Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 96 This Civilization Is Too Escape

Chapter 96 This Civilization Is Too Escape
"what is it?"

Observer Manas glanced at the group photos of his friends on the table and sighed deeply.

He and Dre were good friends at school, and the relationship between the two was as good as brothers. Later, due to job transfers, he was assigned to work at the observation array station in the Great Wilderness of Maryland, while Dre was assigned Assigned to Macadir Hill Observatory.

The reason why Manas received the mission assigned by the motherland was largely because of his almost brotherly relationship with Drey.

Let those who know Observer Drey find out the unknown power he hides.

However, after studying Del Rey's research manuscript, Manas became more and more confused. These things have nothing to do with 'fighting against the Scorpion Civilization'.

Manas, who had completely hid in the chaos after thinking, leaned back in his chair a little tiredly, and temporarily gave up thinking.

Manas looked up at the ceiling, muttering to himself as if he was asking about the dead Drey.

"Axiom [-]: Survival is the first need of civilization."

"Axiom [-]: Civilizations grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains constant."

"What do you want to tell us with this? Dre, with these two pieces of information, can we really save us Wusu people?"

Manas felt that there might be a problem with the direction of his thinking, otherwise, why couldn't he find out the way Dre left to fight against the Scorpion Civilization Fleet?
In terms of subjective will, Manas firmly believes that Dre has left a glimmer of life for the Wusu civilization. The reason why he has not discovered it now is because he has not figured out some things, or his thinking is wrong.

Suddenly, the lighting equipment in the room flickered on and off, and then, it was pitch black, completely covering the entire room.

"Tsk, damn it! Power outages are getting more and more frequent recently!"

Manas, who was already in an irritable mood, couldn't help cursing violently.

Everyone knew that the alien fleet would descend on Karanna after tens of minutes, and the fleeing fleet could only allow a few people to leave. The desire to reproduce of all Wusu people plummeted, and so did the enthusiasm for work.

More and more Wusu people have changed from big savings households to paycheck-to-payers. They spend the money as soon as they get it, and try to fish as much as they can at work. Conscientiousness is meaningless No, won't the Scorpion civilization, who has gained a good reputation in Wusu society and descended after dozens of records, kill him?
On Karana, many Wusu cities have been without water and electricity for a long time, and a large number of people have flowed from the cities to the countryside, or even the wilderness, where they live an idyllic small-scale peasant life.

Thanks to the fact that the city where Manas is located is the capital, the infrastructure is good enough to retain a sufficient population, and the electricity is directly supplied exclusively, so there is no need to calculate the electricity bill, otherwise the electricity bill alone would be enough to make Manas heavily in debt.

However, even so, there have been occasional power outages like this recently, and they are becoming more and more frequent.

There was no lighting in the room, and Manas didn't want to burn anything in his room. Seeing the night light outside the window pouring into the room, he moved all the manuscripts to this small piece of night light.

Barely able to read the text of the manuscript, in order to read the manuscript clearly, Manas kept changing the position of the manuscript, and glanced at the starry sky outside the window from time to time.

An inexplicable feeling like a stick in the throat gradually permeated Manas's heart.

In the dark room, there is only a little night light pouring in from the window. This other kind of scenery seems to reflect a complete body of the universe.

The starry sky seen through the window is the observable universe, while the dark part is the still unknown unobservable universe. The two are contradictory but unified.

A chill of fear gradually seeped out of Manas's heart, and this sense of fear made him shiver for a moment.

The power that Del Rey wants to leave in the manuscript, does it mean...

"The stars?" Manas said from his heart.

Immediately, Manas reacted and jumped up excitedly.

"That's right! It's the stars! This is the power that Drey said! The power that can fight against the Scorpion Civilization Fleet!"

The next day, Manas submitted his analysis of the manuscript of Del Rey's observations - The Dark Forest Theory - to the homeland.

[The universe is a dark forest, every civilization is a hunter with a gun in this forest, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches blocking the way, trying not to let the footsteps make a sound, even breathing carefully .

He had to be careful, because the forest was full of hunters who were as sneaky as he was.

If he found another life, there was only one thing he could do: shoot and destroy it.

In this forest, hell is other people, an eternal threat, and any life that exposes its existence will be quickly wiped out. 】

The announcement of this theory naturally launched the Hesse Strike, which broadcasts information to the universe and guides the civilization in the universe to destroy the Scorpion civilization fleet and the Wusu civilization together.

Originally, Manas's motherland deliberately wanted to hide it,
However, when the other Wusu countries heard the spies say that after the observer Manas had the results, they naturally couldn't wait to grasp the unknown power left by the observer Drey, which could compete with the Scorpion civilization. .

As a result, Manas' homeland couldn't bear the pressure, so it made the dark forest theory known to these Wusu countries.

However, after knowing more Wusu people, the theory of the dark forest can no longer be hidden. After all, Wusu people also have their own relatives and friends, and when Dre was on trial, the words left before his death still aroused It was a small sensation, and the news could not be blocked at all. Under the pressure of the Scorpion civilization, the dark forest theory quickly spread throughout Karanna.

However, no matter whether they believed in the Dark Forest Theory or the Wusu people who questioned the Dark Forest Theory, they all resolutely opposed using this theory as a weapon to fight against the Scorpion Civilization Fleet.

Of course, there is no need to say too much about the doubts, because they don't think this kind of theory is reasonable, so they can't think of it as a weapon.

Those who believe it believe that this theory is too crazy, and it is not a big threat to the Scorpion Civilization Fleet. The Scorpion Civilization Fleet can run away after the coordinates are exposed, and the Wusu people who broadcast the coordinates can only stay in Karanna wait to die.

Even if the Hessian attack is terrible, the Scorpion Civilization Fleet can't escape at all, and it doesn't mean much to the Wusu people. The Wusu people who stay on the mother planet Karanna are still a dead end.

Based on the above reasons, countries announced that the dark forest theory is completely banned, even mentioning its name is illegal, and all high-power radio equipment is confiscated, although anyone with a little brain knows that these high-power radio waves , the distance of 1 Na cannot be transmitted at all, and it will be submerged in the background radiation of the universe.

If radio waves could spread information so far away so easily, the coordinates of Wusu civilization would have been exposed long ago.



"Do you know what you are doing? You are treason at this time! Your military emblem is crying!"

Time Equal Democratic Alliance disintegrates No.20 Ji Na. Before Liu Ji Na, the time to leave the parent star during the planned long-distance voyage, three escaped spaceships escaped from the parent star system in violation of the regulations during the last flight test mission.

This incident caused a great commotion in the Wusu society.

You know, the three escaped spaceships meant that many Wusu people on Karanna who were originally eligible to board the ship and escape suddenly became ineligible.

Looking at the general with an ugly face in the communication, the boss he once respected, the leader of the three escaped spaceships responded very easily: "General, we join the army to protect our families. If we can't protect our families, then we What's the point of being a soldier?"

"It's all the same anyway, isn't it?"

The soldiers on the three fleeing spaceships secretly formed an alliance. During the last flight test, they quietly brought their family members on board, and some scholars who were not qualified to board the ship left the parent star system.

The inheritance of civilization can be guaranteed, and their family can also be guaranteed. From their perspective, it is the best of both worlds!

Well, only those Wusu people who were originally qualified and suddenly became unqualified, the world of injuries is complete.

"General, all ships apply for pursuit."

In the liaison room, the general who was listening to the report from his subordinates roared angrily: "No approval! Let all the crew of the spaceship disembark immediately! And check all the ships!"


At the same time, the war between the bee colony of the Tower of Babel and the unknown civilization has entered a white-hot stage.

Those pitch-black spheres that escaped from the rule-changing area will recreate the area that can change the physical rules after selecting a place.

There seems to be a superluminal connection between the spheres like the swarm network. After the planetary creatures destroyed several dark spheres with psionic energy, the remaining spheres knew that the swarm sent intercepting forces to pursue them.

As a result, their actions became more extreme. Every time the state of superluminal speed escaped, the physical rules of that area would be changed, and then they would enter superluminal speed and run to other places, forcing the planetary creatures to stop every time. Going down, using the way of microcosm wrapping, to clean up the area where the physical rules are changed.

After all, the bee colony cannot be sure whether there are spheres of unknown civilization hidden in the area where the physical rules change. Even if they do not exist, the bee colony cannot sit idly by, and they cannot live in these areas where the physical rules change.

As a result, the two sides launched a tug-of-war of you chasing me and fleeing.

(End of this chapter)

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