Chapter 22
It was none other than Li Shurui, Xu Siyi, and Zheng Jingjing who were late.

Guo Ran didn't come because of some personal matters.

of course.

Liang Zhenlun only cared about Li Shurui, it didn't matter whether the others came or not.

Unlike his girlfriend Ai Qian who came here by herself, for the arrival of Li Shurui's three daughters, Liang Shao not only went out to greet them in person, but also introduced them with great fanfare when they entered the door.

"This is Li Shurui, the beauty of our East University Academy of Arts, these two are her roommates, Xu Siyi and Zheng Jingjing, both are beauties of our school!"

"Hello everyone."

Xu Siyi didn't feel stage fright at all, and greeted everyone gracefully.

The men and women in the box also responded enthusiastically.

"sit down."

After the formalities, Liang Zhenlun greeted the three women to take their seats, and then muttered about adding a few more bottles of Ace of Spades.

"Shu Rui drives the car, so she can't drink."

Zheng Jingjing, who was forced to come here, said immediately.

"It's okay, just call a driver..."

Halfway through the conversation, Liang Zhenlun sensed something was wrong, and looked at Li Shurui in surprise, "Driving?"

"Well, Shu Rui bought a trolley not long ago."

Xu Siyi explained.

"Good thing, then you should drink a few more glasses."

Liang Zhenlun didn't think too much about it, thinking that with Li Shurui's income as an anchor, it would cost around 300,000 yuan for an ordinary scooter at most.

"I really can't drink it, let Siyi drink it up, let me drink some juice."

Li Shurui spoke out.

The other party was willing to come, and it was enough to give him face. Liang Zhenlun didn't want to be too forceful, so he could only nod his head and said with a smile: "Okay, then Siyi, Shurui's share is yours."

"no problem."

Xu Siyi was very forthright.

Liang Zhenlun went out to order wine.

"Shu Rui, Si Yi, look, is that... Ai Qian?"

Zheng Jingjing suddenly whispered, looking in a certain direction.

"What's the fuss? She and Liang Zhenlun are boyfriend and girlfriend. Liang Zhenlun celebrates her birthday. Isn't it normal for her to be here?" Xu Siyi said disapprovingly.

Li Shurui looked over there subconsciously.

She didn't know Ai Qian, and she didn't have any interaction before, but because of Jiang Chen's random licking of people, there seemed to be an indescribable connection between the two.

Seemingly aware of Li Shurui's gaze, Ai Qian turned her face and smiled politely.

Li Shurui also smiled and nodded.

"He looks pretty good, that guy Jiang Chen has good eyesight, no wonder Liang Zhenlun wants to steal his girlfriend."

Zheng Jingjing muttered.

Most of the girls here wear heavy makeup, but Ai Qian after washing her face is not stained with lead dust, just like a white lotus blooming among the colorful flowers, subjectively it is easy to make people feel good.

of course.

Zheng Jingjing knew that this senior was not a white lotus, but a proper green tea.

"It's said that East University produces beauties, and it really deserves its reputation. It's the first time we meet the three beauties, and I would like to offer you a toast."

People came to toast one after another.

Xu Siyi never refused to come, she was very heroic, and after a while, she became one with the men and women in the box.

After Li Shurui's arrival, Liang Zhenlun put all his focus on her and almost ignored his real girlfriend.

In the end, it was Ai Qian who took the initiative to walk over with a glass of wine.

"Li Xuemei, I have admired your name for a long time, let's have a drink."

"I drove a car, I can't drink alcohol, I can only use juice instead, I hope Senior Ai doesn't mind."

Li Shurui greeted her with a smile.


The two goblets touched each other with a crisp sound.

Li Shurui took a sip of the juice, but Ai Qian unexpectedly drank the whole glass of wine and walked back.

Both Xu Siyi and Zheng Jingjing were a little strange.

"She's not feeling well, don't worry about her."

Liang Zhenlun laughed.

Hearing that, although she didn't show any clues on the surface, Zheng Jingjing became more and more disdainful in her heart.

Is this still a man?

How could anyone say that about his girlfriend?

At this time, the box door was pushed open.

A group of waiters walked in carefully holding several bottles of Ace of Spades.

Under the superb marketing methods, this champagne should be known to everyone by now.

The price varies from place to place, the minimum selling price is [-], and a bottle of V Pie costs [-].

Several girls have started to take pictures with mobile phones, post them on Moments, dress up their exquisite daily life, and add bricks and tiles to their goddess personality.

"Just let it go."

Liang Zhenlun waved his hand lightly, showing the arrogance and grandeur of the rich to the fullest.

What are you pretending to be!

Zheng Jingjing slandered inwardly.

She has met a lot of rich men, and some people really treat money like dung, but Liang Zhenlun obviously has not reached that level, his acting skills are deliberate, superficial, with serious traces, so people despise him.

However, Zheng Jingjing was taken aback when her gaze inadvertently glanced over a certain waiter who was bending over to serve the wine.

that is not……

"Bosses have fun."

Just when a group of waiters were about to leave the box, Liang Zhenlun yelled unexpectedly.

"Wait, you, stay."

Several waiters looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only the youngest young man looked calm, as if he had expected it.

"You guys, you can go out now."

After dismissing the other waiters, Liang Zhenlun raised his lips.

"Tsk, isn't this Senior Jiang? It's fate to meet you here."

Everyone in the box looked at the young man standing alone and dressed as a waiter.

"Tsk, this dress looks really handsome on Senior Jiang, don't you think so?"

Even if the students of Dongdong University present had never seen him before, they probably already guessed who the waiter was, and smiled maliciously.

"Handsome! It's so handsome!"

Others also noticed something tricky, and cooperating with Liang Zhenlun, they burst out laughing.

a time.

The box was filled with joyous laughter.

After a short moment of astonishment, Xu Siyi didn't smile, but she didn't lend a helping hand, she chose to stand by and watch reasonably.

Zheng Jingjing looked sympathetic.

Li Shurui's face was flat, and she drank the juice quietly, as if it had nothing to do with her.

"Senior Jiang, today is my birthday, don't you want to toast me?"

Liang Zhenlun was full of smiles, as if the conflict on the side of the court had never happened before.

"We have a rule here that you can't drink alcohol during working hours, sorry."

If other people encountered this situation, they would have longed to dig a crack in the ground to get in, but this young man didn't change his face.

"Senior Jiang, this is not mean enough for you. If I come to your place to spend money, I don't talk about God. At least I can be regarded as a guest. It's just a glass of wine. Don't you give me any face?"

Liang Zhenlun's eyebrows gradually turned wild.

Everyone watched the show with great interest.

At this time, the music suddenly sounded.

"Turn the music off!"

Liang Zhenlun said in a deep voice, even if he saw that it was his girlfriend who wanted to sing for no reason at this time, he didn't give the slightest bit of face.

"By the way, Ai Qian, aren't you and Senior Jiang old friends? Don't you want to say hello?"

(End of this chapter)

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