Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 32 This Black Hole Is Too Flat

Chapter 32 This Black Hole Is Too Flat
"Empty out an area, there can be no matter in that area, and then gather all your spiritual energy in one point." Lu Entropy ordered.


After the new generation of planetary creatures responded, they drove their majestic spiritual energy into one place.

A small round and black sphere the size of a glass bead appeared out of thin air at the place where the spiritual energy of planetary creatures gathered.

Under the command of Lu Entropy, the planetary creatures freely changed the trajectory of the black ball.

However, unlike general use of psionic energy to change the trajectory of matter, the planetary creature did not use psionic energy to endow those matter with momentum, it just changed the location where its psionic energy gathered.

Lu Entropy thought for a while, and then ordered: "Try to flatten this sphere and change it into a plane without thickness."

Following Lu Entropy's command, the black balls unfolded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. About 7 minutes later, a giant black screen with an area not smaller than the apparent area of ​​the planetary creature appeared at a distance of about 20 kilometers from the planetary creature. Location.

This black curtain is very thin. Through the various senses of the behemoth monster responsible for the observation, Lu Entropy can roughly understand that its thickness is about 3 nanometers.

If Lu Entropy hadn't stopped midway, the planetary creature could continue to extend this shady side to the edge of its psychic power range.

In addition, this huge black screen exudes an unusual gravitational force.

Overlords and Masterminds also observed the test through the swarm network.

Others are fine, they can understand, but Lu Entropy commanded a new generation of planetary creatures to use this kind of frivolous shady, they can't understand what it is at all.

"What's that?" The Master asked curiously.

"A black hole without thickness." Lu Entropy replied.

The Juggernaut first responded clearly, then came to his senses, looked at the huge pitch-black wall in astonishment, and then asked back with the emotion of a collapsed cognition: "Piece? Is this a black hole?"

Of course, the swarm knows what a black hole is. For so many years across the star sea, it is not that the swarm of Babel has never encountered a black hole.

But today's 'slice' of black holes, Babel swarms is truly unheard of.

Lu Entropy explained: "The formation of black holes is essentially the result of matter distorting space-time, so using other things to distort space-time can also achieve the same effect."

"Psychic energy can act on space-time to distort black holes, and psionic energy is at the discretion of the brain, so it becomes possible to change the shape of black holes formed purely by psionic energy distorting space-time."

After finishing speaking, Lu Entropy commanded hundreds of planetary creatures to remove the wrapped scout nebula, and threw stones moving at sub-light speed one after another, hitting the giant black curtain that unfolded towards that side.

These stones, whose kinetic energy is close to the speed of light, fell into this dark scene, just like a fish fell into the bloody mouth of some abyss giant beast, without causing any waves.

Subsequently, Lu Entropy successively tested black hole-induced strikes and ray-like strikes.

Ray type strikes, planetary creatures are not very used in combat, but they can be used. Constrain a beam of particles with psionic energy, then place them in a straight line, and then throw them out with psionic energy like a sub-light speed stone, and it becomes a beam of particles. A stream of high-energy particles moving close to the speed of light.

What neutron jets and positron cannons can be fired with psionic energy, but this is too cumbersome, and it is more convenient to throw stones directly when fighting.

A series of tests, the results of which all announced the impenetrability of this shady side.

Of course it will be like this. A sheet-like black hole is also a black hole. What can penetrate a black hole?

This is simply a shield that can block anything!

The master of the bystander test is naturally very aware of the strategic significance of the shady scene, and he also regrets why he hadn't discovered it before, sitting on a treasure mountain without knowing it.

Twelfth-level psionic powers can be used like this, why didn't I find out before!
Juggernaut wants to vomit blood now.

"End the test." Lu Entropy announced the end of the test with satisfaction, and gave orders to the new generation of planetary creatures and planetary creatures that have not yet been upgraded.

"Swallow star matter, proliferate the same kind, and other planetary creatures with tenth-level psychic power will hatch and transform into twelve-level."


The planetary beings responded.


Lu Entropy, who finished the test, found the master who was still doubting himself through the psionic network.

"Master, how are you thinking about what I told you before?" Lu Entropy said.


Juggernaut, who was still in self-doubt, didn't react for a while.

"It's what changes the social structure of the bee colony."

After Lu Entropy's reminder, Juggernaut understood what Lu Entropy was referring to.

"Does that matter have to be done? I think it's good now."

"The current structure of the bee colony is the most stable and perfect. The bee colony selects individuals with outstanding abilities as the master, and the master guides the development and growth of the bee colony. I don't think the kind of change you mentioned will be a good thing."

"It's not efficient."

Lu Entropy raised his eyebrows and asked: "The efficient, stable and perfect model is pushed to the brink of genocide by the enemy?"

The master retorted: "Your existence just proves that the social structure of the bee colony is perfect. Even if it is at a disadvantage on the verge of extinction, as long as the leader is capable enough, it can continue to guide the bee colony out of the crisis."

"The crisis of the bee colony stems from the problems caused by the old master and my lack of ability. Mastermind Lu Entropy, your ability is more outstanding than mine, and you should become the master of the bee colony."

The master is not obsessed with his own position. After all, he is the individual chosen by the bee colony. To be recognized by the bee colony as the new master, he naturally considers the bee colony more than himself.

"You still don't understand, if I really wanted to be the master, you and those masterminds wouldn't be alive today." Lu Entropy said frankly.

"Have you ever thought about it? Now that I can solve these problems of the Starship Alliance, it doesn't mean that I can solve all the problems that the swarm will face in the future. At that time, it was just another failure of the old master, and once again fell into a stagnation of development. Once on the verge of extinction someday in the future."

"What the bee colony needs is not some individuals with outstanding abilities to lead them, but more individuals who are willing to think about the future of the bee colony and seek progress in thinking."

The master thought it was absurd. Although Lu Entropy described it beautifully, he couldn't imagine what such a bee colony would look like.

"What if it fails?" The Master asked back.

Lu Entropy replied: "If it fails, it's a big deal to return to the old system and try again, but the changes will definitely continue. Only in this way can we develop and progress forever."

"A change in technology will inevitably bring about a change in thinking. Thought and technology are always in an interactive relationship, because any technology must ultimately serve users. A civilization that is unwilling to change its thinking is doomed to a dead end in development, and finally on a dead end. Lingered for a long time until it was destroyed by other transcendents."

"Master, if you are unwilling to agree, then I can only let you agree."

The master was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Lu Entropy told it so much, not asking for its opinion, but asking it to do so!
Because in this way, the things you want to do can be handled more easily!
(End of this chapter)

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