Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 50 Primitive civilization is too small

Chapter 50 Primitive civilization is too small
As a technician assigned by the Alliance to participate in the development of the 'Spear' project, apart from eating, drinking, and messing around, Nufford's biggest daily activity is to check whether the various equipment of the wormhole generator are working well before the test.

Today, as usual, he still dutifully sticks to the post he is in charge of, and quickly and concisely reports the situation of the facilities on the podium that he needs to know.

"Number eight."

"Numerical Observation Tower No. [-], normal." Nufford said.

"Number nine."

"Numerical Observation Tower No. [-], normal." Nufford said.




"number 83?"

Repeated inquiries from the podium, but no report from Nufford.

A few minutes later, the command station called the spaceship monitoring, and saw the collapsed Nafford, whose soft slime body was like a half-thawed ice cream ball.

And Nafford was already unconscious, no matter how the podium called him, he didn't respond.

All of a sudden, the command platform became busy, calling the nearest ambulance to rush to the coordinates where Nufford was.

"Attention the ambulance team, there is a problem with the inspection ship numbered YUOAV! Go to coordinates 3043, 8849, 1225 immediately! Immediately!"

The ambulance that received the order rushed to the coordinate point immediately, and if you zoom out the perspective, you will find that there is not only one ambulance that is so busy rushing to the destination in the entire star system.

When Nufford woke up, he was surprised to find that he was not in the inspection ship where he was working, but was lying on a concave sickbed specially designed for a soft-bodied human like him.

"you're awake?"

Following the sound, Nafford saw a figure that surprised him.

"Director Rice? Where's the test? Didn't the test start?"

Rice main line: "Testing is entering its final stages."

As he said that, Supervisor Rice asked again with concern: "Nafford, how about you? Are you feeling better?"

"I'm fine, I'll go back to my post right now... Cough cough cough!"

Nafford struggled to get up, but with his soft body, after suffering from a serious illness, he couldn't even get up basically. The struggle to force himself to get up was only a violent cough.

Director Rice looked worriedly at Nufford who struggled several times but failed.

"Overwork-type dehydration, your current situation is very bad, and you need to take good care of yourself." Rice said in charge.

The mollusc species that Nufford belongs to, excessive labor will lead to irreversible hydrolysis of itself, which is equivalent to cancer when compared to humans.

Not even cancer, cancer at least has chemotherapy, there is a chance of survival, irreversible hydrolysis has no cure at all, Nufford can only wait for death in this case.

Naford, who knew he was going to die, did not give up the idea of ​​getting up and leaving the sickbed.

"I'm not the first one, this little thing doesn't matter, cough cough..."

"We...every moment we delay here, the alliance will become more dangerous. We can't stop!"

Rice sighed: "Now the 'Spear' project has reached the final finishing stage, and you can't speed up the progress no matter how hard you work, you'd better recuperate with peace of mind."

"Enough familiar partners have died, and I don't want to end up with no one to chat with in private."

Hearing this, Nafford finally relaxed, and watched his friend turn and leave without saying a word for a long time. The pair of membranous wings on his back that had already shrunk due to injury made Nafford feel a little wider.

Back on the podium, Rice received a report from his subordinates.

"Report! The inspection is over! The 99406th trial run test can start at any time!"

Rice nodded, and then ordered: "Start as soon as possible, the alliance doesn't have that much free time."


It is a solid planet orbiting a yellow dwarf star twice the mass of the Sun.

Fortunately, more than 600 million years ago, this solid planet was included in the habitable temperature zone due to the expansion of the yellow dwarf.

The surface was originally covered with thick snow, a piece of dead land, gradually melted under the light of the stars, and evolved into rivers, lakes and seas.

The rain falls on the earth, and a thick atmosphere gradually appears in the sky, which can effectively retain the temperature of the stars.

In this way, more than 600 million years have passed, and a prosperous world of life was born.

On the earth are all kinds of plants and animals that are very different from the creatures on the earth. They grow wantonly and have footprints all over the planet, mountains, rivers, seabeds, deserts and so on.

Some creatures have completely disappeared during these 600 million years, and some creatures have developed during these 600 million years and formed an intelligent civilization.

When the once-a-year torrential rain on the planet washes away the land, those short upright creatures hiding in the caves will crawl out of the caves and come outside to open up wasteland and grow crops.

Their appearance is similar to that of mice, but they are different from earth mice. They have three eyes, and the pupils of each eye are cross-shaped.

Among these hard-working creatures, there are many smarter individuals.

They deliberately set up traps for their compatriots, and deceived them to transfer the ownership of the crops they planted to them in a reasonable way.

For example, tempting them to gamble, taking the opportunity to lend usury, or forcibly merging with plunder.

The structure of the pyramid will become more and more completely solidified over time, such as rulers, armies, capitalists, etc., will gradually appear until the next heavy rain comes, and the entire pyramid structure will be reshuffled.

Since the beginning of historical records, it has gone back and forth for 7 years. This is the historical cycle of this primitive civilization.

However, the reincarnation of these rat people will be broken today.

A certain rat man who was working hard in the field suddenly felt the brightness of the sun on the ground dimmed, and his shadow on the ground was also distorted.

Almost subconsciously, the Rat Man looked up to the sky.

The rat man didn't see the sun he was familiar with. He only saw an extremely bright light occupying the entire sky. This kind of light was so powerful and terrifying, as if it contained unparalleled destructive power.


Then the Ratmen died, along with their mother stars.

Under the violent explosion and the scour of the scattered star matter, the entire planet turned into a lava planet without any life.

On the podium 463 light-years away from the place where the star exploded, Rice and other experimenters did not feel even the slightest sense of guilt for destroying a primitive civilization.

Just cold processing of information.

"How are the various instruments running?" Director Rice asked coldly.

"All the instruments are working normally! No damage!"

Hearing this, Supervisor Rice nodded in satisfaction.

All the instruments are functioning normally, and the target star 463 light-years away has exploded smoothly, all of which proves this.

The design concept of the wormhole strike is finally completed!

But before Rice could express his joy, an urgent message directly shattered his joy.

A pop-up window appeared, and the other end was the commander of a fleet that Rice knew.

The chief commander said seriously: "Director Rice, I have some bad news to inform you. A large number of swarm creatures are preparing to invade the test site."

"The fleet will buy you time, please evacuate as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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