was outside the range of its psychic power.

The fleet was in a state of superluminal speed, and the deputy commander, who escaped from the tense decision-making command, asked the main commander somewhat unwillingly.

"Why did you order the evacuation? If we can maintain a distance to keep fighting and delay the arrival of other fleets, it is not impossible to take down the nest star of this swarm creature."

In this battle, one-tenth of the capital ship was lost, and two-thirds of the gravitational disruptor ship was lost. Such a large number of ships were ruined, and they just evacuated like this, which is really not reconciled.

"No one will support us." The chief conductor explained helplessly.

"The Babel swarm is detonating stars on a large scale. The fleets at other occupation points have already retreated. If our fleet does not retreat, it will be surrounded by swarm creatures." The chief commander explained while gnashing his teeth.

Why didn't he want to unite multiple fleets to strangle the enemy who was finally caught, but he couldn't do it.

The Tower of Babel swarm is using miniature black holes on a large scale to destroy the stars in the battlefield, and then set the nebula wreckage left by the explosion of these stars as a garrison point, fighting steadily and step by step.

In this way, the Galaxy Alliance will be forced to give up those star fields that were finally captured.

After all, you can't stay in the star system and catch a supernova explosion with your face, right?

When the deputy commander heard this, his expression became extremely ugly.

This strategy was implemented by the swarm creatures, directly turning the Galaxy Alliance from an offensive posture to a defensive posture.

The chief conductor sighed full of worry: "Although I never naively thought that the swarm creatures would not learn from us, it's just..."

"It's just that I didn't expect them to be able to do it so quickly. Before, they knew nothing but molecular genes."


On the other side, in the swarm network, Lu Entropy gave orders tirelessly.

"Fry! Anything that is not under the control of the bee colony can be fried! Don't ask me what can be fried and what can't be fried!"

"You have to know how to distinguish this kind of thing!"

While fighting, Lu Entropy did not forget to give on-site teaching explanations to the mastermind and master.

"Did you see it? Masters, masterminds, this is how interstellar wars are fought."

"Use all means to enhance your own advantages and weaken the enemy's advantages. As long as you can achieve this goal, you can do it by any means."

"Because if you don't, your enemy will, so you have to be the first to beat your enemy to pieces."

A mastermind held a small notebook and pen in its tentacles, and nodded his ridiculously large head in a serious manner.

"I see."

Through the swarm network, Lu Entropy saw the mastermind nodding at a glance, as well as other masterminds and masters, and immediately said dissatisfied: "Got it, don't take notes! How can you deepen your memory without taking notes when you study?"

"I want to continue to be the waste of the bee colony, eat and die, right? Give me a pump! Give me a hard pump! Smoke until they are willing to study hard!"

With an order, a tentacle-like bee colony next to the master and the master directly used the slender body as a whip, and lashed at the master and the master.

"I'm writing it down! I'm writing it down! Don't type it! I'm writing notes!"

The pained cries of the masterminds and masters echoed in the swarm network.

"Cut, you won't cry if you don't see the coffin." Lu Entrop curled his lips in disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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