Man Tanghong

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Seeing that Qi Li had run away, Yu Wenbao wanted to yell a few words, but Li Yuanji was afraid that Yu Wenbao would say something about the second grade, so he decisively shouted to the outside of the pass, "Yu Wenbao, let's enter the pass."

Yu Wenbao agreed in a dismayed manner, and led his cavalry into the pass.


Turkic camp.

After unremitting efforts by Fu Liguli and his people, they finally subdued [-]% of the crazy horses. Seeing that the end was nearing, there was a sudden commotion on the west side of the camp, followed by the sound of rumbling horseshoes.

The camp that had just returned to calm suddenly became chaotic again.

Xieli and others at the gate of the camp stared together when they heard the sound of horseshoes on the west side of the camp.

Rehan said with a look of shock: "The people of Tang... really came to attack the camp?"

Jieli recovered from Rehan's shocked sound, and roared angrily: "Quickly enter the camp and deploy defenses!"

Although the commotion in the camp has not been completely quelled, Xieli can no longer take care of so much.

The people of Tang came from the west, not from Weize Pass. There were 5000 people listening to the sound of horseshoes, and they might be reinforcements from the people of Tang.

No one knows whether there are four 5000 people behind the four 50,000 people.

They didn't set up any defenses in their big camp. If the Tang people rushed into their big camp, they would cause serious damage to them.

Rehan and other Xieli's confidantes, as well as the leaders of various tribes attached to Xieli's tent, quickly rode on horses, led the subordinates and tribesmen under his command, and rushed into the camp in a crowd.

After they rushed into the camp, the camp became even more chaotic.

Some Turkic people who had just retreated slowly to their respective tents amid the sound of Zhige horns, rushed out of the tents again after hearing the commotion.

They couldn't figure out what happened in the big camp, so they could only find their previous 'old enemies' and fight together again.

After the followers and clansmen led by Rehan and others entered the camp, they blocked the road and could not advance an inch.

Rehan and the others had no choice but to calm down the chaos while rushing to the west side of the camp.

At this moment, someone who didn't know shot an arrow into the group of horses who had been subdued by Fuliguli. The horses neighed and broke through Fuliguli's restraint, and rampaged again in the camp.

The camp instantly became a mess.

When Li Zhongwen led a thousand cavalry into the west side of the Turkic camp, he didn't meet a Turkic army rushing up to resist them.

Most of the Turkic soldiers ran away when they met them.

The rest of the Turkic soldiers who were determined to resist them were not organized into a formation at all, and they did not cause any harm to them.

Seeing this, Li Zhongwen gave orders to the thousand horsemen under his command without hesitation.

"Crack the camp!"

A thousand Tang soldiers, blindfolded, rushed fiercely into the Turkic camp.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty rushed in from the west side of the camp, and it took only a quarter of an hour to rush to the middle of the Turkic camp. At this time, they finally met some decent Turkic soldiers and horses, posing some threats to them.

But Li Zhongwen's purpose was to dig the camp, to cause turmoil to the Turkic people, not to kill the enemy in the Turkic camp.

So Li Zhongwen took a group of Tang soldiers, and after fighting the Turks for a short time, he left.

Li Zhongwen led people all the way, murdered and set fire, and the Turkic camp was completely disrupted.

When Li Zhongwen and his party rushed to the east side of the camp, they finally met their opponents.

It was the ten thousand Qingqi that Xie Shufang met before, guarding the real "food and grass" of the Turkic people.

Because the Turks could not use a large number of cavalry when they attacked Weize Pass, Xieli asked the Turks to temporarily lock the horses into the stables before attacking Weize Pass.

The Turkic camp is now in chaos, Rehan and others are blocked on the road, and they will not be able to reach the stables for a while.

By the time they quelled part of the disturbance in the camp, rushed to the side of the stables, and organized a cavalry team capable of pursuing, Li Zhongwen and his party had already run away.

In order to keep Li Zhongwen and his party behind, Jieli had to use the sound of the horn to notify the ten thousand Qingqi who were guarding the "food and grass" to dispatch to block Li Zhongwen and his party on the east side of Daying.

But he overlooked one thing, that is, not only Li Zhongwen and his party in the camp are making trouble for them.

And that Xie Shufang who first provoked the turmoil in their camp was also there.

After Xie Shufang got the Turkic wolf-headed banner and burned some of the Turkic people's food and grass, he was still a bit unwilling, so he has been lurking in a hidden place in the northeast corner of the camp, to see if he can take the opportunity to bite the Turkic people again a mouthful.

Although he was hit by three arrows, he didn't hurt his vitals. He felt that he could still cause some troubles for the Turks.

Not long after he was lurking, the Turkic Zhige horn sounded, and the Turkic camp gradually returned to calm with the sound of the Zhige horn. He felt that there might be no chance, so he rode his horse and prepared to leave.

After running out for about a mile, they found the place where the Turks were holding Dingkou.

Those who were imprisoned inside were the Han people who were plundered by the Turks from Daizhou and other places.

They are being driven by another group of people dressed as Han Chinese to make things, which seem to be arrows and so on.

The guards are not strong, and even a little lax.

Xie Shufang was moved, and went into hiding again, to see if there was a chance to rescue the people of the Han family.

Coincidentally at this time, there was another turmoil in the Turkic camp.

Those Han people who were imprisoned didn't know whether they were squeezed too hard, or they had the desire to resist.

Taking advantage of the turmoil in the Turkic camp this time, they actually launched a surprise attack on the guards.

Xie Shufang saw that this was a godsend opportunity, so he acted decisively and helped them.

Then, after a brief exchange with the rescued Han people, he let some of them go ahead with the 'sick number', and he took the rest of them back to the Turkic camp quietly.

After returning to the place where the Turks imprisoned cattle and sheep, they found that the guards around them dropped sharply.

Once there are too many Turkic Qingqi, there are less than 1000 people left.

But Xie Shufang has two thousand young men in his hands.

Without any hesitation, Xie Shufang led a group of young men and killed them.

The Turkic people guarding the cattle and sheep were caught off guard.

Although they took advantage of their horses and caused heavy damage to Xie Shufang and his party, Xie Shufang and his party finally took them down and took over the Turkic cattle and sheep.

Xie Shufang did not covet the Turkic cattle and sheep, but set fire to a lot of cattle tails, and drove the cattle and sheep away in all directions.

Finally, he left with a group of young and strong.

On the east side of the Turkic camp, Li Zhongwen also pierced through the Turkic camp after paying a price of nearly [-] horsemen, and walked away.


It wasn't until dawn that the Turkic camp was restored to calm with the joint efforts of Rehan and others.

A good big camp was battered and burned, and there was almost no intact place.

Countless cattle and sheep with sufficient food and grass were let go and ran into the camp, but only more than 10,000 were caught.

Tuli's wolf-headed banner was lost, and a corner of the dental tent was burned.

Jieli's wolf-head banner was still there, but the half-flag behind the hammer was burned, and the tooth tent was also burned to ashes.

There is only half a wolf head left in Liang Shidu's wolf head banner, and the tooth tent was also rushed by a group of crazy horses.

Jie Li looked at the camp that looked like ruins, and his heart was bleeding.

Rehan and the others stood guard around Xieli with black and white faces, and their faces were very ugly.

Although Liang Shidu followed Jieli, he looked at Liang Luoren who was not far away from time to time.

Because at the corner of Liang Luoren's armor, he saw a strand of white fluff that only appeared on a wolf's head banner.

"What about Shibabi?"

Jieli looked around, but he didn't see Tuli, so he gritted his back teeth and asked.

Rehan hesitated again and again, and said in a low voice: "When the Tang people attacked the camp, they took a group of guards and retreated to Baima Mountain dozens of miles away."

Jieli seemed to have found a vent, and roared angrily, "As my Turkic Khan, he didn't know how to keep the camp, and he fled before the battle. What face does he have to be my Turkic Khan?"

Rehan and the others all lowered their heads, not daring to say a word.

This topic is so sensitive that they dare not say a word.

"Send someone to bring Shibobi back to me! I want to ask him personally if he still has the face to be my Turkic Khan!"

Jieli ordered in an angry voice.

If such a big thing happened, someone must be held accountable.

He is the leader of the Turkic Communist Party and the Great Khan of the Turks, so there must be no problem with everything he does. It can only be someone else who has problems, and only someone else can bear the responsibility.

Rehan saw that Jieli wanted to take Tuli to top the vat, so he bravely defended Tuli, "Little Khan must have been assassinated and lost his wolf's head, so he lost his position and retreated to the white horse. Mountain……"

Jieli didn't wait for Rehan to finish speaking, and angrily scolded, "I was assassinated and lost the wolf's head badge, so I can abandon the camp and run away?!"

Rehan didn't dare to say any more.

Rehan felt that it was really wrong for Tuli to abandon the camp and flee.

But Tuli also has Tuli's difficulties in doing so.

He was assassinated by Xieli's "people" first, and then there was a series of turmoil around his tent.

He would definitely think that Xieli might really want to kill him.

The reason why there is so much turmoil around his tent may be that Xieli played some tricks to confuse others in order to clear his suspicion.

After all, Xieli had a motive to kill Tuli.

Because before Jieli came to power, Tuli was the heir of the Turkic Great Khan.

Although Xieli deprived Tuli of his successor status, as long as Tuli was alive, he was a threat to Xieli.

After Jieli sent people to recall Tuli, Liang Shidu slowly approached and said solemnly: "Khan, now that things have happened, we should send people to catch those cattle and sheep that were let go by the thieves as soon as possible." return.

Otherwise, we will not have enough food and grass to support us to continue going south. "

With a gloomy face, Jie Li nodded his head and ordered: "Pu Guhun, take your people to catch cattle and sheep."

The Pungu clan that Puguhun belonged to was also one of the Tiele tribe who defected from the Datou Khan of the Western Turks to the Eastern Turks.

 Thanks to 'Yuhao 999' for the reward of [-] book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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