Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 27 The Mastermind Thought Is Too Simple

Chapter 27 The Mastermind Thought Is Too Simple
Planetary creatures are dead!
As the first planetary creature was killed by the black hole-induced blow of the Galaxy Alliance, this news was quickly transmitted at super-light speed in the psionic network of the Babel swarm, causing quite a shock.

The masterminds of the swarm knew that the planetary creatures were improved after Lu Entropy's swarm experienced the war on Kayo, and they aimed at the black hole-induced strike of the Galaxy Alliance.

They have also heard Lu Entropy introduce the principle of planetary creatures against the new warships of the Galaxy Alliance. While admiring Lu Entropy's wisdom, they do not think that planetary creatures will lose to the fleet of the Galaxy Alliance.

However, the reality has directly smashed the masterminds' cognition to pieces.

The scout nebula of planetary creatures doesn't work? !
Does that further extension mean that the entire Star Destroyer plan to create nebulas will no longer work?

"Why panic? This is what the mastermind Lu Entropy predicted early on."

The master reprimanded in the swarm network, and at the same time felt great admiration for Lu Entropy's wisdom.

Juggernaut still remembers what Lu Entropy said to it before, the current military strategy against the Galaxy Alliance is not durable, and the Galaxy Alliance will find a solution soon.

What is it called?Foretelling is like a god!
It is not uncommon to see things like gods in human history, but there is no such existence in the history of the Babel swarm.

There are few individuals in the bee colony that use their brains, which directly limits the basic disk for talent breeding.

In addition, the main brain has no life limit, and it is not easy to die, so that the probability of resourceful talents being born in the swarm of Babel is lower than that of winning the first prize in the lottery.

"Master Lu Entropy, the Galaxy Alliance has made a strategy to counter the bee swarm, what should the bee swarm do next?" the master asked Lu Entropy through the psionic network.

Lu Entropy, who hadn't participated much in the dialogue between the main brains, suddenly said at this moment: "Before answering this question, I want to know the results of your studies during this time."

"Assuming that the swarm is under your command now, how do you make decisions?"

The Master and Masterminds were taken aback, they didn't expect that Lu Entropy would suddenly ask them this.

The masterminds didn't answer, and they couldn't think of any good way to solve the problem of the Colossus Fleet for a while.

The bee colony relies on the nebula to compete with the new warships of the Galaxy Alliance. Now the Colossus fleet joins in, hiding outside the range of psychic energy to destroy the nebula environment.

They can't command the swarm to go out from the nebula and confront the Starship Alliance's fleet, can they?

This is definitely unbeatable.

The overlord and the masterminds thought for a long time before answering hesitantly: "This...increases the number of planetary creatures?"

"Why increase the quantity again? Use your brain! Use your brain!"

Lu Entropy slapped his forehead. He now understands how his math teacher felt when he was in elementary school and couldn't memorize multiplication formulas.

"Then...then what should I do?" a mastermind asked cautiously.

Lu Entropy tried his best to suppress his urge to whip the whip, and replied as kindly as possible: "Look, I will teach you how to use your brain to fight again. If you don't understand anything this time, just ask directly, and I will explain it clearly to you."

Seeing that the ruler and masterminds were still dumbfounded and didn't react, Lu Entropy didn't make a fuss.

"What are you doing in a daze? Take notes! Do you want me to write for you?"

"Oh, oh! Write it down now!"

Thinking of the experience of being whipped before, the master and the masterminds hurriedly picked up their pens and notebooks with their tentacles, assuming they were serious about studying.


The bee colony moved under the command of Lu Entropy, and every five planetary creatures were grouped into a team to act collectively, and the distance between each planetary creature was about three light years.

Although it takes three years for light to travel this distance, it doesn't even take a second for the planetary creatures to reach their respective positions at super-light speed.

The Starship Alliance's fleet repeated its old tricks, launching a surprise attack on a planetary creature in space again by using a new type of warship to cooperate with the Colossus Fleet.

Outside the scout nebula of the planetary creatures, a huge fleet suddenly appeared, causing the gravitational disruptor ship to release gravitational waves immediately, interfering with the formation of the superluminal warp bubbles of the planetary creatures, thus completely blocking the possibility of superluminal warp.

The colossus fleet collectively started charging, intending to empty the scout nebula wrapped around the planetary creatures in one go like last time.

The next moment, four planetary creatures that had just finished superluminal speed suddenly appeared near the Colossus Fleet.

"Oops! We've been bitten! This is a trap!"

"Evacuate! Evacuate immediately!"

Looking at the huge eyes of the planetary creatures staring at them in the scout clouds, the commander of the Colossus Fleet realized that something was wrong, and panickedly ordered the fleet under his command to enter superluminal speed, and at the same time, he did not forget to let the nearby Galaxy Alliance fleet Give up the blockade of offense and superluminal speed.

However, the commanding officer of the Colossus Fleet quickly despaired of the reports from his subordinates.

Even if the gravitational disruptors of the friendly forces stop operating, the Colossus Fleet still cannot enter the superluminal speed. The four planetary creatures release the same interference gravitational waves as the gravitational disruptors. The possibility of the Colossus Fleet entering superluminal speed is completely blocked.

Facing the joint firepower of the four planetary creatures, the entire Colossus fleet was wiped out in just a few minutes. Although the nearby Starship Alliance fleet has been pouring firepower, trying to attract firepower for the Colossus fleet, it is useless at all. All the strikes hit the edge of the Scout Nebula, unable to cause much damage to the planetary creatures.

After the Colossus Fleet was wiped out, the remaining Starship Alliance fleets were completely mere meat on the chopping block.

Even though the fleet was not within the range of the planetary creature's spiritual power, the planetary creature couldn't simply squeeze all the opponent's warships into metal balls floating in space.

However, planetary creatures can block the enemy fleet's ability to escape at super-light speed, and with the assistance of the scouts thrown out continuously, a large number of microscopic black holes are induced in the enemy fleet to attack, and the huge Galaxy Alliance fleet is quickly wiped out at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

The entire battle took less than half an hour from the beginning to the end, because everything happened too suddenly, Lu Entropy had planned for a long time, and the Starship Alliance fleet was unprepared.

Lu Entropy, who commanded the end of the battle, immediately ordered the planetary creatures to enter superluminal speed and evacuate the battlefield.

The moment the planetary creatures left, a large number of Starship Alliance fleets arrived late, and all they could see was a messy battlefield...

Hand in hand, he demonstrated to the swarm masters and masterminds what unity is strength and the importance of coordinated operations. Lu Entropy converted the memory of this battle into a video in the form of electrical signals, and then passed through the occupied area of ​​​​the Dias Empire. The relationship network was sent to the Galaxy Alliance.

In addition, at the end of the video, Lu Entropy deliberately added the word 'vegetable' written in Union language.

To put it clichédly, it's called sarcasm.

Professionally, this is called a mental attack.

Attacking others does not have to be limited to physical attacks, but also mentally.

Just as the so-called qi hurts the body, Lu Entropy can't help the military decision makers of the Galaxy Alliance for the time being, but he can piss off these aliens. Death, then Lu Entropy must have made a profit.

It's not bad anyway, why not give it a try?

(End of this chapter)

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