Man Tanghong

Chapter 1020 Capture the thief first and capture the king!

Li Yuanji looked at the eager and jealous eyes of the Han soldiers and shouted: "Are you envious? Are you jealous?!"

All the Han soldiers nodded uncontrollably.

You're kidding, he was just a traitor who turned against Yang Zhengdao and was granted the title of Marquis after just one shot. He is still a Marquis, and he is still the kind of Marquis who can rest on his merits for the rest of his life. How could they not be envious? They are envious. His eyes were red, and he wished he could replace them.

Li Yuanji pointed to the location of Ashinabili and shouted again: "There is a county prince and several princes there. Do you dare to follow me to get them?"

The soldiers of the Han army looked in the direction pointed by Li Yuanji's finger, and immediately understood who the princes and princes Li Yuanji was talking about. They couldn't bear it anymore and shouted at the top of their lungs one by one: " I want to go! I want to go!”

Although fighting with Turks is risky, some people may even die on the battlefield.

But with the example of Ma Jizhong in front of them, and the wealth and wealth in the sky right in front of them, they couldn't care less about life and death.

After they were taken captive to the Turks, they lived a life that was worse than death. After Yang Zhengdao singled them out, they got rid of this kind of life, but the feeling of wandering on the line of life and death, and the hatred towards the Turks, They will never forget it.

Therefore, stimulated by wealth and hatred, they were willing to risk their lives and give the Turks a painful blow.

Seeing this, Li Yuanji nodded and said: "Very good! Then pick up your weapons and go out with me!"

When the Han soldiers heard this, they all agreed and went to get their weapons. At this moment, Ma Jizhong, who had just been named Jingbian Marquis, suddenly said: "Your Highness, please wait a moment!"

Li Yuanji looked at him in confusion, and then saw him slowly stand up and shout to all the Han soldiers around him: "Those Yang thieves who are among the brothers, come out first! Don't block the brothers." Fight for wealth, but don’t force your brothers to attack you!”

When the Han soldiers heard this, they were all stunned at first, and then they consciously drew a clear line with Yang Zhengdao's confidants and isolated them.

Those confidants of Yang Zhengdao who were originally mixed among the Han soldiers, waiting for the opportunity to avenge Yang Zhengdao, and waiting for the opportunity to escape, saw this, gritted their teeth unwillingly, and knelt on the ground again.

There were many of them, nearly 300 of them, but none of them jumped out to resist, and none of them ran for their lives after their identity was revealed.

It wasn't that they didn't want to resist, or that they didn't want to escape, but that when the Han soldiers isolated them, they naturally surrounded them.

They can't resist or escape if they want to.

If there was even the slightest movement, he would probably be stabbed to death by dozens of spears around him.

After all, compared to Yang Zhengdao drawing big cakes to the Han soldiers, Datang really gave rewards to the Han soldiers.

As for the example of Ma Jizhong, they, Yang Zhengdao's confidants, all deserved credit in the eyes of the Han army officers and soldiers.

Han soldiers are willing to do anything that can get credit without fierce fighting.

When Li Yuanji saw this, he understood what Ma Jizhong was doing. He didn't say anything immediately, but watched quietly, wanting to see how Ma Jizhong would deal with these Yang Zhengdao's confidants.

Unexpectedly, Ma Jizhong did not make his own decision, but walked up to him respectfully and said, "Your Highness, please make your decision!"

Li Yuanji nodded imperceptibly, looked at Yang Zhengdao's confidants who were kneeling on the ground, thought for a moment and said: "I don't have the habit of killing prisoners, so I will send a team of people to take care of them first." Come on! Let’s discuss how to deal with them after the war is over!”

Li Yuanji did not finish his words because he did not have the habit of killing prisoners, which did not mean that other generals in the Tang Dynasty did not.

As the actual controller of the Tang Dynasty, if he sets such a rule, some generals will be restrained in fighting on the battlefield in the future.

After all, what the Tang Dynasty will face in the future will be battlefields spanning hundreds or even thousands of miles. If there is such a rule not to kill prisoners, then when the generals are fighting outside, if the captured enemies are too If there are more, the process will be slowed down by the problem of escorting prisoners.

So he just said that he himself did not have the habit of killing prisoners, but he did not say that other generals and colonels could not kill prisoners as well.

That is to say, these Yang Zhengdao's confidants are all Han people. It would be a pity to kill them. They can still shine for the Tang Dynasty if they are kept. Even if they cannot be brought back to the Central Plains, they can still be kept as shepherds in the Turks to help the Tang Dynasty.

Otherwise, he might not even have the habit of not killing prisoners.


After receiving the clear order, Ma Jizhong respectfully agreed, and then sent a man following him to lead people to collect the weapons of Yang Zhengdao's confidants and take them into custody.

He himself took the remaining Han soldiers and quickly assembled in front of Li Yuanji's horse.

Seeing this, Li Yuanji nodded with satisfaction and said: "Ma Jizhong, if you can still gain something in the next battle, then I will transfer you here and let you lead the soldiers under your command to fight alone." Form an army, specifically to help me, Datang, guard Aries City! To scare all the evildoers in eastern Turkestan!"

As Ma Jizhong defected before the battle and gave Yang Zhengdao a fatal shot at the critical moment, saving all the Han soldiers, he had already formed a certain prestige in the hearts of the Han soldiers.Now he has been conferred the title of Marquis, and has the qualifications to be in charge of a Dudu's mansion alone.

If he could prove his ability and loyalty to the Tang Dynasty, then he could recruit these Han soldiers under his command and form a separate army to help the Tang Dynasty guard the Turks.

They are all people who have been in Turks for more than ten years or even decades, and their understanding of Turks is far better than that of other people in the Tang Dynasty.

So if they guard Turkic East and help Datang manage Turkic East, they should be more handy than other people in Datang.

After all, those who know you may be your enemies, but more often than not they are people who have lived with you.

When Ma Jizhong heard this, he solemnly clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness! I will definitely live up to His Highness's high expectations!"

Li Yuanji nodded, said no more, and turned his horse's head to attack the Turkic army formation.

A group of old soldiers, after winking and teasing at the Han soldiers, followed suit.

Ma Jizhong inspired the Han army officers and soldiers by using the not-so-pleasant words spoken by the veterans, "Brothers, although we are new to His Highness King Yong, we are also Han people who are of the same line as His Highness King Yong. A man of flesh and blood!
His Highness King Yong did not care about our past and gave us the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. We must not be looked down upon by those old soldiers, let alone embarrass His Highness King Yong! "

A group of Han soldiers had already become angry under the ridicule of the old soldiers. Now when they heard Ma Jizhong's words, they naturally responded loudly without hesitation.

They were reluctant to fight for Yang Zhengdao and the Turks.

But now that they are fighting for the Tang Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, they are inexplicably more motivated.

"Break into the Golden Wolf Tent and capture Ashina alive!"

Some soldiers shouted this sentence while responding, and then this sentence became a slogan for all of them.

They shouted this sentence together and gathered around Ma Jizhong.

At the height of their shouting, Ma Jizhong knew that the heat was coming, and immediately rushed out with his brothers.

The other Han soldiers rushed out without any hesitation.

Then more than 4000 people instantly gathered into a torrent.

After about a dozen breaths, the old soldiers led by Li Yuanji gathered into a torrent of 5000 people, and resolutely rushed towards the Turkic center formation.

Li Shimin, who was strangling the Turks in the left formation, was shocked when he saw this scene. Without any hesitation, he gave up killing the Turks in the left formation and rushed towards the center formation with the remaining veterans under his command. .

After receiving Li Shimin's follow-up order, Xue Wanche, who was strangulating the Turks in the right formation, saw this and quickly gave up on continuing to strangle the Turks in the right formation, and rushed towards the center formation with his Yongwang guards.

The reason why they did this was because they suddenly had a new force of more than 4000 people. With the addition of this new force, their number exceeded [-].

Although the number of seven thousand is still not as large as the Turks, the Turkic army is now in chaos, and the Turks on the left and right have been killed and defeated. Only the Turks in the middle formation are still able to fight.

In this case, there is no need to worry about the number of troops, and you can directly charge into the formation and capture the king.

After Li Yuanji recruited the soldiers of the Han army, he did not follow Li Shimin's previous arrangement to continue to strangle the Turkic people on the left because he saw this.

Although with the new force of Han soldiers joining, the Tang Dynasty is unlikely to lose, but if it continues to fight fiercely with the Turks on the left and right, the Tang Dynasty will lose a lot of troops, and will still have to fight the Turks in the center. superior.

Therefore, it is better to go directly to the central formation, capture Ashinapil directly, and end this war at the minimum cost.

Ashinabile saw Li Yuanji and his party before Li Yuanji and his people rushed to the front of the center, and he asked Ash Desien beside him in a panic: "Didn't Yang Zhengdao say that this trip is a sure thing? Why?" Will it become like this?"

They came here with nearly [-] soldiers and horses to sneak attack on a city with less than [-] soldiers and horses to capture alive King Yong and King Qin of the Tang Dynasty.

No matter how you look at it, they have the upper hand. They have calculated everything and arranged it before setting off.

Why did the situation immediately take a shocking turn as soon as the war started?

Not only did they fail to break through Aries City, which had less than [-] soldiers and horses available, but they were beaten first and caught off guard.

Now, Yang Zhengdao has given away more than 4000 of his men to others for free, allowing others to start beating them.

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