Chapter 99 Metamorphosis

Jiang Chen didn't click in to see what the information was, there was no need for it.

Holding the phone, he smiled wryly,
"How did you find out?"

"Actually, I should have suspected a long time ago. Is there really such a person who does not ask for anything in this world? At that time, Liang Zhenlun passed away, and it was raining heavily. I drove you back to school. The words you said when you got off the car, at that time, I It just felt wrong."

Jiang Chen's memory is not bad, he still remembers what he said at that time.

Take the co-pilot instead of holding the steering wheel yourself.

"That night at KIMI, Siyi said, the standard for me to find a man is to drive a million dollar luxury car, so you gave me one, Jiang Chen, you are really great."

Li Shurui's face was calm, no emotion could be seen, and she stared at the young man opposite.

"Yesterday Liang Zhenlun called to ask for more money, but you came to give me a gift in time, no more, no less, just 2 million, if I didn't see the words "friends" in the address book under your nickname, I'm afraid there would be more money. I thought I had met a nobleman."

Jiang Chen was stunned, and then couldn't laugh or cry.

It turned out that the stuffing was exposed here.

"Don't you think it's fun?"

Li Shurui's mood at this time is very complicated, unprecedentedly complicated.


Of course not.

After all, they painstakingly gave her more than [-] million yuan in real money, if she is still angry, then she really doesn't know what to do.

Can you say happy?
There also seems to be none at all.

"Jiang Chen, what do you think of me? A clown? In the eyes of rich people like you, everything can be regarded as a game?"

From the time she discovered Hanjiang Guying to now, she still didn't understand why the other party gave her money in such a "hidden name".

Li Shurui also thought of some excuses to comfort herself, such as taking care of her self-esteem, but thinking about it carefully, it was too far-fetched.

"Shu Rui, don't get me wrong..."

Jiang Chen opened his mouth.

"Then answer me, why are you doing this?"

Li Shurui interrupted him and stared at him for a moment.

Jiang Chen pursed his lips.

Although he was caught off guard, it wasn't that he hadn't thought of such a scene at all.

If you don't know, you can do nothing.

Li Shurui will find out eventually, but it's just a little earlier than he expected.

"Shu Rui, in fact, at the beginning, I didn't want to cause too much sensation, you know, I didn't want others to find out my identity..."

"and then."

Jiang Chen racked his brains, trying to find a way to say something, "So I came up with such a method, which can give you what you want without being noticed by anyone."

Li Shurui smiled, the smile was very cold, without any warmth.

"Why don't I explain it to you?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Li Shurui said: "I have met some young masters. In their eyes, women are just a tool for them to have fun. I don't mean just the physical one. You pretend to be a virtual identity and spend money like water for me. , you know, it’s hard for any girl to resist such a temptation. Then in reality, you approached me with a real identity, and even for the sake of realism, you even risked yourself to create a feeling that I could An illusion that doesn't even want life."

"Jiang Chen, do you really enjoy this perverted pleasure of playing with human nature?"

"Shu Rui, you really misunderstood."

Jiang Chen frowned, completely unexpected that Li Shurui would develop such paranoid associations.

"When I first used the identity of Hanjiang Guying to give you gifts, I didn't think so much at all. As you said, what Xu Siyi and the others said the night I met you in KIMI, I felt at that time, Why do girls have to rely on men to get those things? That's why I will give you gifts.

If I was really as scheming as you said, why did I leave such an obvious flaw?You should know, I'm not stupid, if I had premeditated, I wouldn't have considered friends in the address book?Wouldn't I change my card to sign up for Starry Sky?

and also.

You said that for the sake of realism, I did not hesitate to risk my life, creating the illusion that I could risk my life for you.

I would like to ask you, what is the illusion of lifelessness? "

As he said that, Jiang Chen faintly started to turn his back on the customer, and became a little excited.

"Don't die, can it be installed? You don't know the situation at that time. Could it be that I knew in advance that the board would break? Or do you think it was planned by me in advance? If there was a little carelessness at that time, you and I will fall, no matter how perverted I am, I won’t take my life as a joke, right?”

Li Shurui's eyes flickered, as if her suspicions about her were beginning to waver.

"Shu Rui, since you have found out now, then I don't have to hide it. In fact, I have always wanted to tell you, but I have never found a suitable opportunity. I am worried that you will not be able to accept it if I say it suddenly. Before going to heaven On the bus in Zhai, I said that I am a trillionaire, do you remember? At that time I wanted to tell you that I was the lonely shadow of the cold river, but you didn’t believe it at all, so I didn’t go on. "

The scene fell silent.

"... Later, I didn't tell you because your father suddenly fell seriously ill. I was worried that it would cause too much psychological pressure on you. I know that you are very proud and unwilling to accept the benefits of others. I really didn't expect , you will look at me like that."

Jiang Chen exhaled deeply, then shook his head and smiled.

"But to keep it from you, it's really my fault, and you should blame me, as it should be."

Li Shurui, who clearly held the dominant position, was overwhelmed by others at this time, and for a while, she didn't know what to say.

"Pursuing the perverted pleasure of playing with human nature... Hehe."

Jiang Chen took out several hundred yuan bills and put them on the table.

"what are you doing?"

Li Shurui looked at him blankly.

"Since you think I'm a person with ulterior motives, then what face do I have to stay here?"

With the next sentence, Jiang Chen left straight away, his back view can be described as quite chic.

Li Shurui froze in her position, feeling at a loss for a while.

"in argument?"

Yu Lan, who realized that something was wrong here, walked over quickly.

Li Shurui sat in a daze and didn't reply. This Dongda goddess who had always been held high was really a little confused by Jiang Chen's lightning-fast combos.

"Don't sit still, hurry up and chase after him!"

Yu Lan hurriedly pushed her.

Although Li Shurui's mouth is very hard, but she is also a woman, how can she not see what this girl is thinking.

Li Shurui bit her lip, a little hesitant, but seeing that Jiang Chen actually walked out of the gate without looking back, she immediately grabbed her bag and got up without restraint.

Seeing the two leave one by one, Yu Lan smiled and shook her head.

In fact, feelings never distinguish who is right and who is wrong.

Whoever is tempted first is doomed to admit defeat first.

(End of this chapter)

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