Chapter 80
The gentle sunlight shines through the window and sprinkles on the snow-white bed.

Under the quilt, something seemed to move, and then an arm stretched out.

Amid the bouts of dizziness, Li Shurui rubbed her jet-black hair, then slowly opened her eyes, which were full of confusion after a hangover.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, she seemed to realize where it was, stood up suddenly, threw off the quilt, and lowered her head to look at her in horror.

Other than some wrinkles, the garment is in perfect condition.

She breathed a long sigh of relief.

After confirming that she had not been violated, Li Shurui felt relieved, and then looked around.

It was indeed in a hotel, but she soon discovered that this seemed to be a... standard room.

His eyes fell on the bed next to him.

The quilt was lifted, and it could be judged from the creases on the bed that someone should have slept there, but it was gone now.

Sitting on the bed, Li Shurui began to recall last night, scenes and scenes flashed back in her mind.

Because of her father's illness, she rushed to KIMI with the materials, and then was threatened by that Brother He to accompany her to drink, and ended up getting very drunk...

But about how she got out of the bar, how she came to the hotel, and who she "sleeped" with for the night, her memory is blurred, and she can't remember it no matter how hard she thinks.

I haven't been drunk like this for a long time.

Last night, that He Guangwen obviously did it on purpose, for her father, she couldn't help herself.

Although fragmented, what exactly happened last night has to be figured out. Just when Li Shurui was about to call Liang Zhenlun, she inadvertently found a note on the bedside table.

She quickly crawled over and picked it up.

"I still have class in the morning, so I'm leaving first. The car keys are in your bag, so drive carefully."

Li Shurui was taken aback, then quickly got out of bed to look through her bag, and soon found Paramela's key.

She froze in place.

Could it be that it was Jiang Chen who sent him here last night?

Subconsciously, she looked at the bed where she had slept on again, and then took out her mobile phone from her bag.

"Jiang Chen came last night?"

After dialing the phone, Li Shurui got straight to the point.

"Yeah, you're so drunk, I can only call Senior Jiang and ask him to pick you up.

Liang Zhenlun avoided the important and ignored the matter, and didn't mention the fact that He Guangwen almost took Li Shurui away. It would not do him any good to fight in the middle, on the contrary, he would be at odds inside and out.

But he didn't mention it, it doesn't mean that Li Shurui didn't know what happened last night, after all, she is not an innocent little girl.

"He didn't have conflicts with He Guangwen and those people, did he?"

"No, don't worry about that. Are you feeling better now? You really drank too much last night. When Senior Jiang took you away, you didn't have any consciousness at all."

"I am fine."

Li Shurui frowned slightly, her heart was inexplicably upset, she fell silent for a while, and asked tentatively: "When Jiang Chen came, did he say anything?"


Li Shurui hesitated to speak, but finally did not ask any more questions.

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, she exhaled lightly.

can be determined.

It was undoubtedly Jiang Chen who stayed with her last night.

If it was that He Guangwen, her clothes would not be so complete.

Sitting on the bed again, Li Shurui was holding the sticky note in her hand, her brows were still frowning and did not relax.

Jiang Chen left without saying goodbye, and returned the car keys to her. Could it be that he was angry?

Angry that she went there by herself last night without notifying him, and was drunk unconscious?
Li Shurui knew exactly what would happen if he was taken away by He Guangwen last night.

Would Jiang Chen feel that he was always like this before, a girl who could get drunk casually and didn't know how to love herself?
Li Shurui washed up hastily, and left the room with her bag.

After getting in the car and sitting in the driver's seat, Li Shurui hesitated again and again, but still didn't call Jiang Chen, and drove towards the school.

On the way, fragmentary memories floated in my mind like pieces of a puzzle.

Although her consciousness is fuzzy, she can remember that when she vomited in the dark last night, there was someone who had been accompanying and serving her.

He handed himself water, wiped his face, cleaned the floor, covered the quilt...

Li Shurui's eyes trembled, and an unprecedented complex emotion appeared in her heart inexplicably, as if uneasy, or even...panic.

She stepped on the accelerator.


Palmera rushed forward suddenly.


Jiang Chen, Luo Peng and the others returned to the dormitory after eating, but when they walked downstairs, they saw a white sedan parked there upright.

"Let's go first."

For this, Luo Peng was no longer surprised, and walked into the dormitory building with Li Shaobai Zheli tacitly.

Li Shurui pushed the door and got out of the car, looking straight at Jiang Chen.

"When did you come back?"

Jiang Chen walked over with a smile.

"An hour ago."

"You've been waiting here for me?"

Jiang Chen just asked tentatively, but he didn't know that the other party actually nodded.

"Why did you leave alone?"

Hearing such a question, Jiang Chen couldn't help being slightly taken aback, in a trance, he felt like a scumbag who lifted his pants and refused to admit it, and then someone came to block him.

But not right.

Last night, I played a modern version of Liu Xiahui, a proper gentleman and a model of morality.

"I left you a note, didn't you see? I have class in the morning."

Li Shurui stared at him for a moment.

"Are you, mad at me?"

Jiang Chen was startled again, his eye sockets enlarged slightly, looking at Li Shurui standing there, he had a vague sense of unreality.

This is a goddess who is highly sought after in school. Countless animals are tossing and turning over it, and now they are worried about their emotions?

"I didn't hide it from you on purpose. I just didn't want to bother you with everything. I thought that person came to me just to get the information, but I didn't expect..."

Although the emotional experience is not rich, Jiang Chen is not stupid, so he doesn't know what Li Shurui explained to him, what it means.

Really should be the old saying.

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart.

"It's okay, I know."

With complicated emotions, Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Are you really not angry?"

This aloof and aloof girl from the Academy of Arts actually acted like a little girl who was worried about gains and losses.

"Really do not have."

Jiang Chen smiled, "I know, you're only doing it for uncle."

Li Shurui looked at him for a while, as if to confirm whether he was telling the truth, and then said, "I haven't eaten yet."

This tone sounds calm, but why does it seem that there is a trace of grievance?
It's not that Jiang Chen doesn't understand customs, even though he just came back from the cafeteria with Luo Peng and the others, he quickly answered: "Let me accompany you to eat, go off-campus, Luo Peng said that there is a good restaurant, you drank it last night There are so many, now it is only suitable to eat some light liquid food."

As lonely and arrogant as Li Shurui, she actually obeyed her words at this moment, Xiaoniao nodded sympathetically, and hummed softly.

[Li Shurui's favorability towards you +20]

When he opened the car door, Jiang Chen who heard the notification sound realized that he should hurry up.

(End of this chapter)

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