Chapter 84 Goodbye
"How did she know your dad was in the hospital?"

After receiving Li Shurui, Palamela immediately turned around and drove towards the school gate again.

"This question is not the key. What is important is what she said to my mother."

Although Li Shurui's tone was calm, it was not difficult to find the tension and even anxiety hidden under her disguised appearance.

Jiang Chen was silent.

Ai Qian and Li Shurui have no friendship at all, and there is only one reason for going to the hospital, and that is for themselves.

He and Li Shurui lied in front of Xue Mingqin that they were lovers, if Ai Qian was talking nonsense in the hospital, then...

"She shouldn't be so ignorant of right and wrong."

Jiang Chen comforted, he didn't know whether to appease Li Shurui or himself.

"Her good sister just called me a mistress not long ago."

One sentence from Li Shurui left Jiang Chen speechless.

"Feel sorry."

If Ai Qian really made a fuss in the hospital and affected Li Shurui's parents, then she was indeed to blame.

"I'll give her a call."

Jiang Chen quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number, but he was hung up after a few rings.

Facing Li Shurui's gaze, Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed, and at the same time, his heart was a little heavy.

As a famous university student who has received higher education, he believes that Ai Qian has basic qualities.

But for a woman who has suffered huge emotional blows one after another, no one can predict what kind of behavior she will do.

Wei Chuyin said that Liang Zhenlun also broke up with her.

"Forget it, let's talk about it in the past."

Although nervous, Li Shurui did not vent her anger on Jiang Chen, nor did she complain.

Jiang Chen put away the phone, stepped up the accelerator,

Half an hour later, Panamera drove into the People's Hospital.

After getting off the car, Jiang Chen and Li Shurui hurried to the inpatient department. When they took the elevator, the atmosphere was very dull, like prisoners waiting for trial.


The elevator door opened and came to the corridor. As the distance to the ward got closer, Li Shurui's footsteps became heavier and heavier.

She really didn't mind other people's opinions, and didn't even take Wei Chuyin's "little three" to heart, but it was impossible for her not to care about her parents' eyes.

And my father was still seriously ill on the hospital bed at this time.

"No matter what Ai Qian said, we can explain it."

The ward is near Chichi, Jiang Chen said.

Things have come to this point, we can only face it.

Li Shurui glanced at him and nodded.

Jiang Chen took a light breath, pushed open the door, and was already ready to face the storm.

But the strange thing is that the ward was surprisingly calm, only Xue Mingqin was sitting by the bed, and Ai Qian was nowhere to be seen.

"...Mom, where's Ai Qian?"

"You are here."

Xue Mingqin turned her head, instead of the expected anger, she smiled and said, "Xiao Ai is playing with Nini below, didn't you see her?"


It was the little girl in the same ward who was only eight years old and also had a heart attack.

Jiang Chen and Li Shurui couldn't help but look at each other, their expressions were stiff, and their eyes were a little weird.

There are some nutritional products at the end of the bed, apparently brought by Ai Qian.

"Auntie, I'll go find her."

Jiang Chen, who had already prepared for the worst, said calmly, and at the same time, secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

No matter what the purpose of Ai Qian's coming here is, it is obvious that there is a certain deviation from what he expected on the road.

At least, from Xue Mingqin's reaction, it can be seen that the other party should not have said anything nonsense.

"You stay here with auntie."

Li Shurui nodded.

Jiang Chen turned around and left the ward.


After searching around, I finally saw Ai Qian and the little girl Nini on a bench.

The little girl's mother was also with her.

"Brother Jiang Chen!"

Because Jiang Chen had been here several times, the little girl naturally knew him and waved loudly.

Ai Qian turned her head and looked at Jiang Chen who was gradually approaching, her face was calm, even peaceful.

"Xiao Jiang."

Nini's mother nodded in greeting.

"Sister Wang."

"Nini, we should go up."

The little girl is very sensible, wearing a small hospital gown, the ravages of the disease have made her look skinny, but there is always a smile on her face like the morning sun.

It can be seen that she was very reluctant, but under the hand of her mother, she still jumped off the bench obediently, looked at the big sister who had played with her for several hours, and blinked, "Sister Xiaoai, do you still want to see me again in the future?" Can you come and play with Nini?"

"Will do."

Ai Qian nodded with a gentle smile.

The sallow-faced and thin little girl was satisfied, and she laughed crisply, "Then we've made a deal."

The girl's mother smiled apologetically at the two, then led her daughter away.

The little girl Nini looked back three times at each step.

Ai Qian sat on the bench, watched the pair of mother and daughter walk away, and said softly: "Before I came here, I felt that the world was unfair to me, but now I know that I have no right to complain."

Jiang Chen sat down where the little girl was before.

"How did you come?"

"Are you freaking out?"

Ai Qian withdrew her gaze, turned her head, and smiled playfully.

"It's not so frightening, but I'm really worried about what you will say in front of her parents. After all, her father is so sick that her mother can't stand any stimulation."

"In your eyes, am I such an ignorant woman?"

Ai Qian wrinkled her nose, then sighed softly.

"Besides, we've already broken up, so what can I say?"

Jiang Chen looked at the patients coming and going, as well as the family members of the patients, and remained silent.

"I came here today just to apologize to Li Shurui. I have no other intentions. I hope she won't take what Chu Yin said in her heart."

"She didn't care."

"That's good."

Ai Qian nodded, then got up.

"Okay, I should go back."

Jiang Chen stood up, hesitant to speak.

"I won't go up to say goodbye to Auntie, please tell me."

Looking at the once extremely familiar face, Jiang Chen said, "I'll see you off."

"No, it's very convenient to take the subway, and Li Shurui is still waiting for you, what do you want to say to me?"

Ai Qian smiled softly, and when she was about to turn around, she suddenly paused.

"Jiang Chen, can I ask you a question?"

Jiang Chen silently nodded.

"I've never doubted your feelings for me, but now, I don't seem to understand."

Staring at the pair of eyes that used to only be hers, after several seconds, Ai Qian's eyes trembled, and she said with a smile: "Jiang Chen, did you really like me?"

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, nodded slowly but resolutely.


Jiang Chen smiled.


"Oh, it seems that my loss is not too ugly."

Ai Qian smiled brightly.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Jiang Chen was silent.


After taking one last look at him, Ai Qian turned around and walked towards the gate of the hospital alone, her eyes were shining, but she was always smiling.

The story has a perfect ending.

Whose youth will have no regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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