I have ten trillion licking dog gold

Chapter 12 Huang Liang 1 Dream

Chapter 12

Without revealing his identity, Jiang Chen naturally has his own considerations.

Spending a million dollars in Li Shurui's live broadcast room last night, although it achieved certain results, and even attracted Li Shurui to strike up a conversation, but it is undoubtedly unrealistic to take down Li Shurui.

The beauty of the Academy of Arts does dislike the poor and love the rich, but it doesn't mean that she will be desperate for money.

Not to mention others, her good sister Xu Siyi is obviously different from her.

After all, Li Shurui would not easily accept other people's favors, but what about that girl Xu Siyi?

It is simply inhumane and mercenary.

Li Shurui was his first target. If he failed, the ten trillion yuan lying on the account may always be a virtual figure, so he must not be careless.

More haste less speed.

Jiang Chen told himself so.

This is not a simple love game, it is related to his life and future, so he can't rush for success, he has to play steadily and slowly.


"You change your position."

Monday morning.

There is a class in Jiang Chen's class,

He was talking to Bai Zheli, but Ai Qian came over with a book and stopped beside him.


Bai Zheli looked up.

Although for a period of time, he has always regarded the other party as his sister-in-law, but since Brother Chen was dumped, and the series of shameless behaviors of the other party using Brother Chen as a tool, his perception of this class flower has declined rapidly, even to the point of hatred .

"I have something to talk to Jiang Chen."

Ai Qian is confident and arrogant.

Bai Zheli really wanted to scold you for being shameless, but because of his personality and considering the influence, he didn't want Jiang Chen to suffer any more rumors, so he could only endure it and was forced to get up and leave.

Ai Qian proudly put down her book and sat down.

"Jiang Chen, are you fighting against me?"

There is no class yet.

Ai Qian turned her head and looked at her ex-boyfriend as if no one else was there.

She doesn't care what these people in the class say or think, anyway, she mostly finds ways to throw the blame on Jiang Chen's head.

But Jiang Chen always accepted it every time and never refuted it.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Chen was not angry, just like treating an ordinary classmate, but this plainness made Ai Qian frowned, feeling uneasy, and at the same time, she was even more sure that the other party was angry with him.

"I know what happened the day before yesterday made you very upset, but Zhenlun saw us. In that situation, I can't think of any other excuses. Don't blame me, okay?"

She began to act like a baby like countless times before.

Individual lives are indeed very different.

Although they are both girls, Ai Qian and Li Shurui have very different personalities.

Treating poor people like Jiang Chen, Li Shurui was cold-hearted, unwilling to have any interaction, but Ai Qian was different.

Having a boyfriend, but still teasing Jiang Chen constantly.

Jiang Chen's poverty is real.

But his kindness to Ai Qian before was also true.

It is precisely because of his single-mindedness towards Ai Qian that he has become known as the dog-licking dog that everyone knows.

Perhaps Ai Qian's current behavior is because she can't let go of Jiang Chen's kindness to her.

The human heart is always greedy.

You can't have both fish and bear's paw, but some people always have to compete.

While no one could see, Ai Qian stretched her hand under the table and placed it on Jiang Chen's lap.

"Okay, don't be angry, I apologize to you, at worst, I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

This kind of behavior is out of line even as a classmate, not to mention that Ai Qian is still a "married woman".

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, "He's not at school today?"

Ai Qian's face froze, she retracted her hand in embarrassment, and her face gradually changed.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean?"

"If he was at school, you wouldn't want to have dinner with me, would you?"

Ai Qian was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this young man who had been so obedient to her before suddenly became a little strange.

"...He is not at school, but what does that have to do with me treating you to dinner? I really want to apologize to you. "

"No need."

Jiang Chen calmly said: "Since you have chosen him, stay with him well, and don't do anything that would be misunderstood."

"Jiang Chen, are you still angry with me?"

Ai Qian felt very uncomfortable at the moment, very uncomfortable.

The other party had never talked to her like this.

"I know that you asked me to be wronged, and it was my fault, so you went after Li Shurui in order to get revenge on me."

She pressed Jiang Chen's thigh again.

"You did this to provoke me and make me angry. I know I was wrong. I will never let Zhenlun find out again."

No one will find out again.

Rather than saying that I will never blame myself again.

Jiang Chen smiled.

"I chased Li Shurui not because of you, but because I really wanted to chase her, so please don't think about it."

He pulled Ai Qian's hand away.


Ai Qian became excited in vain, her eyes narrowed, and her suppressed voice was still sharp, "You must be for me! You have always liked me! You are lying!"

Jiang Chen was silent.

He understood that the reason why the other party reacted so fiercely was not because of his deep feelings for him.

It's like a dog that only wags its tail at itself, suddenly abandons itself and changes to please others. I'm afraid it's hard to accept whoever it is.

"We have turned the page, you have a new start, and I want to start a new life."

Jiang Chen's tone was calm, without any anger, but a suffocating determination was brewing.

Ai Qian's eyes fluctuated violently, staring at him firmly.

It is human nature to dislike the poor and love the rich, and there is nothing wrong with pursuing a better material life.

But obviously.

Changing to a new rich boyfriend, Ai Qian didn't have such a happy life, so she "never forgets" Jiang Chen.

The whole school knew that this young man was her licking dog, and she also thought that Jiang Chen would always treat her well and would never betray her, but the reality slapped her resoundingly.

"Heh, Jiang Chen, do you think I don't know what you're thinking? You hate me, hate me for abandoning you, but what's wrong with me? Liang Zhenlun is richer than you, and he's generous to me. Why can't I choose him? Why? Want to suffer with you?"

Ai Qian grasped her hand tightly, the veins on the back of her hand popping out.

"I never said you were wrong, and I never blamed you, did I?"

Facing Jiang Chen's plain eyes, Ai Qian's tone faltered, and she tightly pursed her lips.

That's right.

From the beginning to the end, no matter whether he was dumped or constantly used, Jiang Chen never complained.

Because of this, it was so hard for her to accept Jiang Chen's sudden "change of heart".

"Then why are you chasing after Li Shurui? Do you think she will fall in love with you? Just give up! What are you? Even if someone is willing to be with you, can you afford him?! I told You, you are not worthy to carry shoes for others!"

Jealousy, embarrassment, and anger at being betrayed have already made the girl a little hysterical, and her pretty face is slightly distorted.

Jiang Chen turned a deaf ear, his face was like still water, as if he wasn't the one being insulted.

What he thinks in his mind is all the scenes of being with this girl.

Huang Liang has a dream.

At this moment, the class bell rang.

The teacher walks into the classroom.

Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at the podium.

"Ai Qian, we should all look forward."

(End of this chapter)

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