Chapter 75 Speech
"Well said."

The professor smiled and nodded.

"Then who do you think will win the throne of the martial arts leader in the future?"

Although the professor was humorous, no one dared to answer this question lightly.

Although Dongda University is a first-class university in China, after all, all of you present here are just students, and theoretical aspects are nothing more than theoretical discussions. Those economists would not dare to speak nonsense if they want to assert the success or failure of the two Internet giants. Not ashamed.

"Sit first."

Without embarrassing the pair of students, the professor raised his hand to signal them to sit down, and then asked, "Does anyone know what the essence of the Internet is?"

Hearing this, all the students had their own ideas in their minds.

This kind of question is very simple and vague, even a junior high school student may be able to stand up and say a few words.

Some people got up one after another, followed the scriptures, and said some plausible platitudes.

"Anyone else have any other ideas?"

Li Shurui subconsciously looked at the young man next to her.

As far as she knows, the other party is not only a well-known dog licker, but also has outstanding academic performance.

"Aren't you going to talk about your opinion?"

She suddenly wanted to know about other aspects of this young man.

This is also the reason why she chose to "accompany me" today.

"Yes, say a few words."

Luo Peng also echoed.

"Forget it, I have nothing to say."

Jiang Chen shook his head.

Luo Peng glanced at Li Shurui who seemed a little disappointed, regardless of 21, in the situation where Jiang Chen was not mentally prepared at all, he grabbed his arm and raised it up.

Jiang Chen's expression changed, and he quickly wanted to withdraw his hand, but it was too late.

"That boy."

The professor has seen it.

"come on!"

Luo Peng winked.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, seeing that it was Jiang Chen, they all shook their heads, and then started whispering.

The professor saw some clues, and looked at Jiang Chen with more curiosity.

With no way out, Jiang Chen could only stand up stiffly.

"What's your name?"

"Jiang Chen."

"You are Jiang Chen?"

The professor seemed to have heard the name before.

Jiang Chen squeezed out a smile, and nodded.

The professor's expression became a little more kind.

He had indeed heard of this name. Of course, it was not the reputation of licking dogs. As for the small number of outstanding students in the school, the school leaders naturally paid more or less attention to it.

"tell me your opinion."

Eyes from all directions focused.

The point is.

Li Shurui was still sitting beside her.

Jiang Chen, who was forced to go to Liangshan, had no choice but to speak: "Students have already talked about the essence of the Internet, so I won't go into details. I do have some personal views on the logic of domestic Internet companies."

"Tell me."

"To sum it up, it's just two words, burning money."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience instantly went into an uproar!

After all, this is Professor Xiao's class, which is sacred and solemn, how can it be so superficial or even vulgar?

The middle-aged professor who enjoyed a certain reputation in the country pressed his hand, signaling to keep quiet, and then looked at Jiang Chen meaningfully.

"go on."

Jiang Chen has never been an introverted character, since he had no choice, he said frankly: "In the past ten years, there have been eight money-burning wars in the country. The first time was the thousand-regiment war. Group-buying websites are crazy about subsidies. It is not uncommon to buy roast duck for one piece and eat a big meal for ten yuan. Consumers can hardly believe the pie that fell from the sky. Died of exhaustion, the Yellow Army got Ari's buzzer investment at the dying moment, survived, and dominated the world ever since.

The second time was the e-commerce war. Jingdong announced in a high-profile manner that major appliances had zero gross profit for three years, pointing to offline stores, and other home appliance giants also quickly joined the battle.This war has brought about great changes in Chinese people's online consumption concepts, and the e-commerce market has ushered in explosive growth. Unexpectedly, there is a happy ending for everyone.

Then the online travel ota war started, and Ctrip, eLong, and Qunar kept fighting to the death. The crazy subsidies cost each company billions of dollars. Finally, eLong and Qunar were unable to hold on, and raised the white flag to Ctrip. And Ctrip, who won the tragic victory, was also bruised and had to sell himself to save his mother in order to continue his life. There was no winner in this competition.

The fourth time was the online car-hailing war. Didi relied heavily on penguins to smash red envelopes for taxi-hailing, and Kuaidi Uber quickly joined the battle. The three giants burned 30 billion in two years. There was a situation where taxis were cheaper than buses, and the whole people enjoyed this There is a car-hailing feast, and even grandparents have to take a taxi back and forth when they go to the market to buy vegetables.Two years later, the red-eyed Big Three shook hands and announced a merger under capital matching. Since then, Didi has become a super oligarch, rampant across the world, monopolizing [-]% of the travel market. "

There were more than [-] people in the entire auditorium, and it was almost silent, only Jiang Chen's calm voice echoed.

Ai Qian lowered her eyes, almost breathless in her heart, unwilling to look at that radiant face.

Once upon a time, Jiang Chen attracted her with this kind of temperament, but she didn't know when, she gradually forgot to appreciate the advantages of the other party.

Professor Xiao listened with gusto.

"The fifth time was the food delivery war. After raising 5 billion yuan in financing, took the lead in the food delivery market, but soon after Ahri and Huang Yiduniang joined the battle, the four giants started a tug-of-war for crazy subsidies..."

From food delivery to new retail, and then to shared bicycles, Jiang Chen peeled off the cocoons like every treasure.

Li Shurui knew all these things, and everyone was a witness, but it was another thing to be able to speak out so eloquently and in one go.

Li Shurui raised her head slightly, looking up at the young man beside her who seemed to be in high spirits.

If it weren't for the reputation of licking dogs, such boys should be very popular.

"The eighth time is the tens of billions of subsidy wars against upstarts in e-commerce. Pinxixi relied on sinking the market and rose rapidly with a one-shot strategy, and reshuffled the e-commerce that has been stable for many years. The other two industry giants Naturally, they couldn’t sit still, and successively launched special editions of Sniper Fighting Xixi, and the three giants’ real gold and silver subsidies of tens of billions were bombarded in turn on 8 and Double 618, and the winner is still undecided.”

The more Jiang Chen spoke, the calmer he became.

"In each of these eight wars, astronomical wealth was burned, but the evaporation of these wealth has become the driving force for social progress. Therefore, we don't have to care about who wins and who loses in the future. Judging from the past history , even if there is a temporary victor, this war will never stop, because the progress of society will not stop."

"Clap clap clap..."

In the silence, Professor Xiao was the first to applaud.

From point to surface.

The applause changed from sparse to thunderous.

(End of this chapter)

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