Man Tanghong

Chapter 162 Should You Be Thicker-skinned?

Chapter 162 Should You Be Thicker-skinned?

Li Xiuning very much agrees with Li Yuanji's evaluation of Li Sixing, and also very much agrees with Li Yuanji's deportation of Li Sixing from the government.

Regarding what happened to Li Sixing, she only said, "It's your own fault."

Li Sixing didn't feel any pity in his heart just because Li Sixing looked pitiful.

After knowing the whole story, Li Xiuning stopped paying attention to Li Sixing, and instead paid attention to who Li Yuanji would let Li Sixing take over as the long history of the family.

Li Yuanji gave a candidate without hesitation.

Ma Zhou!

"Ma Zhou?"

Li Xiuning looked astonished, and turned her head to look at the thin scholar in the team surrounded by a group of burly men.

Li Xiuning's first impression of Ma Zhou was...weak, helpless, and pitiful.

After all, the one next to Ma Zhou was either a strong man who could run a horse on his arms, or a strong man who could stand on his fists.

Ma Zhou was among them, looking really weak and pitiful.

Li Xiuning turned her head and said suspiciously: "I don't see anything special?"

Li Yuanji asked with a smile, "Since when did sister learn to judge people by their appearance?"

Li Xiuning gave Li Yuanji a blank look, "It's not because I'm worried about you. If I wasn't worried about you, I wouldn't bother even if you appointed a beggar to be a long history of the family."

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "Ma Zhou is talented and learned, but he was born in a humble background and has not been reused, so he is not well-known, and he is not very eye-catching."

"How can you tell if a person is talented or not?"

Li Xiuning stared at Li Yuanji in disbelief and asked.

The smile on Li Yuanji's face froze, and he didn't want to speak for a while.

Li Xiuning looked at Li Yuanji deflated, not knowing what was wrong, so she was happy.

"Hehehe, since you said he has talent and learning, then I'll help you take the first and second exams."

After Li Xiuning said this, he rode his horse to look for Ma Zhou in high spirits.

Li Yuanji rolled his eyes, speechless and speechless.

Li Xiuning learned a little bit badly from following him, and learned to make fun of people.

He was making fun of Sun Simiao, and Li Xiuning was making fun of him.

As for Li Xiuning going to take the school horse test, he was not worried.

In his eyes, Ma Zhou has already passed the examination of history.

History has proved to him that Ma Zhou is a great talent.

So Li Xiuning's school entrance examination should not embarrass Ma Zhou, and he doesn't have to worry about Ma Zhou.


Since then, from Huaizhou to Luoyang City, Li Xiuning has been taking the school exam week in different ways.

Li Xiuning is still very concerned about the long history of her younger brother's family.

Especially after Li Sixing's impersonal history came out in her younger brother's house, she cared even more.

She must confirm that her younger brother Xinxuan's long history is dedicated to her brother, and she must also confirm that her younger brother's Xinxuan's long history is indeed capable.

Otherwise, even if his own younger brother wanted to help him to the top, he would not be able to pass Li Yuan's test, nor would he be able to become the new long history of Prince Qi's Mansion.

A series of important official positions such as Fu and Changshi in the Prince's Mansion.

The emperor has to personally select, personally examine the school, and personally appoint.

The prince's own choice does not count.

At most, the prince is recommending his favorite candidate to the emperor.

Therefore, even if Li Yuanji likes Ma Zhou, he can only recommend Ma Zhou to Li Yuan. After Li Yuan's examination, Li Yuan thinks that he can be a sage, and he can be the chief history of Qi Wangfu.

Under Li Xiuning's examination, Ma Zhou lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

So much so that Li Yuanji couldn't stand it any longer, and had to come forward to stop Li Xiuning from insisting on taking the school exam.

It's true that Ma Zhou is talented, but Li Xiuning is not a vegetarian either.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Li Xiuning to be called the first strange woman in the Tang Dynasty.

It is even more impossible to deter the three armies, and there are thousands of followers under his command.

So even if Ma Zhou was talented, it would be difficult for him to cope with Li Xiuning's examination.

"It's not bad, you finally have the right eyes for seeing people."

After Li Yuanji stopped Li Xiuning from continuing to take the Ma Zhou exam, Li Xiuning smiled and commented on Ma Zhou, and also commented on Li Yuanji's way of looking at people.

Li Yuanji didn't know whether Li Xiuning was praising him or scolding him.

What did it mean that his vision of seeing people was finally correct?
You were blind before co-authoring?
The co-authors Xie Shufang and Su Dingfang were not supported by him after they were discovered?
However, Li Yuanji had no time to discuss this issue with Li Xiuning, because they had already reached the boundary of Luoyang City.

A large group of people, headed by Li Shimin and Qu Tutong, appeared in front of the Luoyang city boundary marker.

Li Shimin ordered people to hold up the guard of honor, including his guard of honor for King Qin and his guard of honor for the marshal.

Li Yuanji immediately ordered Yu Wenbao to set aside his guard of honor for the king of Qi and that of the commander of the rear army.

Li Xiuning didn't care, and didn't hold up any guards of honor.

Those present were either younger brothers or ministers, and she didn't need to do those appearances.

Besides, she didn't care much about those appearances.

Not long after Li Yuanji ordered Yu Wenbao to open the guard of honor, the sound of drums that would only be played in the army sounded at Li Shimin's position.

Li Shimin obviously came to greet Li Xiuning.

Because without Li Xiuning, it would be impossible for Li Shimin to go outside Luoyang City to meet his younger brother and the commander of the rear army under him.

Even if he had made great contributions at Weizeguan, it was impossible for Li Shimin to let go of his majesty as a marshal and run to meet him before his class teacher returned to the court.

It was precisely because he knew why Li Shimin appeared in front of the boundary marker of Luoyang City that Li Yuanji pushed Li Xiuning to the front.

Although Li Xiuning was a little bit reluctant to show off, she still rode a horse to the forefront.

After approaching where Li Shimin was.

Li Shimin bowed first and said, "Welcome sister..."

Qu Tutong and other courtiers all bowed together, "Your Majesty and I will see Your Highness the Princess."

A group of soldiers and horses behind Qu Tutong and others knelt down on one knee.

Although Li Xiuning was born as a daughter, Li Shimin greeted Li Xiuning with extremely high military etiquette, Qu Tutong and others could only follow Li Shimin's thoughts.

Li Xiuning was very happy when she saw Li Shimin, with a bright smile on her face, but her mouth was unforgiving, "Erlang, I didn't come back with a big victory, you are so aggressive, it's easy to make people laugh."

Li Shimin saw Li Xiuning, and there was a smile on his face. Hearing Li Xiuning's complaint, Li Shimin smiled implicitly: "Sister guarded Weize Pass for several years, and firmly resisted the Turkic attack for my Tang Dynasty." Offending, it can be said that hard work and high meritorious service.

I just brought some soldiers to respond, which is considered negligent. "

Li Xiuning feigned displeasure and glared at Li Shimin, "It won't be allowed in the future."

Li Shimin smiled lightly: "Listen to sister."

Li Yuanji has been hiding behind and watching quietly.

After being tossed about by Li Yuan, Li Shimin became a lot calmer, his aura was restrained, and he no longer looked as aggressive as before.

It's like a radiant sword, hidden in the scabbard.

Facts have proved that Li Shimin was not a natural Khan, but became a Khan step by step under the continuous training of many enemies, Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng and others.

It can be seen that Li Shimin treats Li Xiuning very well, probably because he has a good relationship with Li Xiuning's sister and brother.

"Yuanji, come here quickly."

Li Xiuning waved at Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanjice immediately stepped forward, arched his hands slightly, and saluted Li Shimin, "Second Brother..."

Li Shimin smiled lightly and nodded.

It was as if Li Yuan canonized Li Yuanji as General Zhenyao before, as if it never happened.

After Li Yuanji stepped forward, Li Xiuning said to Li Shimin: "Erlang, Yuan Ji has made great achievements this time. As the commander-in-chief of the army this time, you should do your best to seek some benefits for Yuan Ji."

Li Xiuning talked about things like seeking benefits, without any embarrassment.

The expressions on the faces of Qu Tutong and others did not change too much.

It seems that this is a matter of course.

Li Yuanji suddenly felt that his skin was a bit too thin?

If he was like Li Xiuning, and generously sought benefits from Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng, and Li Shimin, no one seemed to despise him, and he seemed to be able to get a lot of benefits through this.

When Li Shimin heard Li Xiuning's words, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile, "Yuan Ji has indeed made great achievements this time, and as the commander in chief, I should seek some benefits for Yuan Ji.

It's just that I didn't know what Yuanji wanted, so I didn't order it for a long time. "

Speaking of this, he specifically looked at Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanji thought 'hehe', I want Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and all the counselors and warriors of Prince Qin's mansion, can you give it to me?

What you say is nice, but without sincerity.

If you really wanted to do me any favors, you would have done so long ago. It's impossible to wait for Li Xiuning to speak, and it's impossible for me to speak.

"Second brother was joking. Whatever I want, I will take whatever my second brother gives me."

Li Yuanji kicked the 'ball' back into Li Shimin's arms without hesitation.

Li Shimin stared at Li Yuanji, and said with a calm smile: "The positions of governors of Jizhou and Beizhou are still vacant, what do you think?"

Li Yuanji felt emotional in his heart.

Li Shimin gave him the position of governor of the two states, it seems that he wants to win him over, it seems to be good intentions, but it really has no good intentions.

Jizhou and Beizhou are located in the center of Hebei Road.

The governors of other surrounding states are all Li Shimin's people.

If he sent people to Jizhou and Beizhou to serve as governors, it would be like being surrounded by Li Shimin's people. If he wanted to do something, he would not be able to hide it from Li Shimin's eyes and ears.

If he hadn't met Xiao Yu and Chen Shuda, and hadn't bargained with Li Yuan for the post of Shang Shuling of Daxingtai in Hebei Province, he wouldn't mind arguing with Li Shimin for a while, replacing Jizhou and Beizhou with Cangzhou and Dizhou.

But he met Xiao Yu and Chen Shuda, and also proposed to Li Yuan for the post of Shang Shuling of Daxingtai, Hebei Province.

Once Li Yuan nodded, he had the final say on the whole Hebei Road.

He also used Li Shimin to give him the position of governor of Hebei Province?
(End of this chapter)

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