Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 81 The hive colony chooses silence

Chapter 81 The hive colony chooses silence
The native civilizations in the Mesa galaxy once again dispatched their respective civilization agents to hold a civilization meeting.

However, the content of the meeting this time is no longer a decisive battle against Crystal Monster and Void God, but to discuss how to develop the two technologies of small universe and wormhole.

Because it is related to scientific research, the Mesa Machinery Group has a very high right to speak at the meeting, and their scientific research achievements are the highest among all the civilizations present.

Moreover, they are far stronger than other civilizations in terms of scientific research capabilities.

So at the end of the meeting, the discussion turned into how many resources were allocated to the Mesa Mechanic Corps. With the Mesa Mechanic Corps as the leader, the scientific research strength of all civilizations was gathered to break through the two technologies of the small universe and the wormhole.

"Black holes are not a problem to manufacture, but wormholes are very problematic. We lack data support for this type of space-time configuration, and..."

The voice of the agent of the Mesa Mechanical Group came from the mechanical body.

The agent of Thyssen Kingdom said impatiently: "Be direct, time is precious."

The agent of the Mesa Machinery Group said: "Lack of resources, lack of experimental data."

After some discussion, the agent of Thyssen Kingdom was the first to make a statement.

"We Thyssen Kingdom will fully support you."

"On behalf of Shalan, I can provide experimental support to your Mesa Mechanic Corps." The agent of Shalan's civilization followed suit.


After each civilization made a statement, the agents of these civilizations who had expressed their views all focused their attention on the agents of civilization who had not yet expressed their views.

Agents of the Banassis Empire rose to leave.

"Where are you going? Agent of the Banassis Empire." The agent of Thyssen Kingdom said.

The agent of the Banassis Empire said: "This meeting has nothing to do with our empire. I thought it was a meeting to discuss how to fight the Babel swarm, but it turned out to be a meeting to discuss how to escape."

"This kind of thing, the party notifying the meeting should have informed it early in the morning, and it will save me a special trip."

The agent of the Sharan civilization asked in dissatisfaction: "Do you think the Banassis Empire has a chance of winning?"

The method of extracting and isolating the entire Mesa galaxy is simply a miracle. Compared with it, the large-scale invasion of crystal monsters from the outer galaxy is simply a gentle greeting.

The Sharan civilization does not believe that the Babel bee colony, which broadcast gravitational waves throughout the river system, is an existence they can contend with, even if all the civilizations in the river system are gathered together!
The agent of the Banassis Empire said disdainfully: "Is this a question of chances? Did the civilizations that fought against the crystal monsters have a good chance of winning?"

"The Mesa Galaxy is the home that gave birth to our Banassis Empire. We will never allow foreign civilizations to take it as our own."

As he said that, the Banassis Empire looked at those civilization agents who had not yet chosen to express their views, and then solemnly appealed: "Everyone, we should give civilization to the years, not to civilization, if only to stretch the existence of civilization Over time, it is entirely possible for all civilizations to enter the big black hole at the center of the river system and spend the long years under the protection of the black hole."

"But does it make sense? We should fight that Babel swarm to the end! It's like defeating the Void God and his crystal monsters!"

Many agents of civilization responded to the call of the Banassis Empire.

Indeed, that interstellar civilization has no dignity?Not to mention fighting against the invaders of the river system and surrounding the river system home that gave birth to their civilization.

This is not a question of whether you can win or not, but something that must be fought.

For a while, the fugitive faction and the main combat faction had a fierce quarrel.

Some civilization agents feel that this is not enough, so they proposed: "Perhaps the situation has not yet reached the worst, we can try to communicate with the Babel swarm first, declare our ownership in the Mesa galaxy, and let them leave Mesa Galaxy, go elsewhere."

"Do you think this is useful?" The civilization agent of the war faction headed by the Banassis Empire asked back.

The proposer was unconvinced: "No matter whether this is useful or not, you have to try it, what if it works?"

"How can you draw conclusions about things that have not yet been resolved?"

At the end of this meeting, the opinions were not unified, but they were roughly divided into three factions. One faction advocated escape, scientific research and development of wormholes and small universe technology, and the other faction advocated the battle. fight to the end.

The last faction is the diplomatic faction. They believe that they should communicate first. After communication fails, they will consider whether to fight or flee.


"Communication request?"

Nunnally was very surprised when she learned of the communication request from the native civilization of the river system from the planetary creature, because at the beginning of the bee colony project, she never considered that there were civilizations that would choose to communicate with the bee colony.

After all, communication is easy to expose the information of one's own civilization, and the bee colony has already said so deadly in the gravitational wave information, there should be no civilization that will choose to communicate.

The native civilization of the river system didn’t know where the Babel swarm was hiding. They dispatched all the fleets of their own civilization, sailed in a scattered manner, separated from the superluminal speed every light-year, and then broadcasted their radio request to communicate. .

After thinking about it, Nunnally felt that there was no need to disturb Lu Entropy for such a small matter, as it could make up its own mind.

"Those civilizations that want to communicate, have they developed wormhole technology or small universe technology?" Nunnally asked.

After gathering the information, the planetary creature replied: "Probably not. If it was developed during this period of time, the scouts who spread it should be able to learn about the experimental phenomenon, and if these civilizations master this type of technology, they should be able to do it generously." Fang’s bright light comes out as a confidence to increase communication with the bee colony.”

"Then those civilizations are so powerful that the swarm cannot defeat them?" Nunnali continued to ask.

The planetary creatures replied: "In that case, the bee colony would no longer be able to maintain the isolation between this river system and the main universe."

Nunnally asked: "Then why did the bee colony communicate with them?"

"In this universe, everything comes from matter. Matter is the foundation of everything. Everything should be spoken in terms of physics. Obviously, these civilizations are not qualified to communicate with bee colonies. They are just small civilizations. Don't care too much."

Yes, just some insignificant little civilizations.

Until the exploration fleet traversed the entire Mesa galaxy, they did not get the feedback information from the Babel swarm as expected by these civilizations.

There is no need for complicated thinking, silence is the best answer.

The third faction of civilization, which was still vacillating after the meeting of the native civilizations of the river system, quickly made a choice between the main battle faction and the main fleeing faction.

No matter how these civilizations are, some lives that were originally in the Mesa galaxy are indeed safe.

In a void 533 million light-years away from the Vosotis galaxy, crystals stretching for hundreds of thousands of kilometers gather here. From a distance, it looks like a natural meteorite belt.

"Thank you, my lord... for saving Bahadur..."

Bahadur was extremely fortunate at this time. After receiving and reading the gravitational wave broadcast, he confirmed that the information came from the Babel bee colony.

The Void God made it gather enough large crystals, then opened a tiny wormhole, and escaped from the river system that had been turned into a cage.

Otherwise, Bahadur couldn't imagine how the bee colony would treat it next.

At this time, the Void God didn't have the heart to listen to Bahadur, a loyal servant, thanking him. He was still immersed in the shock of the Babel swarm.

It learned from Bahadur that the Babel bee colony can use psionic energy to throw black holes, dismantle stars, and proliferate.

The Void God is not very afraid of this, because these things are difficult to really threaten it, including black holes, but... Bahadur did not tell it that the Babel swarm can also distort time and space to create a small universe!

If you can create a small universe, you can naturally create a frozen reincarnation!

The Void God no longer wants to experience the frozen reincarnation again!

Bahadur, are you deliberately keeping it secret?

(End of this chapter)

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