Man Tanghong

Chapter 1014: Scholars are not afraid of death!

At this time, Li Shimin was still thinking about not letting Li Jiancheng take advantage of it. Li Yuanji couldn't laugh or cry, but after thinking about it carefully, Li Shimin had a reason for thinking so.

After all, since ancient times, almost all those who have achieved great things have the same personality as Cao Cao, that is, they would rather teach me to bear the world than teach the world to bear me.

Li Shimin's biggest opponent in this life is Li Jiancheng, so if he can't get something, he naturally doesn't want Li Jiancheng to get it.

As for being obtained by other brothers, he would not feel so uncomfortable.

This is like a business war between two companies. If a third party jumps in and takes advantage, you may feel unhappy or regretful, but it won’t be so resentful or uncomfortable. But if your opponent takes advantage, then you If you suffer from diaphragm, you should die, and you will die from discomfort.

Not long after Li Shimin finished speaking, a piece of fluorescent light appeared on the horizon outside the city, and the fluorescent light converged into a cloud of fireflies, which quickly approached Baiyang City with the deafening sound of horseshoes.

In just half a stick of incense time, Yingyun floated five miles outside Baiyang City.

There were figures and horses swaying faintly under the fluorescent clouds, but they were too far away for Li Yuanji to see clearly, so he could only judge the number of figures and horses under the fluorescent lights by the number of fluorescent lights.

As Li Shimin said, it is indeed around [-]. The specific number needs to be counted.

The question is, in this situation, who can count?

"did you see it?"

After Yingyun appeared, Li Shimin stared fixedly at Yingyun without moving a bit, and after Yingyun stopped moving, he suddenly spoke.

Li Yuanji nodded and said, "I see..."

Ashnabil's wolf head banner.

Although it was far away and covered by night, the unique shape of the wolf head banner could still be seen as an outline under the light of fireflies. Li Yuanji would never forget that outline in his life.

Because when he was at Weizeguan in the past, Xie Shufang once risked his life and helped him pick a shot.

Although the wolf-headed banner has been enshrined in the Great Tang Temple, he still remembers its appearance clearly.

So the first time he saw that appearance, Li Yuanji knew what it was.

"Ashnabil really came in person!"

Li Shimin's tone contained three points of incredulity and three points of joking. As for the remaining four points, maybe only he knows.

The reason why the son of a daughter can't sit in the hall, in the Tang Dynasty, anyone who has read the book understands it, but Ashinabile just doesn't understand it, and it's no wonder Li Shimin joked about him.

Perhaps in the eyes of Ashinabil, taking down Li Yuanji and Li Shimin can solve the siege of Suni's loss of troops.

But in Li Yuanji's view, let alone taking him and Li Shimin, even if everyone who is currently in Suni Lost Department is taken down, it will not solve the siege of Suni Lost Department. On the contrary, Suni Lost Department may Will suffer the worst revenge in history.

After all, Li Yuan was famous for being a protector of the calf. If two of his sons were buried in Suni's missing department, then he would not let Suni's missing department be buried with him, and he would not be called Li Yuan.

Don't look at Li Yuan as a rich man now, with no ability, no worries, and a kind appearance.

If it is really a surge, the military power will be directly delegated, and the royal driver will personally conquer, Ashinabile will not be able to bear it at all.

Even without the help of famous historical marshals such as Li Shimin, Li Jing, Li Shiji, and Su Dingfang, Li Yuan can still beat Ashina.

After all, the Tang Dynasty in this period is really too strong and has too many talents. It can be regarded as one of the few periods in history when there were so many talents that they could not run out.

Without the help of Li Shimin, Li Jing, Li Shiji, Su Dingfang and others, Datang's strength may be weakened, but it is not much weaker.

Li Shentong, Li Xiaogong, Qu Tutong, Shi Wanbao, Chai Shao, Ren Gui, Huang Junhan, Liu Hongji, etc., and even Li Yuan himself, could lead the expedition.

That's it, there are also Li Xiuning, Liu Rengui and others prepared.

Not to mention that these people were all taken up one by one, even if they were taken up one by one, it was not something Ashnabil's small body could handle.

This is the destiny and the general trend. Both the destiny and the general trend are on Datang's side. Unless you drive a Gundam or bring a nuclear bomb, you can't do anything to Datang at all.

It is possible that you come with a Gundam and a nuclear bomb, but you may not be able to defeat Datang.

After all, when God is manipulating the destiny and the general trend, once human beings can't handle it by themselves, He will personally end it.

A plague, or a meteorite falling from the sky, will be wiped out before you open the Gundam and launch the nuclear bomb.

Therefore, whether he or Li Shimin, even if he is buried here, it will not affect the fate and general trend of Datang.

And if Ashinabile is buried here, then Suni Shibu will really be over.

After all, Ashinabile is now the leader of Suni Shibu, while Li Yuan is still the leader of Datang.

"It seems that he is determined to win us!"

After Li Shimin said something jokingly, he walked down the city wall without looking back.

Ashinabile's approach is a little bit of a success-or-successful flavor.

If Ashnabil was a great chieftain or prince of Suni Lost Tribe, then there is nothing wrong with him doing this, but he is the leader of Suni Lost Tribe.

If a leader doesn't stay well in the king's tent, he will become benevolent if he doesn't succeed. Isn't this a stick?
For this kind of stick, Li Shimin obviously didn't like it, so he didn't want to take a second look at Ashinabile, so he left directly.

Li Yuanji naturally looked down upon him, so after Li Shimin took two steps, he followed him.


After getting off the city wall, Li Lu had assembled all the soldiers and equipped them with the armor that Li Shimin asked him to equip. All the soldiers were riding on horseback, facing the city gate quietly, looking The look of being ready.

Some of them had already guessed what Li Shimin was going to do, so they had already made all the psychological preparations in advance.

"not bad!"

After Li Shimin's eyes lingered on all the soldiers, he praised them.

After hearing the praise, the soldiers involuntarily straightened their chests.

It's not that they are giving Li Shimin face for the sake of Li Shimin's commanding them now, but they have all heard of or participated in the wars that Li Shimin commanded in the past, and they admire Li Shimin's ability in marching and fighting. Li Shimin will not take them to die, but will take them to create more brilliant achievements.

Li Shimin saw what the soldiers were thinking, and after praising the soldiers, he said with emotion: "I was at Hulao Pass in the past, and I defeated Dou Jiande's [-] army with [-] cavalry.

Although we don't have five thousand today, there are not one hundred thousand thieves outside the city either.

So I want to take you out and teach them a lesson.

Do you have any comments?

Or feel timid? "

The soldiers all clasped their fists and said, "I am willing to die with the general!"

Although the voices of the soldiers were not loud, they were neat and had a sense of solemnity.

However, what they said did not mean that they were willing to follow Li Shimin to death, but that they were willing to follow Li Shimin to deal with any enemy, even if they died, they did not care.

Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Very well, scholars have the will to die, so of course I can't fall behind, I will rush ahead of all of you, if I want to be one step behind any of you, you can cut off my head at any time! "

When Li Shimin said this, he was sonorous and forceful. It sounded like he was making a guarantee, but in fact he was giving reassurance to the soldiers and encouraging them to do so.

Yes, it is encouragement.

He is using this method to motivate the morale of the soldiers, and he is also using this method to motivate himself.

At this moment, Li Yuanji finally understood why Li Shimin was victorious in all battles. He fought desperately and always took the lead. How could the soldiers under his command spare their lives, and how could they shrink back when they encountered a strong enemy?
Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for him and his soldiers to win every battle.

After all, he and his soldiers are both intelligent and powerful, and if they don't die after encountering an enemy, who can fight them?
A person who has no wisdom and no force, if he wants to die, he will only splatter five steps with blood.

This is called the courage of the common man!

But if a group of wise and powerful people don't kill them, they will turn the world upside down.

People who cherish their lives meet them, even if they are superior to them in terms of wisdom, force, etc., they are not their opponents.

Just like the Battle of Julu in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Xiang Yu and his soldiers were desperate, broke the boat, defeated Wang Li's 20 army with 20 troops, and forced Zhang Han's army to surrender a few days later. The [-] army has completely established the victory of the Great Qin.

What is the concept of 40 against [-]?
One hits eight!

Is it because they are better equipped than Qin Jun?

Or is their wisdom and force more than one level higher than the Qin army?
No, they didn't want their lives, but Qin Jun did.

In this case, they beat Qin Jun like a wolf beating a rabbit, chasing them away.

There is also the battle at Hulaoguan that Li Shimin just mentioned, with five thousand against one hundred thousand, one fighting twenty, and also relying on the bloodiness of life, Dou Jiande's army was driven around.

Therefore, the number of soldiers and horses, the quality of the armaments, and the wisdom and force of the people who command the troops are certainly important factors in determining the outcome of the war, but the most important thing is morale.

As long as the morale of the soldiers is up and they are not afraid of death, even if they are inferior to the enemy in all aspects, they still have a certain chance of winning.

If there are still some aspects that are stronger than the enemy, then the chances of winning are even greater.

If all aspects are evenly matched with the enemy, then the chance of winning may reach [-]%.

In this regard, there is a very classic example, that is, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, four rabbits swept across a camp of white elephants.

In terms of numbers, rabbits can no longer be said to be at a disadvantage, but the inferior ones cannot be inferior.

In terms of armaments, the rabbits are not as strong as the white elephants. There are only four rabbits and only standard armaments, but the white elephants have a battalion of armaments and cannons.

In terms of wisdom and force, the rabbit only has the upper hand in wisdom. In terms of force, the force of a battalion is obviously stronger than that of four rabbits.

But the four rabbits, relying on the spirit of daring to think, dare to do, and not afraid of sacrifice, abruptly swept away Baixiang's camp.

At the end of the day, there was a sentence, "The enemy not only refused to disarm and surrender, but even dared to shoot and resist."

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