Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 99 The Existential Crisis Is Too Explosive

Chapter 99 The Existential Crisis Is Too Explosive
After the large-scale exploration of the bee colony, many areas where the physical rules have changed have been discovered. Once the matter enters these areas, the matter will spontaneously begin to decay.

Because in these areas where the physical rules change, microscopic particles such as atoms, neutrons, and protons are the unstable excited states, and the excited states will naturally transform to the ground state. This is an inherent property of matter, and the entropy is always increasing. .

What is even more catastrophic for many beings and races in the main universe is that these areas where the physical rules have changed are constantly expanding at the speed of light.

However, this is only true for the civilizations and races in the main universe, and does not pose much threat to the main universe itself, because the main universe is expanding at super-light speed, and it is still accelerating.

The physical rule that can only expand at the speed of light can change the area, and it will never be possible to cover all the time and space of the main universe, unless the expansion of the main universe can be slowed down.

After the bee colony completed the information acquisition of the smaller physical rule-changing areas in a galaxy, it was basically determined that these physical rule-changing areas had a direct relationship with the Zelian clan.

As for the specific relationship, this is not important to the bee colony. The bee colony only needs to know that it has something to do with the Zelian clan, and that is enough. For other questions, you can directly ask the Zelian clan.

In the universe, there are many areas where the physical rules change like this. They are the time and space that arrive at the main universe in different time periods, so although they also expand at the speed of light, the expansion ranges are different.

Lu Entropy has reason to suspect that there are still survivors of the Zelian tribe in these areas where the laws of physics change.

As for what the atomic machine in the tomb of the Zelian clan said, the Zelian clan has been completely wiped out. To be honest, Lu Entropy is dubious. First, part of the other party has broken down. It was originally the physical rule of the Zelian clan. The microcosmic creation below, when it comes to the time and space of the bee colony, it decays and is damaged due to different rules, and after the Zelian tribe encounters a crisis outside the universe, there is no way for this microcosmic creation to know. Its so-called 'All wiped out' is nothing more than an inference.

Thus begins the space wars over other areas where the laws of physics change.

It is still repeating the old routine of small universe isolation, but this time a little strategy has been added, that is, surprise combat.

The raid-style combat is very useful. Compared with the first civilization battle in the area where the physical rules were changed, a large number of dark spheres ran to other places in the main universe, so that the bee colony had to send a large number of individuals to pursue it. The raid-style combat can Before the opponent notices, it deprives the opponent of all the ability to resist.

When these physical rules change the civilizations and races in the region, the discovery of horror, and their universe no longer expands naturally, they have become the pockets of the bee swarm into the small universe, and they can get whatever they want.

The so-called resistance is impossible. As the bee colony continues to create new small universes on the basis of small universes and divides the internal time and space, civilizations that still want to survive can only consciously surrender.

Hard work pays off. In the largest physical rule-changing area discovered by the bee colony so far, the civilization in the physical rule-changing area was instigated, and the survivors of the Zelian tribe hidden in it were found.

As for how to determine whether they are the survivors of the Zelian tribe, the method is very simple, just use the language of the Zelian tribe to communicate with each other. The bee colony has never used the language and rules of the Zelian tribe to change the civilization communication in the area, which means It is impossible to have a text in the Zelian language in the area.

That is to say, in the area where the rules of physics change, only the Zelian tribe knows the language of the Zelian tribe.

Of course, there are also situations where the indigenous civilizations in the area know the language from the remains of the Zelian tribe, but it doesn't matter, if the answers to the questions you want are not obtained, the bee colony will still perish.

"We ask, you answer, don't weave meaningless language mazes, we don't like wasting time."

Under the command of Lu Entropy, planetary creatures use spiritual energy to set off space-time ripples, and use gravitational waves to transmit information into the area where physical rules change.

About a week later, a series of information streams with gravitational waves as information carriers echoed in the rule-changing area.

"Strange race, what do you want to know from us? Time has already corrupted almost everything in the Zelian tribe. You won't get anything useful from us."

Lu Entropy, who received the answer, immediately sent inquiries: "We just want to know what happened to the Zelian clan and why they left their hometown in the first place?"

"...Because of the chaotic battle in the Endless Sea." The survivors of the Zelian tribe replied.

"History has been seriously lost, and only a small amount of history remains in the disaster. We only remember that our hometown is collapsing in the chaotic war. In order to survive, the Zelian people can only choose to leave their hometown and find a new home."

After hearing the reply from the survivors of the Zelian clan, Lu Entropy can roughly understand some of the concepts. For example, the endless sea probably refers to the outside of the main universe, and the hometown refers to the mother universe of the Zelian clan.

But what does 'chaos' mean?

Lu Entropy thought about it. He instinctively felt that it should not be as simple as war. After all, on the side of the Zelian clan, "ship" refers to a small universe that moves across universes, and "shore" refers to the main universe. Not good also refers specifically to something else.

"Why is there a chaotic battle in the endless sea?" The bee colony of the Tower of Babel asked by knocking on the side.

The survivors of the Zelian tribe replied: "I don't know. When the Zelian tribe noticed it, the chaotic war already existed."

Immediately afterwards, the survivors of the Zelian tribe quickly added a gravitational wave message: "No, the wording is not appropriate. It should be said that chaotic wars are normal in the endless sea, but the Zelian tribe lives in a calm sea by chance."

"What do you mean by calm seas?"

Lu Entropy couldn't help directing the planetary creatures and asked curiously.

The survivors of the Zelian tribe replied: "Of course everything is stable. Now we can communicate with you stably, you can exist stably, and we can exist stably. These are the calmness of the sea."

After thinking about it, Lu Entropy asked the planetary creature to send another gravitational wave to ask: "What will happen if the endless sea is unstable?"

"Everything will perish."

The Zelian family replied with gravitational waves.


After many times of communication, the bee colony roughly understood that the "chaotic war" mentioned by the Zelian tribe survivors is actually an increase in entropy, which can be man-made or naturally occurring. Their hometown was destroyed by Zhan Luan. In fact, their mother universe experienced a huge increase in entropy, so that the mother universe could no longer maintain a stable form and collapsed.

The matter is basically clarified, but it is better not to be clarified. According to the survivors of the Zelian tribe, their mother universe and the current main universe of the bee colony are just short-lived bubbles that will burst suddenly at some point Lose.

Because, in the endless sea outside the universe, entropy increase and collapse are common phenomena.

In other words, one day in the future, even if there is no heat death in the main universe, the entire universe will burst like a soap bubble...

The sense of survival crisis of the Babel bee colony exploded!

(End of this chapter)

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