Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 311 The Alien Female Attempts to Seduce

Chapter 311 The Alien Female Attempts to Seduce

The two officers who had come from the general headquarters went back.

Before leaving, they asked Lu Entropy to write a few more letters analyzing the situation on the future battlefield based on the current news reports on the front line, and to predict some crisis situations on the battlefield.

Although the two officers now believed in Lu Entropy more than doubted it, the doubts did not disappear.

The belief of the two officers was based on the background investigation of the fourth young master of the Fuwa family, combined with the conclusions drawn from a series of interrogations after that. These intelligence data were collected by them themselves. Naturally, their belief is greater than their suspicion.

However, further proof is needed to convince those high-level military officers at the General Command.

The way to prove it is very simple, that is, let Lu Entropy predict the future situation of the frontline battlefield like the last time, just like the previous email sent to the headquarters.

Moreover, the format of the mail was different this time. The two officers specifically asked Lu Entropy to write on a piece of paper-like fiber membrane in front of them, and secretly recorded the whole process with equipment.

For the arrangement of the two Plinka soldiers, Lu Entropy naturally knew everything through the medium creatures lurking in the dark. The Plinka civilization has long since lost any secrets to the Babel bee colony.

Not only the Plinka civilization, but all the interstellar civilizations involved in the interstellar war, none of them have a secret from the bee colony.

Some of their civilized subjects hide in a certain small universe, and some hide themselves in virtual worlds constructed with microscopic machinery as the main body, but these methods are useless at all. The medium creatures followed the traces of their fleet and found them easily. The stronghold of these civilizations.

This is why Lu Entropy can predict the battlefield. After knowing all the variables, he only needs to simply combine these variables to predict the future to a certain extent.

A simple example is like a glass falling from a table. When you see the glass falling from the table, your brain quickly realizes that the glass must be broken when it hits the ground a few seconds later.

However, at this time, the glass is still in mid-air, has not yet touched the ground, and has not been torn apart.

So at this time, you are actually predicting the future of the glass in a few seconds by collecting the information of 'the glass is falling from the table'.

Of course, such a prediction has a strict proviso, that is, the acquisition of variable information. The more variable information is obtained, the more accurate the prediction will be.

For example, if you see a glass falling off a table without noticing that someone nearby is reaching for the falling glass at a faster rate, then the reality will be that the glass is not broken , contrary to the future of the glass predicted by your brain.

Therefore, this kind of prediction can only be used against opponents whose strength is much lower than that of the swarm. If the gap is not large, or when the strength of the swarm is far lower than that of the opponent, the prediction effect will be ridiculously poor, and it is not as good as freezing reincarnation at all. use.

But it is enough for now. Predicting the future movements of a series of interstellar civilizations participating in the war, including the Pulinka civilization, is basically no pressure on the bee colony.

Lu Entropy wrote the predicted results on the fibrous membrane, and also thoughtfully drew a few rough simplified situation maps to facilitate the understanding of subsequent readers.

Of course, Lu Entropy is also careful not to write analysis beyond the scope of information acquisition of the character 'Fuwahu'. Some places can be fooled by well-founded 'guess' and 'suspect', but some places can't.

After such a period of time, the development of things did not surprise Lu Entropy.

Lu Entropy obtained the communication from the General Command, and his original file, the email sent to the General Command, and the two officers from the General Command who visited the academy, all these things have entered the confidentiality regulations.

Those Plinka people who were born in the military family seemed to have received some news, and they came over openly and secretly to be close to Lu Entropy. Lu Entropy, who was only a passerby in the academy, suddenly became a star. Such an existence, just like the mouse king who suddenly slipped and fell to his death.

Lu Entropy was annoyed by these Pulinka people in the academy who wanted to get close to him, but according to the general command, they hoped that Lu Entropy would first complete the military training in the academy to improve his military quality.

This is very necessary in the eyes of the general headquarters, otherwise, when one of the military staff members discusses strategies after joining the general headquarters, he will have to explain some military terminology to the other party for a long time.

In order to plan a smooth Lu Entropy, he could only choose to accept the arrangement of the general headquarters. Most of the time, he chose to stay in the dormitory of the academy. The closed door blocked many Pulinka people who wanted to get close.

The existence of Fu Wahu has gradually become mysterious in the academy since then. After all, his files and many things related to him have entered the confidentiality regulations, and only people from the general headquarters can read them.

However, although the door of the dormitory blocks most of the visitors, there are always some uninvited guests that cannot be blocked, such as at this moment.

"What are you here for?"

Lu Entropy looked expressionlessly at the large alien rat who entered the dormitory and sat on the sofa generously.

The person who came was the eldest lady of the Nasu family, who was the person mentioned by the head of the Nasu family and the head of the Fuwa family when they discussed the marriage contract.

Lu Entropy didn't intend to meet the other party at first, but the other party showed the token of the patriarch Fuwa, and Lu Entropy, who didn't want the plan to change, let the other party in first.

"It's so cold, no matter how you say it, I'm your future wife." As she spoke, Miss Nasu winked at Lu Entropy charmingly.

Seeing Lu Entropy's unresponsive expression, Miss Nasu suddenly changed the subject, "Or, is there a beauty that my fiancé has taken a fancy to and can't wait to get rid of my burden?"


I can't appreciate the beauties of alien rats!
Can you stop winking, I'm not good at this!
Lu Entropy slandered in his heart. If it weren't for the fact that among the many aliens who can lose their san value, the Plinka people are at least pleasing to the eye, so Lu Entropy would not choose this civilization.

"Your joke is not funny at all." Lu Entropy said.

"I don't like to beat around the bush. What's the matter with finding me suddenly this time?"

While talking, Lu Entropy took out his personal terminal, ignoring the existence of Miss Nasu's family, and found a seat far away from the other party to sit down.

Ignoring is the best order to evict guests, combined with what Lu Entropy said just now - get out as soon as there is nothing important!
The eldest lady of Nasu's family didn't seem to understand the meaning inside, she moved a little closer to the seat where Lu Entropy was sitting, brushed her hair charmingly, and said with some regret: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just the third sister. Although she has betrayed the family and her name has been erased from the family tree, she is still a legal relative, so this time the family sent me to go through the formalities."

"Of course, these are all incidental. Anyone in the family can do this procedure. I took the initiative to take this job, just to see my future genius husband."

Saying that, he winked playfully at Lu Entropy.

"..." Lu Entropy pretended not to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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