I have ten trillion licking dog gold

Chapter 47 I want everyone to know that this fish pond...

Chapter 47 I want everyone to know that this fish pond...

Paradise Village.

Located in Lantian City.

It is not well-known, but the mountains are steep and the highest peak is more than [-] meters above sea level. It also attracts many mountaineering enthusiasts every year.

It is an hour and a half drive away from the East China Sea, and it is also the destination of the activity of the Tunghai University Mountaineering Club.

"Senior year? Shurui, are you kidding me?!"

The bus stopped at a farmhouse at the foot of Tiantangzhai. After lunch, more than [-] members who participated in the activity began to move freely.

Mountaineering is only one of the items of this trip, and enjoying the pastoral life, which is completely opposite to the metropolis, is also the main theme of this event.

Beside the sparkling fish pond, some boys rented fishing tackle from the boss, hoping to show off their talents.

The girls are in groups of three or four, admiring the scenery and taking pictures around.

Zheng Jingjing, who was walking by the pond with Li Shurui, was so shocked that she almost fell into the water when she heard the news.

"This is what he said himself during the chat in the car. I don't know if it's true or not. It may be a joke, but I feel that it is mostly true."

"If it's true, isn't he about our age?"

After the surprise, it was great joy.

Zheng Jingjing stopped and said hurriedly: "In this way, the age gap will disappear, Shurui, this is your opportunity, that guy is so rich, and his parents are gone, if you marry, you don't have to think about your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law." You two are a match made in heaven!"

"What are you talking about!"

Li Shurui couldn't laugh or cry.

"I don't even know what people look like."

"A boy's appearance doesn't matter! As long as he has money! If you are with this guy, you won't have to worry at all in this life, no, in the next life!"

Li Shurui shook her head, looked at the clear fish pond, and said softly: "I asked him which school he was from, but he refused to say."

"Isn't this normal?"

Zheng Jingjing analyzed: "For a boy like this, girls must rush up like bees and butterflies. He must have seen a girl who takes the initiative. If it is really so easy to handle, will it be your turn?"

This sounds a bit unpleasant, but Li Shurui understands that it is indeed the truth.

For ordinary people, beautiful women are a scarce resource, unattainable.

But for rich people, the so-called goddess is not worth being surprised at all.

This world lacks beautiful women, but the most important thing is also beautiful women.

Li Shurui is confident, but not blindly conceited.

For a person of Hanjiang Guying's level, the skin she is proud of does not have much competitiveness.

"Shu Rui, when dealing with a boy like this, you have to be calm, just like, you have to be like Jiang Chen, you have to have an indomitable will, and you have to be patient."

"Are you talking about me?"

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Jiang Chen didn't know when he appeared behind the two women, which shocked Zheng Jingjing.

"Are you a cat? You don't even make a sound when you walk!"

"what's the topic?"

Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's none of your business, aren't you fishing with Fan Feiyu?"

Zheng Jingjing said unhappily.

"I haven't caught a single one in half an hour, so I don't want to catch any fish anymore."

Zheng Jingjing, who only praised him for his perseverance, said with contempt: "Give up after only half an hour? Why are you so patient in chasing girls?"

"How can it be the same? One is a fish and the other is a human. There is no comparison."

"I'm talking to Shurui, don't disturb us, just stay where it's cool."

Zheng Jingjing wanted to send him away.

"This can't be done. This is not the East China Sea. Who knows if there will be any bad people. I have to protect you."

Jiang Chen spoke righteously.

"We're right here, we won't go far, we don't need your protection!"

"That's not OK."

Zheng Jingjing was helpless.

This is what a good girl is afraid of being pestered by a man.

When a man shows his face, women probably have nothing to do with him.

"Shu Rui, what were you talking about just now? Seeing you in the car seems to have something on my mind."

Jiang Chen looked at Li Shurui with concern.

"Jiang Chen, I'm officially notifying you that you can give up, Shu Rui already has someone she likes."

Zheng Jingjing said loudly.


Jiang Chen didn't change his expression, he smiled and said, "I don't believe it."

"You don't believe it, do you? Then I'll make you give up! The person Shurui likes is a super son, do you understand what it means? It's the kind who is invincible and rich."

Jiang Chen looked at Li Shurui.

Li Shurui remained silent, wondering if it was to get rid of Jiang Chen, and did not make any rebuttals.

"People gave Shu Rui several million gifts, several million, do you know what the concept is? You may not be able to make so much money in your whole life!"

Jiang Chen slightly raised his eyebrows, seemed a little surprised, and was about to say something, but Zheng Jingjing didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

"Don't use your argument that love is more expensive, it doesn't work! If you like a girl, you have to give her the best life. This is love! You keep saying that you love a girl, but let her suffer with you, Is this love? This is selfishness."

Have to admit,
This girl's mouth skills are really good.

"So, you should be great and make Shurui perfect. If she is happy, shouldn't you be happy too?"

In a few words, Zheng Jingjing blocked all Jiang Chen's roads.

Jiang Chen's lips moved, and he glanced at Li Shurui.

"Shu Rui, didn't you tell her?"

Zheng Jingjing was taken aback when she heard the words, "Tell me what?"

Li Shurui was also baffled, and looked at Jiang Chen strangely.

"Actually, I'm a trillionaire."

Jiang Chen repeated what he said in the car.

Li Shurui: "..."

Quiet by the fish pond.


After a short period of astonishment, Zheng Jingjing couldn't help laughing, which caused dissatisfaction and complaints from a man who was fishing not far away.

"Be quiet, it scares my fish away."

In addition to the members of the mountaineering club, there are also people who come to play from other places.

"Are you a billionaire?"


Jiang Chen corrected again.

Seeing his serious look, Zheng Jingjing almost laughed out of tears.

"Hahaha... I can't do it anymore, Jiang Chen, you are so funny, hahaha..."

"Beauty, can you keep your voice down and go fishing!"

The man said loudly.

"Is it so funny?"

"Isn't it funny?"

Zheng Jingjing wiped her tears, covered her stomach with one hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Jiang Chen, I haven't realized before that you are so funny, it hurts my stomach from laughing."

Seeing these young men ignoring him, the man who hadn't caught a single fish for a long time was furious, and stood up and was about to explode. Fortunately, the fish pond manager who was patrolling nearby saw that something was wrong and walked over quickly.

"Several, can you go to another place to chat, you are disturbing other people's fishing."

After comforting that man, he walked closer and said to Jiang Chen and the others.

Zheng Jingjing felt a little embarrassed, and was about to apologize, but at this time Jiang Chen actually said: "Call your boss here."


The fish pond manager is baffled.

Jiang Chen pointed to Li Shurui.

"I want everyone to know that this fish pond has been contracted by her."

(End of this chapter)

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