Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 53 This alliance is bursting with confidence

Chapter 53 This alliance is bursting with confidence
Time flies, and the second-generation scouts have completed the deployment of the intelligence network for the three arms of the river system.

Except for some relatively harsh areas, such as the high-energy area in the center of the river system, the vicinity of pulsars, and high-temperature plasma nebulae, etc., more than half of the areas in the river system are monitored by the superluminal bee colony of the Tower of Babel.

Since the second-generation scouts were spread to the third spiral arm, the bee colony has been able to capture many administrative star positions of the Galaxy Alliance.

These administrative stars moving faster than the speed of light will not stay in a star system for more than three days, that is, three earth days.

Every time they arrive in a star system, they will immediately collect all the materials that can be collected in the star system, until the third day is approaching, the people who went into outer space to mine materials will return, and then the entire administrative star will jump away at superluminal speed.

However, the behavior of these mobile administrative stars who think they are very secretive and vigilant is actually very meaningless to the bee colony, because no matter how these administrative stars jump faster than the speed of light, they are always jumping between star systems in the river system. After that, they couldn't jump out of the field of vision of the swarm intelligence network.

I don't know if the current technology of the Galaxy Alliance does not allow them to do this, or if the people on the planet think that the current behavior of exceeding the speed of light every three days is well hidden.

Anyway, until now, the bee colony has not seen any administrative star running outside the river system, they are all running around within a certain range of the river system.

As far as the feeling is concerned, the bee colony feels that there is something wrong with the brain of the Galaxy Alliance. They can think of saving some civilization seeds on the eve of the war, but the Galaxy Alliance does not do so.

In fact, what the masterminds don't know is that the Galaxy Alliance looks at the Babel swarm, and more or less feels that the masterminds on the Babel swarm have something wrong with their brains...

Starship Alliance Staff Headquarters, virtual space.

"Well, it's all in vain!"

A staff officer was full of resentment and threw all the 1kT files into the system trash bin for deletion.

A friend of the staff officer happened to come to see him, but when he saw this scene, he asked worriedly, "Mika, what happened?"

"Do you still remember the battle in the Bilan Starfield?" Micah asked back.

My friend's heart trembled, no one in this battle alliance knew about it, and that was the big news during this period of time.

"The battle that wiped out all the planet-level swarm creatures? Of course I remember, what happened?" the friend asked.

Mika explained helplessly: "After that battle, I will be in charge of the military deployment of that star field."

"After the total annihilation campaign, I predicted that the mutated bee colony would be stimulated and attacked violently, so I invested a lot of energy there, and the result..."

Micah looked like he couldn't go on talking, and his two big ears flapped. This is the way of Micah's race to express extreme sadness. When compared to human beings, it is probably equivalent to hugging your head and crying.

What can make your best friend so sad?
Could it be that some major change occurred in the strategic deployment?
Could it be that the wormhole generating device in the Bilan star field was destroyed by the swarm creatures?
This is not a joke, it would be okay if it was a sneak attack, but if it is a direct conflict, the swarm creatures can destroy the wormhole generating device under the blockade of the Starship Alliance fleet, which means that once the swarm creatures attack wildly, The wormhole generating device combined with the Starship Alliance fleet is not enough to completely destroy the enemy.

But my friend thought about it again, and felt wrong again. Leaving aside the power and unstoppability of wormhole strikes, in terms of military situation, he had no news about such an important military situation, such as the attack by bee swarm creatures.

The friend anxiously asked for proof: "What happened to the Bilan Starfield in the end? Was it breached?"

"No!" Mika resolutely denied his friend's speculation, and then replied: "The result is that the bee swarm attack I was worried about never happened!"

"I spent so much energy, but I didn't get any military merit! Can you believe it?"

"The masterminds of the Babel swarm must have some brain problems. The alliance's preparation period is the best time to launch an attack. How could they miss such a good time? If I were the master, none of them would survive! "

Listening to what Mika said, the friend fell into silence, and looked at Mika very speechlessly, feeling that his emotions just now were wasted on very meaningless things, and he didn't even bother to get angry.

"...wasting my feelings, I suggest you see a doctor immediately."

After finishing speaking, the friend turned around and left, not bothering to pay attention to Micah. In a short time, the first batch of wormhole generating devices will be completed.

At that time, it was the moment of the demise of the swarm creatures. As one of the staff of the strategic deployment, he had to rush to participate in the meeting to seize the occupied area.

"Wait a minute, Regus." Micah called out his friend's name.

Regus didn't stop, but just replied, "What's wrong?"

Micah restrained the weird posture just now, and solemnly reminded his friend Regus.

"The mutated swarm behaved too abnormally this time. They didn't choose to attack at the most suitable time to attack, but chose to maintain a defensive posture like the alliance. This is not a good phenomenon. They must be planning something. I have been A state of restlessness, always feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"This large-scale battle, I hope you can be cautious when deploying." Knowing the attack meeting that his friend is about to participate in, Mica reminded.

"You don't need to tell me, I will do the same." Regus replied.

"No matter what those swarm creatures are planning, it is meaningless. Wormhole strikes ignore time and space, distance, and obstacles. Facing such a crushing force, what can they resist?"

Regus' rhetorical question carried unparalleled confidence, which came from the wormhole strike.

This kind of strike is so perfect, so miraculous, that after Regus first learned about the wormhole strike, it was even inevitable to have the idea of ​​worshiping this high-energy strike.

An instant blow that ignores the scale of time and space and any obstacles, and it is still a black hole that can swallow any matter. What's more, there are already more than one such wormhole generating devices...

Regus could even imagine the tragic scene of the Babel bee swarm raging across the galaxy, when it was wiped out.

Watching the figure of Regus move from the transfer door of the virtual space to other strategic conference halls, Micah's two big ears drooped in disappointment.

"Hopefully my concerns are wrong."


The war is imminent. Countless warships of the Galaxy Alliance set sail from space facilities such as docks and star ports. The patrolling fleet changed its original conservative defensive posture, leaving only a small number of garrison fleets to provide defense for the wormhole generating device. Most of the fleet Set sail into FTL.

These sailing fleets are heading directly to the star field captured by the bee swarm of the Tower of Babel!
Some star systems where mobile administrative stars are temporarily stationed, occasionally the fleet of the Star River Alliance passes by.

The tail flames generated by the reactors carried by the fleet were so bright that tens of millions of stars seemed to suddenly appear in the dark space, turning the administrative star in the night into day, and turning the administrative star in the daytime into daylight. The scorching sun covered it.

At this time, the people on the administrative planet will cheer, give sincere blessings, or burst into tears, excited for the greatness bred by the union of civilizations.

This time, these great things will destroy the evil entrenched in the river system for civilization and for all intelligent races in the river system, and bring peace and beauty to all races.

At least that's what the aliens of the Starship Alliance think...

(End of this chapter)

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