I have ten trillion licking dog gold

Chapter 1230: Unlimited Firepower Again

Wei Hong's disappearance did not cause any commotion.

One of the reasons is that not many people know the inside story.

However, even if it is disclosed, it is unlikely to cause much response. At most, people will just talk about it as a topic of conversation after dinner.

Time has changed. Wei Hong was forced to give up her power and even had to leave the country to avoid the limelight. From that moment on, her era was destined to end.

Fish's memory only lasts seven seconds, and the same is true for humans.

The once notorious queen of online fraud has long since become a has-been character and has long lost the qualifications to be the protagonist.

of course.

Wei Hong came back this time perhaps to regain everything she had lost and to stand on the stage again, but unfortunately, she was put in a sack on her way to the stage.

But the Allied Forces are different.

The sudden "rebellion" of the allied forces instantly dominated the headlines of public opinion and became the first hot topic in Burmese society at the beginning of the year.

In fact, it is not worth making a fuss about the problems within the warlord armed forces, because these reactionary forces are originally a makeshift group of monsters and demons who have little faith and therefore lack cohesion.

Just like the clouds in the sky.

Every day, countless small armed groups are disbanded and formed again, and then disbanded again.

But the Allies were different.

In the vast warlord forces like sand, many people still had "high hopes" for the Allied Forces, believing that they could accomplish great things. However, they didn't know that they would suddenly suffer a big setback before long.

If it was just an ordinary person rebelling, that would be fine, it wouldn't cause much waves, and the allied forces were now strong in both men and horses and full of martial virtue, so they could be easily suppressed. But the one who led the rebellion was actually Wei Yi.

  Who is Wei Yi?

Not to mention that he was the pillar of the Allied Forces, he was at least the Allied Forces' most powerful general. He fought for the Allied Forces in many battles and defeated the four major families. It can be said that he made an unprecedented contribution to the Allied Forces.

But he is just such a person.

  Suddenly announced to go solo!

Some people couldn't believe it and thought it was fake news, but wave after wave of explosive news came in one after another.

Wei Yi not only rebelled, but also recruited his old subordinates and gathered nearly 10,000 troops, successively conquering more than ten towns of the allied forces.

Fake news wouldn't be so fabricated, right?

The news circulated in various channels was similar, telling everyone from 360° without blind spots that the once powerful Allied Forces had encountered the biggest crisis in history and were on the brink of division.


Already split.

After the shock came the excitement. After confirming the authenticity of the news, many people began to look forward to the future of the Allied Forces, which would be in the rear. How would this internal rebellion end?

  Will the allied forces sweep away all the enemies and eliminate them, or will Wei Yi establish his own territory and face his brilliant achievements?

The people watched the fun.

The same is true for the Burmese government.

They certainly would not interfere in the internal affairs of the Allied Forces, but the sudden complications forced the secret process of building the great cause of jointly creating national peace to be temporarily interrupted.

It is not known whether the Burmese government is angry or not, but at least as the leader of the allied forces, Lord Jin must be in a bad mood now.

It's like a girlfriend who has been with you through thick and thin suddenly betrays you. Anyone would probably be furious.

Ever since.

The senior generals of the Allied Forces gathered together.


To be precise, it is the remaining senior generals.

When a couple who originally started a business together part ways, it is inevitable that the people below will be divided and take sides.

of course.

The majority of people chose to stay. After all, the company was founded by Mr. Jin, and his identity as the founder will never change.

A realistic sandbox map was placed in the center of the hall, with small red chess pieces marking the middle area.

These marked towns are the territories lost by the allied forces, that is, the locations occupied by Wei Yi.

There are eleven in total.

In fact, the eleven towns were not that unbearable for the Allied forces. The most fatal thing was the shaking of military morale.

Independence is a common occurrence in northern Myanmar, but Wei Yi’s status in the allied forces is too special.

Losing a dozen towns is actually not a big deal; the key is the impact on military morale.

A town can be taken back if it is lost, but once the morale of the army is broken, it will be a disaster.

"General, we must suppress it immediately, the sooner the better, there is no time to lose!"

Although Wei Yi is powerful, the other generals are not incompetents and they know the seriousness of the problem.

Now only a small number of people have followed Wei Yi to leave, but the longer time goes, the more people will defect, and this cannot be controlled by any tough measures.

"Yes, the traitor must be executed immediately to serve as a warning to others and prevent future troubles."

Some people had a more extreme attitude. Although they did not mention Wei Yi's name directly, they had already nailed Wei Yi to the traitor's rack.

To know.

As to whether Wei Yi was rebelling or not, Lord Jin has not yet given a clear conclusion.

Those who were speaking were "outsiders", that is, people who joined or surrendered during the Allied Forces' expansion.

These people have no feelings for Wei Yi, so naturally they won't be polite, which causes the "local party" that has grown up with the allied forces from the very beginning to be much silent.

They have feelings for Wei Yi, they are comrades-in-arms, colleagues, and some are even subordinates.

Those who followed Wei Yi and left were all members of the local party.

"General, the outside world is laughing at us now. We must cut the Gordian knot and show the strength of our allies!"

The outsiders all spoke in unison, as if they were determined to cut Wei Yi into pieces.

Wei Yi’s rebellion was certainly a huge loss for the allied forces, but for some people, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

How to become a famous general?

The easiest way is to defeat a famous general.

The fastest way to climb up is to pull the person above down and step on his shoulders to take his place.

Wei Yi has a high prestige, but it also means that there are countless people who are jealous of him.

As long as he can capture Wei Yi, he will be able to inherit his reputation, gain both fame and fortune, and rise to the top overnight.

Thinking about it this way, how can one not feel overwhelmed with emotions and be overwhelmed with emotions?

The situation at this moment is very interesting and special.

Half of the room was chattering about joining the fight, while the other half was silent, like a bottle of water with one side boiling and bubbling while the other side was completely still.

"Mulun, what do you think?"

Master Jin looked at his butler.

Wei Yi is a member of the local party, and Mu Lun is also a big boss of the local party.

At this moment, none of the local parties have spoken out, so naturally it is time for him, the leader of the local party, to speak out.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the quartermaster general.

Mulun's speech may determine the future of the Allied Forces.

"General, I don't think the situation is irreversible yet. It is still unclear whether Wei Yi is a rebel or not. The report he sent me also said that he was here to investigate the Kaluzi terrorist attack."

Mu Lun spoke, his stance was both unexpected and not surprising.

As one of the direct competitors and a giant of the local party, he should have been in collusion with the outsiders at this time, no, he should have formed a united front, beat the man when he was down, took advantage of his illness, and completely defeated Wei Yi, making it impossible for him to stand up again.

But as one of the founding fathers or senior shareholders of the Allied Forces, he probably values ​​the overall interests of the Allied Forces more, so it is understandable that he is unwilling to let the Allied Forces fall into the quagmire of civil war.

Compared with the outsiders who are obsessed with making achievements, Mu Lun, a local party giant, should be feeling particularly complicated at this time.

"I don't agree with President Mu's opinion. Do we need so many troops to investigate the case? Moreover, they mobilized troops privately without the general's consent! Now more than a dozen towns have been captured by armed forces, and we don't know whether the town officials are alive or dead. If we give him some time, he might come to Haiguang. The longer we delay, the greater the loss. We must strike as quickly as possible to nip the risk in the bud!"

"You're right. We must strike hard, exterminate the rebels, and rescue the trapped people and local officials." For some reason, the outsiders' stance this time was highly consistent, as if it had been rehearsed in advance and everyone responded with one call.

Faced with the united outsiders, and because Wei Yi's actions had indeed broken the restrictions in every way and there was no reason to shirk responsibility, even Mu Lun was powerless.

Maybe it was just because he was from Wei Yi that he was so slow. If it were someone else, the anti-rebellion troops would have already set out.

"Whether it is for the purpose of investigating the case or not, we can only let Wei Yi come and explain it in person."

Lord Jin spoke, and although he still did not make a clear characterization, his attitude was obvious.

This may be the best solution at the moment.

Not explicitly acknowledging Wei Yi's rebellion could at least help him save face.

"Who is willing to bring Wei Yi back?"

Lord Jin looked around at all the generals in the army.

But who would have thought that as soon as he finished speaking, the outsiders who were so enthusiastic just now suddenly fell silent.

Bring Wei Yi back.

It's easy to say.

  But will Wei Yi be obedient?

There is no doubt that if you want to bring people back, you can't do it through peaceful means, you can only resort to violence.

War is inevitable!

No matter how jealous they were, he was the Allied Forces' number one god of war after all. His achievements were won shot by shot, and they could not be faked. Even some of the outsiders present were defeated by Wei Yi.

It takes courage to let them go against Wei Yi.

"What? Are you all afraid of Wei Yi? Is it like what the outside world says, that apart from Wei Yi, there is no one else in our allied army who can do anything?"

"I go!"

In the end, someone volunteered.

Everyone looked closely and saw that he was big and strong with a full beard and a ferocious look that was quite intimidating.

This is a brigade commander from the outside faction. After Lord Jin's reform to fragment the military power, he currently commands three thousand soldiers.

Previously, the number of people in a brigade of the Allied Forces was twice as many as it is now, but at that time there was only one brigade of the Allied Forces.


The brigade commander was Wei Yi.

“How many people do you need?”

Lord Jin asked.

"Five thousand!"

Upon hearing this, the whole audience was in an uproar and discussions broke out.

You know, the number of rebels gathered by Wei Yi reached more than 6,000. Of course, compared with the size of the 50,000 troops of the allied forces, it was not a threat, but only 5,000 people were needed to suppress 6,000 rebels.

And it was 6,000 rebels led by Wei Yi.

  How can this person be so confident?

There are actually many hidden talents within the allied forces, but they didn't get the chance to show their talents in the past because Wei Yi was so prominent. But now they can finally come to the fore?

"I'll give you 10,000 people."

Regardless of whether this rough and wild-looking brigade commander has full confidence in himself, Lord Jin seems to lack a little confidence in him.


The outside world is just a fog.

No one should know Wei Yi's abilities better than him.

The brigade commander was not stupid, nor was he stubborn. When he heard that he would be given 10,000 people, he agreed immediately without any hesitation or courtesy.

"Thank you General!"

  No matter how good Wei Yi is at fighting, what can he do?

In modern warfare, individual power is insignificant; what matters is the firepower and the reserves of troops!

Although some traitors sneaked over, the rebel force only numbered a few thousand.

And our own troops number tens of thousands.

Which one is strong and which one is weak is clear at a glance.

The advantage is mine!

This should be the most fundamental reason and confidence for the outsiders' indignation.

This should also be what Master Jin is thinking.

Could a Wei town really turn the world upside down?

Just right.

He can take this opportunity to justify a major internal purge and establish his absolute prestige.

"On this trip, only success is allowed, failure is not allowed."

Because it was not characterized as suppressing a rebellion, Lord Jin's words were rather euphemistic, but there was no one who did not understand what he meant.

"If I can't bring Wei Yi back, I will hang myself from a tree in the southeast!"

The brigade commander's voice was as loud as a bell and his words were decisive.

Master Jin nodded, then looked at the quartermaster, "Mulun, I ask you to give your absolute support to this operation."

"Understood. I will provide adequate logistical support."

"It's not abundance. It's unlimited firepower."

Unlimited firepower again.

People are different when they become successful.

  But you have to know, who supplies almost all the things in the Allied Army’s arsenal?

of course.

Whatever goes into your pocket is yours, there is nothing wrong with it.

He did not hesitate to use unlimited firepower. It can be seen that even though he appeared calm and expressionless on the surface, Lord Jin was still furious about Wei Yi's "going solo" and "poaching" people to fly together.

There is something to say.

I can tolerate the enemy's cold arrows, but I absolutely cannot accept the betrayal of the person next to me.

A bloody crackdown is inevitable.

Mu Lun should have seen General Jin's determination. After all, he was just a steward, just in charge of management. He had no power to make the decisions, so he could only agree.


Lord Jin retracted his gaze and looked at the brigade commander who had volunteered to serve.

"What else do you want?"

"there is none left!"

The brigade commander was already very satisfied.

A troop of 10,000 people, plus unlimited firepower.


The dividends have already arrived.

Crisis always brings opportunities.

"In a month, I hope to see Wei Yi standing here. Don't forget the promise you just made."

"Please rest assured, General. I will complete the mission!"


The brigade commander clasped his fists and bowed, then turned around and strode away with his troops in high spirits under the gazes of his generals with varying expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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