I have ten trillion licking dog gold

Chapter 1232 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals

"Extra, Extra, Weiyi has conquered another town, completely liberating the southwest."

The children were running wildly, swinging the newspapers in their hands, and walking through the streets, giving the feeling of being in a movie.

But don’t fall into the vicious circle of why not eat meat.

Paper media is still one of the mainstream ways of information dissemination in the world today.

After all, the world today is full of disparities. People in the same time latitude are in different historical layers, and many areas do not even have popular smartphones.

The child ran past the moving car, and his repetitive shouts came clearly into Pei Yunxi's ears through the window.


This wording is worth pondering.

You must know that Kaluzi has not been affected by the war and is located in the heart of the Allied Forces' sphere of influence.

The imperial army hasn't even arrived yet, and you're already singing praises?

of course.

Pei Yunxi was an outsider, and the outcome had nothing to do with her, but the sudden civil strife that broke out in the allied forces inevitably had some impact on her.

For example, the prices in Kaluzi began to rise sharply. The price of rice, the most basic daily necessities, has skyrocketed by three times compared with before, and the fluctuations of other commodities are also obvious.

There is no unified force here, and there is no regulation of market prices.

When war comes, the competition is about who has a stronger ability to survive.

Without him.

The basic law of life evolution - survival of the fittest.

The accompanying guard received the call and then respectfully reported: "Madam, Mr. Jiang is back."

Boss Jiang has been gone for three days and has not returned home for two whole nights. It is unknown where he has gone.

"Go back to the Peace Hotel."

The convoy headed back home.

Not only were the streets in chaos, people were panicking and buying supplies, and even the Peace Hotel was affected.

A large group of people surrounded the hotel entrance.

But it doesn't matter.

"Bang bang."

The guard leaned out of the car and fired a shot into the air, and the crowd immediately made way for a passage.

Under the protection of the guards, Pei Yunxi got out of the car and walked into the hotel.

"Miss Pei."

The proprietress greeted her with a helpless smile.

Here, Du Enqin should be one of the few people who doesn't call her Madam.


Women should respect women.

"This is outside..."

After so much contact, the two sides are no longer strangers.

"Because they were worried about the rebels coming in, these people requested to stay at the Peace Hotel for refuge. But Miss Pei also saw that there is no place for so many people here."

  Entering a hotel to escape the war?

It seems that the word "Peace" in Peace Hotel is indeed a golden signboard in Myanmar.

"I can't drive him away, and I can't persuade him, but he won't listen. It's really a headache."

"Do you need help."

Pei Yunxi asked.

Du Enqin glanced at the fully armed guards behind her, shook her head and smiled, "Forget it, I won't bother Miss Pei, I'll do it myself. By the way, Mr. Jiang is in Restaurant No. 3."

Pei Yunxi nodded, and did not force it after being rejected. She walked past Du Enqin and came to the restaurant.

Someone who had disappeared for three days was sitting there, eating heartily.

The guard remained at the door.

Pei Yunxi walked over.

"I didn't know Du Enqin was such a good cook. This plain noodles tastes pretty good."

Boss Jiang held his chopsticks and praised the food highly.

"She made it herself?"

Pei Yunxi stood by the table.

"That's what she said, anyway."

Jiang Chen looked up and asked, "Try it?"

You have good intentions and there is nothing wrong with that, but the key point is that you have already eaten a big bowl of food, so how can you let others eat it?

Pei Yunxi sat down and said, "I'm allergic to coriander."

It's understandable that you don't like to eat.

But what’s an excuse for allergies?

All I can say is that I declined politely.

There was indeed cilantro in Boss Jiang’s bowl.

  But how can you add coriander to plain noodles?

However, everyone has different preferences and everyone does things differently.

"When I was a kid I didn't like cilantro. I felt like vomiting after eating it, but I don't know why I suddenly could tolerate it."

As he spoke, Boss Jiang picked up another bowl of noodles and said, "How about something else? Waiter..."

Pei Yunxi didn't answer, but picked up the disposable chopsticks in the chopstick holder, opened them, and picked up the steamed buns on the plate.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen continued to lower his head and sip his noodles.

"Kaluzi is surrounded. Where have you been?"

Pei Yunxi took a bite of the steamed dumpling.

That's right.

The rebels led by Wei Yi attacked cities and captured strongholds with great momentum. They conquered more than ten towns in a row at lightning speed and surrounded Kaluzi geographically.

A very harsh fact.

Kaluzi has become an isolated city.

This is also the reason why prices are skyrocketing.

Those who are inside cannot get out, and those who are outside cannot get in.

But there is a very strange phenomenon.

The Peace Hotel did not seize this unexpected opportunity to make a fortune. It did not raise the prices of dishes or accommodation, and still maintained the previous levels.

Perhaps this is why so many people are stuck outside.

"A few friends came over, so I showed them around."

Jiang Chen said calmly, still sipping his noodles.

"It seems that they came at the wrong time. What you need to do now is to take them back, right?"

Jiang Chen swallowed it and said nonchalantly: "Don't be influenced by the outside world. You should know better that public opinion is just a rumor. It's not that scary."

"Kaluzi is not surrounded?"

Pei Yunxi then asked.

Boss Jiang, who had just comforted her not to be nervous, actually nodded and said, "Kaluzi is surrounded."


  Don't worry even though you're surrounded?

Jiang Chen put down his chopsticks and immediately added: "We were just surrounded, but no one attacked us."

"Is it too late to run away if you call me?"

Goddess Pei has a very strong mentality. At this time when people are panicking, she can even be humorous.

"There's something wrong with your idea."

Jiang Chen pointed out: "Now there is a civil strife among the allied forces, a war between Lord Jin and Wei Yi. Now the news is spreading like wildfire. Lord Jin will definitely take measures and send troops to quell the rebellion..."

"so what?"

"So if you look at it from another angle, Kaluzi was surrounded? No, on the contrary, Lord Jin and Wei Yi were at war, but Kaluzi was outside the battle circle."

Jiang Chen put down his chopsticks, "Inside the circle or outside the circle."


I really understand.

Pei Yunxi was silent, and suddenly realized.

  Queshi. Why can't the inside and outside of a circle be reversed?

Who says that if the area is small, it must be inside?

This is not a philosophical problem or a mathematical problem, but a problem of pattern.

Pei Yunxi opened and closed her red lips several times, but finally she admitted defeat and could not utter a word.

Boss Jiang, who always managed to teach people something, pulled out a tissue and said, "This Wei Yi is indeed quite capable. His reputation alone is probably not much inferior to that of Lord Jin. In a large part of the more than ten towns, administrative officials voluntarily surrendered without a fight. If I were Lord Jin, I would probably be worried if I had such a capable general under me. If Wei Yi doesn't rebel now, Lord Jin will definitely not tolerate him."

"You're talking to the wrong person."

Pei Yunxi continued to pick up the unfinished dumplings, "Didn't you support Wei Yi's rebellion?"

Jiang Chen was speechless.

Although there are no outsiders.

  But there’s no need to be so direct, right?

In the adult world, isn't it true that one should see things but not speak them out?

But since the truth has been revealed, Comrade Jiang Chen simply stopped trying to hide it.

"Rebellion is not a proper word here. If we regard the Allied Forces as a company, it is true that the founder is Jin Zhu, but Wei Yi is at least a shareholder on the board of directors. In other words, he can also represent the Allied Forces. If shareholders oppose the chairman, is that rebellion? If the chairman does not do a good job, the shareholders have the right to vote to replace him."

Pei Yunxi did not argue with him, "But can a shareholder vote remove the chairman? The possibility is slim."

"Who said there is only one shareholder?"

Jiang Chen said calmly: "Wei Yi raised his arm and quickly gathered more than a thousand people, which shows that a considerable number of people from top to bottom in this company are dissatisfied with Master Jin."

"But the majority still support Master Jin. Thousands versus tens of thousands, is there a chance of winning?"

Jiang Chen was silent, leaning back in his chair, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Doing business. Is it about the number of people? Of course, the same is true for war. Throughout history, there are countless examples of a small force defeating a large one, both at home and abroad. If the final victory or defeat can be determined only by the number of troops, then it would be great, and peace would be achieved in the world. There would be no war in the world."

Very philosophical.

If victory or defeat can be determined without fighting, both sides only need to weigh the enemy and our own military strength, and war can indeed be avoided.

"What if Wei Yi loses?"

Pei Yunxi did not fall into the other party's context. She was very sober and smart and continued with her own topic.

"I said, this is an internal fight among the Allied Forces. And I am a friend of the Allied Forces."

Jiang Chen remained calm and composed, "No matter who the final winner is, they still represent the Allied Forces."

Of course Pei Yunxi understood the implicit meaning of this statement.


This person is not an ordinary person.

Even if Lord Jin knew the truth and suppressed the rebellion in the end, he would not act rashly if he still had any sense.

It's like if someone slaps someone else in the face; that's a civil dispute and is only suitable for moral criticism.

But if someone slaps someone in the face, it is a criminal offense.

"I'm not talking about Master Jin."

Pei Yunxi put the last bit of the steamed bun into her mouth.

Each xiaolongbao should be eaten in several bites.

  What do you mean?

Deliberately tempting people?

Even though we were only separated for a few days, there is a saying that goes like this.

A day without seeing you feels like three years.

"Then who are you talking about?"

"If defeat is inevitable, if I were Wei Yi, the only way to survive would be to capture hostages."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"At that time, do you think you are inside the circle? Or outside the circle?" Pei Yunxi continued.

Looking at that incomparable peaceful face, Jiang Chen sneered. A beautiful appearance will eventually wither, but an interesting soul can shine forever.

"You are wasting your talent as an artist. You should be a think tank."

Jiang Chen sighed and nodded, "What you said is indeed possible. When faced with life and death, it is not surprising what people do. If Wei Yi loses, they may indeed attack us..."

As he spoke, he seemed to have just realized what had happened and was reminded, "So for the sake of safety, we should probably hope that Wei Yi can win."

"Do you really think Wei Yi can win?"

Pei Yunxi said bluntly, "Master Jin not only has an absolute advantage in military strength, but also has sufficient munitions. By the way, it seems that his weapons and equipment were all sponsored by you as a friendly donation."

You're bringing up something that's not related to the topic.

Isn't this intentional to embarrass Boss Jiang?

But since Pei Yunxi said this, she must have considered the other person's face.

This is indeed the case.

Boss Jiang was not affected at all and remained silent.

"So, how do you plan to help Wei Yi change the situation?"

Pei Yunxi certainly understood that the other party was instigating internal strife among the allied forces, and it was definitely not just to instigate Wei Yi to die.

In the current situation, if there is no external support, no matter how much they talk, the rebels led by Wei Yi will have only one fate.

And let’s be realistic.

How could a military genius really emerge from a group of warlords? And even if there is a military genius, there must be room for him to display his talents.

As the old saying goes, a good cook cannot cook without rice.

  Kaluzi was surrounded, but weren't the rebels in the heart of the Allied Forces also surrounded by a larger circle?

Pei Yunxi doesn't understand military affairs, but at least she knows that there is no strategic depth at all.

"Do we have to rely on the eight people who came before?"

She asked.

"Your memory is so good? You even counted them specifically?" Jiang Chen laughed.

Pei Yunxi looked at him. Although she was pessimistic about the war situation out of rationality, she was not panicked at all.

She didn’t know if it was because she had experienced so many dangers that she had become accustomed to it, but when she was with this guy, she seemed to no longer feel afraid, no matter what happened.

Jiang Chen glanced at her, pondered for a moment, and was about to speak when he suddenly stopped.

"Kiss me and I'll tell you."

Pei Yunxi was stunned.

Someone is calm and shameless.

No coyness.

Damn it, Pei Yunxi actually stood up, took a step, and bent down.


This isn't the first time I've tasted the forbidden fruit.

During this period of time, except for the past three days, or to be exact, two nights, the two of them slept in the same bed every night.

Pei Yunxi should have just been dealing with it, but when her lips were only 0.01 millimeter away from someone's face, the other person turned his head away without any sense of martial ethics.

Pei Yunxi's eyes jumped slightly, but she did not struggle.

half an hour.

Lip points.

An ambiguous thread stretched, then broke.

Pei Yunxi's breathing was a little rapid, but she was very calm. She sat back down, reached out to take out a tissue, and wiped her mouth.

What is the ultimate beauty.

That's it.

Even if you just ate a greasy steamed dumpling, the fragrance still lingers on your lips and teeth.


Seeing someone sitting there with a nostalgic look on his face, Pei Yunxi couldn't help but speak.

It seems that I have become numb.


Training successful?

However, Comrade Jiang Chen has always respected women, so he might just be unable to bear the longing for her. After all, it is really difficult for him to say anything too cheesy, so he can only express it through other actions.

"I just said that we need to change our narrow-minded ideas and not always use simple numbers as a criterion for measurement."

"So you hired Superman?"

Pei Yunxi asked.

"Superman is a Western character."

Jiang Chen straightened his body slightly, lowered his voice, and said in a serious tone, "I invited the heavenly soldiers and generals." (End of this chapter)

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