Man Tanghong

Chapter 1003 A Small Miracle in Aries City

"Is it nonsense, you will know if you don't see it..."

Niu Xiu, who had been staying silent by Su Dingfang's side all this time, suddenly spoke at this moment, pushing the atmosphere up all of a sudden.

Wang Xuance laughed and booed, "Yes, yes, am I talking nonsense, don't you know if you show off your shoulders for us to see?"

The others didn't follow suit, but just laughed, because other people's identities are not suitable for booing.

For example, Su Dingfang, who is now the commander in chief of Cheng Yaojin, Niu Xiu and others, has to maintain his majesty at all times.

Like Zhao Chengyong, he didn't know Cheng Yaojin well, so he rashly followed suit, if he offended Cheng Yaojin, it would be bad.

So everyone just waits to see the joke.

When Cheng Yaojin heard what Niu Xiu and Wang Xuance said, he blew his beard and stared at Wang Xuance first, and said to Wang Xuance: "Go, go, you young man, don't look at the fragrant shoulders of other big girls, look at me, a rough old man. What's up with the shoulder?"

Then he glared at Niu Xiu and said, "And you, Lao Niu, how old are you, and you're still making fun of a child, don't you feel ashamed?!"

Hearing this, Wang Xuance laughed hahaha, but didn't say anything else.

He called enough is enough.

Some things are too much.

With the example of Xue Wanche in front, he dare not make fun of Cheng Yaojin any more.

If Cheng Yaojin got annoyed and challenged him to a duel like Xue Wanche, it wouldn't be beautiful.

With his current martial arts, he is still no match for Cheng Yaojin.

Unless he can invite his two masters, both of his masters can suppress Cheng Yaojin in wisdom and force.

When Niu Xiu heard this, he said blankly, "I'm sure I'd be ashamed, because I'm not as thick-skinned as you..."

When Cheng Yaojin heard this, he screamed that he wanted to fight Niu Xiu.

Being made such a fuss by Wang Xuance, Cheng Yaojin, and Niu Xiu changed the atmosphere on stage a bit.

But it didn't last long. After the horses under Xue Wanche and Yu Chigong's crotch were completely running, Li Yuanji reminded everyone, and everyone stopped talking and laughing instantly, and focused their eyes on the school field.

"Da da da……"

The short and rapid sound of horseshoes continued to come from the school grounds.

When they reached a certain limit, Xue Wanche and Yuchi Gong rushed to the center of the school field together holding the spear.

In just a moment, or even a breath, the two of them collided.

It's like two arrows flying off the string.

This is the speed at which a war horse can run, and it may leap out in an instant.


There was a clear and audible tearing sound when the two of them collided, and when they separated, a long gash appeared on Xue Wanche's shoulder, blood was spraying out from the gash, and the clothes around Yu Chigong's waist It has been torn apart, and another piece begins to sway with the wind.

Xue Wanche took a deep breath, bowed his hands to Yuchi Gong first, and said, "Accept!"

Yu Chigong nodded a little arrogantly, and rode away from the school grounds.

Judging from the attitudes of the two after the competition, it seemed that Xue Wanche had won, because Xue Wanche's reaction was exactly the same as that of Cheng Yaojin just now.

But in fact it was Yu Chigong who won, because Yu Chigong hurt Xue Wanche, but Xue Wanche didn't hurt Yu Chigong.

In the competition on horseback, the competition is no longer a point and then stop. Whoever can hurt the other side is the real winner.

After all, a person can control himself and the weapon in his hand, but he cannot control a horse.

In the case of galloping war horses, no one can guarantee that a shot or a stab can cut people's clothes and not hurt people.

So Yuchi Gong stabbed Xue Wanche, and Xue Wanche only stabbed Yu Chigong's clothes, which means Yuchi Gong was superior.

Because on the battlefield, such a small gap is enough to determine a person's life and death.

There is no doubt that Yuchi Gongsheng and Xue Wanche are 'dead' in this competition.

Yu Chigong didn't salute Xue Wanche in the end, not because he didn't recognize Xue Wanche again, but because the arrogance in his bones came up again and started to pull him up again.

In history, after he fell to Datang, he was not hit hard, so he was dragged all his life.

Now, after being hit twice, it's not so dragging anymore.

But looking at the signs now, it seems to be pulled up again.

"Do I still need to announce who wins and loses?"

Li Yuanji asked with a smile after Yu Chigong and Xue Wanche left the school field and returned to the general stage.

Yu Chigong, Xue Wanche, and Cheng Yaojin shook their heads in unison.

Everyone lives by martial arts, and they know who wins and who loses, so there is no need to announce it again.

Li Yuanji nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, then let's go back to the Chinese army tent together."

Headed by Su Dingfang, everyone agreed in unison, and then walked to the big tent of the Chinese army.

The large tent of the Chinese army is set up on the east side of Baiyang City, very close to the east wall of Baiyang City. It is made of loess, with beams and columns and tiles on it. It looks like that.

But compared with Shuofang City's General Manager's Mansion, it is more than a star and a half behind.

But this was built by Xue Wanche and his people in a very short time. It is already very good to be able to build it like this.

Although there are buildings similar to yamen in Baiyang City, and there are also buildings suitable for the large tents of the Chinese army, but these buildings are not owned by Su Ni Lost, nor are they belonged to any tribe under the rule of Suni Lost. Xiangyi Prince's Mansion and Duke Cao's Mansion.

In other words, all the decent buildings in Baiyang City belong to Li Shenfu and Li Shiji.

That is to say, Li Shenfu and Li Shiji were not here, otherwise Li Yuanji would definitely ask them how they managed to keep Suni Shibu to help them keep their property without being in Suni Shibu.

Datang has already started a war with Suni Shibu, and there are still people in Suni Shibu who are still thinking about the goodness of Li Shenfu and Li Shiji, helping them protect their property is a miracle.

More importantly, Li Shenfu and Li Shiji were able to travel so many places from Suni's hand when Suni lost the city. It is also a miracle that the people from Suni lost to help them build so many buildings.

After arriving at Xue Wanche's temporary adobe house, Su Dingfang entered the room first. After making sure that everything in the room was ready, he welcomed everyone in.

Entering the adobe room, what catches the eye is Su Dingfang's handsome case. The command arrows, command flags, seals, documents and other things that should have been placed on the case have been cleared away, and replaced by a whole roasted cow. It is so huge that it fills up the table, and some parts are protruding, so that the wine urn and other things can only be placed on the ground.

On both sides of the Shuai case, there are two rows of table tables. There are some steamed vegetables and a jar of wine on the table table, but nothing else.

Li Yuanji looked at the roasted cow on the handsome desk, smiled, and took the first seat behind the handsome desk, and after a few greetings, the others took their seats according to their identities.

Afterwards, Li Yuanji picked up a knife and began to divide the beef.

Su Dingfang made such a roast cow in the handsome case, just to divide it.

How to divide is also particular.

Every person in power in ancient times knew this skill, and Li Yuanji naturally did too.

Li Yuanji cut off the cow's ears, asked Wang Xuance to give them to Su Dingfang, and cut off the cow's legs to distribute to Cheng Yaojin, Yu Chigong, Zhao Chengyong, and Niu Xiu. As for Xue Wanche and Wang Xuance, they each got half of the bull's face.

Giving Su Dingfang the leader means that Su Dingfang is the leader of the Tang Dynasty, and giving Cheng Yaojin, Yu Chigong, Zhao Chengyong, and Niu Xiu the cow legs means that they are the humerus of Datang.

As for giving Xue Wanche and Wang Xuance a bullshit, it is to tell them that they don't have to worry about their wealth in this life.

After the beef was divided, the banquet began.

Everyone had no objection to the things they got, and kept cutting them with knives and stuffing them into their mouths.

However, when Cheng Yaojin was eating the beef leg, his gaze always lingered on Xue Wanche and Wang Xuance's beefy faces.

There is no meat on the face of the cow, and it is not as strong as the beef leg when eating. The meaning it represents seems to be not as good as the beef leg.

But if it can be exchanged, the person who gets the cow's leg is willing to exchange with the person who gets the cow's face.

Because the people who get the corbels are of course the humerus, but if they want to continue to be rich, they have to struggle and maintain.

And those who get the bull's face are certainly not as important as the humerus, nor are they as powerful as the leader, but they have already obtained the promise that everyone wants, they can continue to be rich, they can lie down completely, and they don't need to struggle anymore , and no more maintenance is required.

"You also worry about the things in the hands of children and idiots, you are really worthless..."

Niu Xiu was close to Cheng Yaojin, and was the first to see Cheng Yaojin's eyes, and immediately sneered with contempt.

Cheng Yaojin stared, and replied bluntly, "Aren't you thinking about it?"

Niu Xiu said indifferently: "What's the use of thinking about it? You're not a child, and I'm not a fool. That's not what we deserve."

It is a kind of gift, which has always been given to those who are blessed, not to those who are capable.

Those who can take it hot.

After all, like this kind of wealth for a lifetime, if capable people take it, their desires will inflate and they will want more, but idiots are different. idiots don't think so much, and their desires will naturally not inflate.

As for the child, it is just an expectation, not really given.

With Wang Xuance's current achievements, he is not yet qualified to really take the bull's face.

Those who are really qualified to take the bull's face are people like Xue Wanche and Yu Wenbao, or people like Qu Tutong and Shi Wanbao.

"Come, all you gentlemen, have a drink!"

When Cheng Yaojin was chatting with Niu Xiu, Li Yuanji raised his wine glass and invited everyone to drink together. After everyone drank the wine in the glass, Li Yuanji smiled and said: "After this banquet, The ministers are about to start using troops against Suni, and I am here to wait for your victory, celebrate your victory, and take you to the west to build greater achievements!"

Su Dingfang and others were shocked when they heard this.

Especially the last sentence, which made all of them feel excited.

For them, it is the saddest thing to have no battle to fight. Now that they can go to fight the west after fighting the east, they are naturally happy and their hearts are surging.

All the generals headed by Su Dingfang stood up together, raised their glasses together, and agreed loudly.


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