Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 94 This civilization is too tangled

Chapter 94 This civilization is too tangled
After Lu Entropy released the general instructions, the rest will be supplemented by the bee colony.

In order to conceal the existence of the Babel swarm, the swarm creatures randomly selected a civilization from the Galaxy Alliance as a camouflage object.

In a river system randomly selected, a relatively small area with different rules released a string of electromagnetic wave information at a position one light-year away from the edge of the area.

[Hello, unknown civilization, we are the Dias Empire, you can call us Dias people.

We are a race that advocates love and dreams. First of all, please allow us to extend our best wishes to you who have received the message.

The Dias people originated from their home planet, Yahweh. After a long period of labor and creation on Yahweh, they established a splendid civilization and created a rich and colorful culture. In the exploration of the laws of nature, they gradually understood and mastered In addition to the application of the laws of nature and society, we have stepped into the civilization family of the universe.

We cherish everything we have now. Although our society is still not perfect, there are still hatred, prejudice and war, but now the Dias people have completed the unity of the regime, and this major problem has been solved. .

The remaining other problems are only small problems of time, which will be solved as we deepen our exploration of the laws of nature.

Our civilization, which originated from Yahweh, will definitely become a perfect civilization that can fully satisfy the material and spiritual needs of all people.

Finally, please allow us to extend our highest respect and greetings to your civilization. Dias people are looking forward to establishing contact with you, and looking forward to working with you to create a better life in the vast universe. We will do the following The coordinates are waiting for your arrival...]

The coordinates in the information are a yellow dwarf celestial system 32 light-years away from the neutron star.

Neutron stars are releasing high-energy pulse beams in the universe all the time, so they are very conspicuous in the universe and can be easily used as reference coordinate points. As a civilization in this river system, there should be no reason why they cannot find the coordinates marked by the bee colony point.

Sure enough, after waiting for a year, the atomic organisms swarmed in the star system, waited for a sphere that looked like a black hole.

From the appearance, it is completely a miniature black hole, but unlike ordinary black holes, its radiation is not very high. Compared with black holes with the same size event horizon, the radiation is almost negligible.

Moreover, this pitch-black sphere does not show a very strong gravitational force, and it is separated from the superluminal speed, so it is obvious that this thing is a human creation.

In any case, this is a highly technological civilization, which is certainly true.

Since the other party came, the atomic creatures naturally released electromagnetic waves on their own initiative, trying to establish contact with the other party.

However, the changes in the next scene caught the atomic creatures off guard. After a burst of distortion, the pitch-black sphere released extremely terrifying energy. The space-time ripples caused by this energy are very similar to when two black holes are about to merge into one. obvious and violent.

The deaths of the atomic creatures spread in the swarm network at a speed faster than light.

The two armies are at war, not beheaded, let alone this is not a war. From the perspective of Lu Entropy and the bee colony, this is an extremely bad provocation.

"All the atomic creatures responsible for this contact were killed, but fortunately, they all captured the antimatter particles in the space with spiritual energy in time, annihilated the core part of the memory, and ensured that no further information about the bee colony was leaked. " After counting the information after the incident, the mastermind Moston reported to Lu Entropy.

"The universe is really not a place suitable for reasoning, it is more appropriate to talk about physics."

Lu Entropy sighed helplessly. He obviously didn't want to fight this time. After all, there is too little relevant information, and there is no advantage in a hasty confrontation, but the opponent is unwilling.

However, since the opponent wants to fight, the swarm is not afraid. Lu Entropy, who made up his mind, ordered the swarm creatures: "Since they are so confident in their own strength, the swarm will fight with them."

"All bee colonies are ready for war, a new round of war has begun! Kill them all!"

The swarm creatures responded: "Eternal destruction, lead the swarm upward!"


On the issue of the invasion of the Scorpion Civilization Fleet, the regimes of the Wusu people quickly reached an agreement - to escape.

Can't beat it, can't run?

The fleet of the Scorpion Civilization will not arrive at the destination immediately. Their fleet is headed towards Karanna at one-tenth of the speed of light. If human civilization is crazy enough, relying on resources and industry, it is still capable of building a batch of escaped spaceships.

However, there is a problem here.

Who left on behalf of the fire of civilization?

Who is going to be left behind by this fleet?

There is no doubt that the dignitaries in the Wusu civilization first showed that they are the most qualified group to leave.

However, when it comes to inheritance, all classes of Wusu civilization have their own ideas.

"Fart! Why are you leaving? Just because you make more money? The engineers should be allowed to leave! A fleet that sails cannot live without engineers!"

Represented by engineers, groups related to industry speak out.

"Isn't what you're talking about nonsense? How long can engineers live without scholars on the spaceship? By gnawing the metal on the spaceship?"

The scientific research faction headed by agricultural and physicists also issued a statement on behalf of the scholar group after the voice of the engineer group.

These two collectives, the backbone of civilization, quickly reached an agreement.

So, not long after, they jointly issued a statement.

"Scholars and engineers are both talents, and if they want to leave, they must go together."

At this time, the military of various countries could not sit still, and issued a statement saying: "There are still soldiers, space is very dangerous, and the fleet needs a highly disciplined management system such as military control to ensure navigation safety and internal order."

Of course, not all those who made statements fully represented the interests of their own groups, and many voices in the Wusu civilization criticized these groups.

"Can you adults shut up? What about the children? You adults ran away in despair, leaving a group of children to face the alien invaders alone? Children represent the hope of civilization!"

"Then give the fleet to the children? Let the children operate the huge spaceship? Crazy? Adults can no longer have children on the spaceship, and then let the civilization pass on?"

"Children are not the hope of civilization, but the plastic consumables for the growth of civilization! Either become the bottom consumables, or become the elite consumables that are difficult to replace at the top, that's all!"

"No shit!"

(End of this chapter)

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