Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 75 This mastermind is too wrong

Chapter 75 This mastermind is too wrong
For Masterminds, today is a very meaningful day.

It set off for the neighboring river system 115 million light-years away from the Vosotis galaxy, and has arrived at its destination.

This means that the bee colony is about to start the next journey.

It is of course so, what the bee swarm wants to plunder is all the quality of the adjacent river system, the civilization in this river system will inevitably choose to make a fierce resistance, and the final result will inevitably evolve into an interstellar war that affects the entire adjacent river system.

Since it will turn into war no matter what, we should think about war from the very beginning.

In addition to intensively preparing for the upcoming war of river system conquest, the masterminds are still arguing about the strategy to be used in the river system war in the swarm network.

Mastermind Moston proposed in the swarm network: "I advocate hidden guerrilla warfare. In the last war in the Vosotis galaxy, it was precisely because the planetary creatures wrapped the small universe and used psionic energy to erect a close entity in the main universe. The illusory image of the Galaxy Alliance, and the strategic deception of the Galaxy Alliance, was the final victory of the war."

"I think the swarm should follow this strategy and pursue a strategy of conquest of the river system."

Back then, the Tower of Babel was able to defeat the Galaxy Alliance, largely because the other party did not understand that the cosmic planetary creatures were not actually in the main universe at all, and the ones in the main universe were false projections simulated with psionic energy. The main body hides in the small universe and releases spiritual energy.

So much so that in the later stages of the war, no matter what weapons the Galaxy Alliance developed to strike, they could not pose any threat to the cosmic planetary creatures, because the target of the strike was wrong from the very beginning.

If at the beginning, the Galaxy Alliance knew that the body of the cosmic planetary organisms was in the small universe, it is still unknown whether the Galaxy Alliance would lose to the Babel swarm.

After all, they can't say that a technological explosion directly develops a technology that can detect the coordinates of the small universe?

And this is also the reason for the opposition of the masterminds who oppose this type of strategy.

The mastermind Graner objected: "I oppose this. If the Galaxy Alliance can't find it, does it mean that the civilization of this river system can't be discovered? The bee colony doesn't know about the civilization of this river system, so they should obtain information first."

"I advocate lightning-style destruction operations. First understand which civilizations in this galaxy can pose a threat to the bee colony, and then hoard and lurk a sufficient number of planetary creatures, and destroy all civilizations in the galaxy at a very fast speed. The planet of civilization is destroyed, and the goal of civilization annihilation is achieved."

"A group of dead civilizations can't pose a threat to the bee colony no matter what."

The lightning-style destruction war mentioned by Graner is actually the space version of the blitzkrieg on the earth. It advocates first understanding the enemy's military industry, civilization, culture, strategic thinking, etc., and after confirming the core of the enemy's civilization, let the lurking planetary creatures rely on superluminal speed. And the immediacy of the swarm network wiped out all the civilizations in the river system in a very short time and at a very fast speed.

What kind of alien civilization is the least threatening to the Babel swarm?The answer is dead civilizations!
Mauston retorted: "No, there are too many variables, which necessarily makes the strategy very low-forgiving."

"Such a large number of planetary creatures choose to hide, how can we guarantee that they will never be exposed? If the civilization of this river system is higher than the technological level of the Galaxy Alliance, the entire strategy will directly go bankrupt."

"And if it's a civilization that all live on spaceships, how do we do such a raid? Let every planetary creature keep secretly tracking every spaceship of the hostile civilization?"

"This kind of operation obviously has great flaws and risks. Once discovered, many advantages of the bee colony will disappear at once, and the situation will be very passive."

Graner retorted unconvinced: "That's better than continuing to use strategic deception. Your strategic thinking will also expose the existence of bee swarms, leading to some strategic advantages of bee swarms, and being too conservative with previous strategic thinking will eventually only Repeat the mistakes of the past."

The masterminds are arguing in the swarm network like this, naturally for the command of this galaxy war.

With the command, and winning a starship war, military talent can be recognized by the swarm of Babel.

No matter which civilization it is, force always occupies a very high right to speak, even in the Babel bee colony, so the approval from the bee colony is very important.

It's not that these masterminds want to compete with Lu Entropy in terms of military ability. They don't have the courage to think about it at the moment. They are more eager to prove their military talents. Don't you?
Can't compare to Lu Entropy, can I not compare to other masterminds?

Today, there is no individual master in the Babel bee colony. If there is a 'master', it is probably the entire Babel bee colony.

Not long after, Lu Entropy, who was discussing with the mastermind Rabbi about which structure the Xinghe farm should adopt, which is more conducive to breeding high-level psionic creatures, received inquiries from countless other bee colony individuals——Lu Entropy, Which strategy do you think is more reliable?

"Both are unreliable, and both are too complicated and conservative to grasp the core of the war at all." Lu Entropy replied bluntly.


All of a sudden, both the mastermind Graner and Moston fell silent.

They also felt that Lu Entropy could come up with a better strategy, but they didn't expect that Lu Entropy would criticize their thinking strategy so low.

Lu Entropy said: "Before intelligent life is intelligent life, it is first a lump of matter, second is an animal, and finally is a living intelligent life."

"Matter always comes first. Everything in the universe comes from matter, including ideas, technology, and culture. Therefore, will cannot defeat steel."

The main brain, Nunnally, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "So... can psionic power defeat steel?"

Lu Entropy asked silently: "Isn't psionic energy material? Doesn't psionic energy originate from matter? Then why do we need brain structure? Just use your personal will to continuously increase the level of psionic energy like a rocket. gone?"

Nunnally thought about it, and found that there was no way to refute it. Indeed, psionic energy cannot exist independently of the brain. Otherwise, why would the Babel swarm be so obsessed with the brain structure?
"I was wrong," Nunnally admitted.

"You are so wrong." Lu Entropy said.


Ignoring Nunnally, who was already speechless, Lu Entropy continued: "War is a matter between civilizations, and it can be understood as a matter between intelligent creatures and intelligent creatures, because any civilization is composed of intelligent creatures, and intelligent creatures Everything in everything is material, so war is also a war between matter and matter.”

Lu Entropy's information transmission in the bee colony network came to an abrupt end, and he discussed with the rabbi again which structure to adopt, which is more conducive to the breeding of higher-level psionic creatures.

The other swarm creatures and even the mastermind thought that Lu Entropy had nothing to say, and waited quietly, so all of a sudden, the swarm network fell into this weird silence.

After waiting for a long time, without waiting for Lu Entropy's next words, Kaisha, the mastermind, asked Lu Entropy in the swarm network: "...and then?"

Lu Entropy:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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