I have ten trillion licking dog gold

Chapter 72 Ex-Boyfriend (Part 4! Ask for Tickets!)

Chapter 72 Ex-Boyfriend (Fourth Update! Please Tickets!)
One party is determined to repair the relationship.

One party has something to ask for.

It can be said that the two sides hit it off, and the meal was a joy for both the host and the guest.

Although it was Li Shurui and Jiang Chen's treat, but in the end, it was Liang Zhenlun who paid the bill. This guy is not usually flexible. After confirming that Bai Haoran was not exaggerating, his attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees, and he didn't mention the previous conflicts Conflict with.

Follow the trend.

It sounds like a derogatory term, but if you want to better adapt to this society, this is actually an important skill you need to master.

Of the six bottles of beer, the two gentlemen each finished three bottles, which is not too much, but Liang Zhenlun's face was inevitably flushed.

"Senior Jiang, Shu Rui, if there is news later, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"It's troublesome."

At the entrance of the restaurant, the two sides parted in a friendly manner.

Watching the backs of Jiang Chen and Li Shurui leaving, Liang Zhenlun exhaled alcohol and slightly squinted his eyes.

After standing in place for a while, when the two of Jiang Chen disappeared from sight, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Where is it? Let's meet."


Center Playground.

Ai Qian walked in, looked around the football field and the track, and then looked at the rostrum.

Liang Zhenlun sat on it alone, as if he was watching someone play football.

Ai Qian walked up with a blank expression.

Since her last birthday, this was the first time she and Liang Zhenlun met.

"I thought we had broken up."

Listening to the voice that came with the wind, Liang Zhenlun turned his head and said, neither sullen nor angry, "Sit."

"Is there a problem?"

Ai Qian was unmoved, and stood beside her, her face lacking any tenderness between lovers, her tone was flat or even cold, with a clear sense of alienation.

Liang Zhenlun, who was still drinking, looked at her and said with a smile: "Even if you can't be a lover, there is no need to be an enemy, right? Sit down and talk calmly."

Ai Qian was silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Although I did go too far in some places, at least during the time we were together, in terms of material things, I was not bad to you, right?"

Liang Zhenlun spoke softly, "Just treat me as a face."

Hearing this, Ai Qian finally sat down on the next step.

Liang Zhenlun smiled with satisfaction, and looked back at the young people who were sweating on the lawn.

"It seems that you have really decided."

Ai Qian also looked at the playground.

"We're not a good fit."


Liang Zhenlun wasn't angry at all. Today's Young Master Liang seems to have an unusually good temper.

"You didn't say that when we first got together."

he murmured.

Ai Qian said nothing.

"Regret? Want to start over with Jiang Chen?"

Liang Zhenlun looked at the playground and asked with a smile.

"Is this question important to you? To you, I am just a spoil of war that has lost its value."

A faint self-mockery appeared on Ai Qian's face.

"Why do you say that?"

"Isn't it? How dare you say you like me?"

Neither of them looked at each other, even though they were close at hand, it seemed like an invisible barrier separated them.

It's not that Liang Zhenlun is not good at rhetoric, but at this moment he seems unwilling or doesn't want to be hypocritical, and he didn't answer this question directly.

"Ai Qian, you are a smart woman, why do you ask such meaningless questions? Like? Is this important? Could it be that you are with me because of love? Probably not."

Ai Qian was silent, her face slightly embarrassed.

"You said that we are not suitable. I actually don't agree with this point of view. In fact, I think we are quite compatible. It's just that you didn't control your ambition, just like when we first got together. Everyone gets what they need, how good is it?"

Liang Zhenlun sighed, "We would not have come to this point."

Ai Qian sneered.

"Blame me?"

"That's not it."

Liang Zhenlun said with a smile: "Right or wrong is never meaningful. Since you have made up your mind, I will naturally not force you."

Although she had already made up her mind, when she heard the other party's straightforward response, Ai Qian inevitably felt a little cold in her heart.

"The things you gave me, I will return them to you after sorting them out later."

Ai Qian took a light breath, maintaining the little bit of self-esteem left.

"That's not necessary. Who do you think I am, Liang Zhenlun? There is no reason to ask for the things I gave away. Besides, if you return them to me, I don't need them, so I have to throw them away."

Liang Zhenlun smiled and said, "I asked you out today, not to settle the bill."

"Anything else?"

"Do you know who I was eating with just now?"

Liang Zhenlun turned his head with a meaningful arc.

"not my business."

Ai Qian looked at the playground without squinting.

"No, it has something to do with you, and it has a lot to do with it."

Liang Zhenlun didn't show off, and quickly said frankly: "It's Jiang Chen, and Li Shurui."

Ai Qian's pupils shrank, and her hands on her knees clenched involuntarily.

"Li Shurui's father was seriously ill and was hospitalized in Donghai. They came to me. They wanted my help. This is Li Shurui's family matter, but Jiang Chen came out with her. Tell me, how close is the relationship between the two of them now? "

Liang Zhenlun was not in a hurry, seemingly chatting.

"You're lying, Li Shurui has such high eyesight, how could she fall in love with Jiang Chen?"

Ai Qian finally couldn't help turning her head away, her expression was cold, even showing anger.


Liang Zhenlun smiled, "Ai Qian, you are so excited, I really feel a little uncomfortable."

Ai Qian turned a deaf ear to it.

Liang Zhenlun exhaled lightly.

"Whether I lied or not, you should be very clear in your heart. It is impossible for you not to have heard of the rumors about the two of them in school. Why deceive yourself and others?"

Ai Qian's face was ugly.

"That's all fake."

"Whether it's true or not, you can go and verify it yourself, whether it's Jiang Chen or Li Shurui. As an ex-boyfriend, I just want to kindly remind you, don't put your hopes on Jiang Chen anymore. The road is already impassable."


Ai Qian stood up, "Li Shurui told me that it is impossible for her to like Jiang Chen!"

"When did she tell you?"

Liang Zhenlun still sat there calmly, "You should be very clear that people will change."

"What's the reason?!"

Ai Qian said angrily: "The people she comes into contact with are all young masters and rich second generations, what can Jiang Chen attract her?!"

Liang Zhenlun didn't respond immediately, he turned his head to look up at the emotional girl, there seemed to be a trace in his eyes——


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ai Qian frowned tightly.

"You and Jiang Chen have been together for so long, do you know nothing about Jiang Chen's background?"

"What do you mean?"

Liang Zhenlun shook his head and sighed.

"It seems that he has been hiding it from you."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"What I want to say is that Jiang Chen is not poor at all, not at all. Just now, in order to save Li Shurui's father, he directly took out 3 million. If you ask me why Li Shurui fell in love with him, I think this should be the reason .”

Ai Qian's pupils dilated, as if her soul had been taken away, she was instantly stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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