Man Tanghong

Chapter 186 I Just Want to Quietly Be a Good Person

Chapter 186 I Just Want to Quietly Be a Good Person
Li Yuanji didn't ask too much about Yin Yuan's promotion. He glanced at the sheds surrounded by the common people with a questioning expression on his face.

Yin Yuan hurriedly explained: "When the army entered the city during the day, some people heard the news of their son's death and fainted on the spot. It happened that Sun Immortal of Taibai Mountain was here, and he managed to escape in time with his skillful hands.

After the people got the news, they gathered here one after another, asking Sun Shenxian to see his illness, and they saw the present at a glance.

And more and more people gather, and I don't know when it will be the end. "

At the end of Yin Yuan's speech, he smiled wryly.

With Sun Simiao's popularity and reputation, he set up a tent for consultations, and naturally many people came to see the doctor.

And as time goes by, there will be more and more gatherings.

It's not that the 'medical conditions' inside and outside Chang'an City are not good, but that the doctors with excellent medical skills inside and outside Chang'an City are almost all serving the rich and powerful, and few of them go to see a doctor for the poor.

When poor people get sick, they can only go to those barefoot doctors, or half-baked doctors.

But barefoot doctors and half-baked doctors have limited medical skills after all, and they can't see some difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

The poor people can't afford those skilled doctors, nor can they afford good medicines, so they can only boil their lives or wait for death.

Now that Sun Simiao, a big cow in Xinglin, personally cooperates with him for consultation, they definitely don't want to miss it.

"Mr. Sun should have a lot of children with him, how are they doing now?"

After Li Yuanji understood the situation clearly, he looked at Yin Yuan and asked.

Yin Yuan hesitated for a moment, and said: "The minister built a shed for them in the distance, let them rest, and sent a few soldiers to watch them."

After saying this, without waiting for Li Yuanji to speak again, Yin Yuan hurriedly said: "The straw mats used to build the shed were purchased with the money of the minister, and the soldiers who watched them are also soldiers who have already been dispatched."

Yin Yuan was worried that Li Yuanji would ask him about the crime of dereliction of duty and private use of public equipment.

Li Yuanji jumped off his horse, patted Yin Yuan on the shoulder, and said in relief: "You have done a good deed, so don't worry about it."

Yin Yuan smiled and nodded.

He didn't want to be frightened, but when he saw Li Yuanji, he inexplicably thought of that sentence that was widely circulated in the dandy circle in Chang'an City recently.

'Don't mess with anyone, don't mess with His Royal Highness, whoever messes with him will die. '

It is said that Wang Junkuo was smashed into meatloaf by Li Yuanji just because he provoked Li Yuanji.

Wang Junkuo is the Duke of the state, and his title is equal to that of his father Yin Qiao. Li Yuanji killed as soon as he said it, which shows how fierce he is.

The most frightening thing is that Li Yuanji killed Wang Junkuo, not only did nothing happen, but was appointed as Minister of Daxingtai, Hebei Province.

Hebei Road is more than a star and a half bigger than Xiangnan Road that Li Yuanji was in charge of before, and Li Yuanji can be regarded as promoted.

Few people can offend people who kill the Duke and get promoted.

"Mr. Sun has been invited by me and has agreed to serve as a medical officer in my house. Mr. Sun's people are also mine. I have prepared a house in the city. You send someone to take my people and take those The young children were taken to the house to settle down.

Remember, be optimistic about those childish children, and don't lose any of them.

Mr. Sun is here, and I'm afraid he won't be able to leave for a while.

But going on like this is not a long-term solution. "

Li Yuanji thought about it while instructing Yin Yuan.

After ordering Yin Yuan, he also thought of a way, "You send people to a farther place and build some thatched sheds, and I will invite the imperial physician from the Imperial Hospital to consult with Mr. Sun.

You went to tell the people that this consultation will last for seven days.

All the expenses during this period will be borne by my Qi Palace. "

Yin Yuan looked at Li Yuanji in astonishment.

When did His Royal Highness King Qi, who was rumored to be fierce and frightening, become a good person?

Seeing Yin Yuan staring at him blankly, Li Yuanji said again: "What are you doing blankly, go quickly."


Yin Yuan subconsciously agreed, and after regaining his senses, he hurriedly added, "I obey."

Li Yuanji gave orders to the guards again, asking them to do things with Yin Yuan.

Li Yuanji promised Sun Simiao that he would promote the Datang version of the hospital, and Sun Simiao's medical skills by the way. Since Sun Simiao made a good start, he can also push the boat forward.

The seven-day free clinic is enough to blow a warm "hot wind" inside and outside Chang'an City, and it will be much easier to organize the "Medical Skills Exchange Conference" by taking advantage of the situation.

Before that, Li Yuanji sent a memorial to Li Yuan, hoping that Li Yuan would agree to organize the 'Medical Skills Exchange Conference', and Li Yuan wrote back and agreed.

After all, Li Yuan has no reason not to agree to such a prestigious matter.

Now is the time for Li Yuan to fulfill his promise.

Li Yuanji did not go up to disturb Sun Simiao, but found a lookout post outside Mingde Gate and went in.

Li Yuanji's nest was fine, but Chang'an City was blown up because of it.

As soon as Li Yuan fell asleep, the prison gate of Gonglimen ran outside Li Yuan's bedroom to plead guilty, saying that Li Yuanji broke into the palace.

Li Yuan was woken up, and after scolding the prison gate of Gonglimen, he secretly complained to Li Yuanji, and then prepared to go back to sleep.

The news about Li Yuanji riding a horse on Zhuque Street also spread to the palace.

After all, Li Yuanji rode his horse on Zhuque Street so arrogantly. If the officials and the spies who helped Li Yuan collect the wind in Chang'an City did not 'report' to Li Yuan, it would be dereliction of duty.

After Li Yuan heard the news that Li Yuanji rode his horse on Zhuque Street, he didn't feel sleepy anymore.

He sent someone to Wude Hall to inquire, and when he found out that Li Yuanji had invited Sun Simiao to be an official in his mansion, Li Yuan was shocked.

He put down his airs and sent people to invite people who couldn't be invited three times and four times. He was invited by Li Yuanji. How could he not be surprised.

Then there was news about Sun Simiao's coordinating consultation outside the city, and it was soon delivered to Li Yuan's desk.

He was celebrating the unification of the Tang Dynasty, and Sun Simiao, a figure among the gods, went to serve the Tang Dynasty at this time, and he was consulting doctors outside the city, adding to the national celebration he just announced.

What does this mean?
It shows that Datang won the hearts of the people, and he won the hearts of the people, so even the characters among the gods "condescended" and ran out to serve Datang.

so what should I do now?
Naturally, it fueled the flames.

Let everyone in the world know that Datang is now a sycamore tree, and the golden phoenixes should take the initiative to deliver it to their door.

"Come here!"

When Li Yuan thought of fueling the flames, Datang's reputation, and his reputation, would skyrocket, he became excited.

Liu Jun entered Li Yuan's bedroom amidst Li Yuan's call, seeing that Li Yuan didn't have a gloomy face because he was disturbed by sleepiness, but an excited expression on his face, he guessed that something good had happened.

Immediately, Liu Jun bowed with a smile and said, "What are your orders?"

Li Yuan said excitedly: "Go and tell the crown prince, let him show off his guard of honor, and go to visit Mr. Sun outside the city. At the same time, ask him to collect all kinds of herbs and send them to Mr. Sun.

Then go to the Imperial Hospital and all the medical officers of the medical offices to go outside the city together to consult with Mr. Sun.

Then tell the people who seek medical treatment outside the city that all the expenses during this consultation period will be paid by my internal treasury. "

Li Yuanji knows how to be a man and knows how to push the boat with the tide, but why doesn't Li Yuan not understand?

Li Yuan not only wants to fight for fame, but also fights for fame to the extreme.

If Sun Simiao had not been invited to the mansion by Li Yuanji and became his son's official, Li Yuan would not have let Li Jiancheng go to see Sun Simiao, but he would have gone to see Sun Simiao himself.

After listening to Li Yuan's words, Liu Jun roughly understood what was going on, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Everyone has done this, and their status in the hearts of the common people is comparable to that of Yao and Shun."


Li Yuan laughed heartily, "How can I compare with the ancient sages?"

Li Yuan said humble words, but he really enjoyed Liu Jun's compliment in his heart.

Liu Jun immediately said: "In my heart, everyone will not lose to Yao and Shun."

Li Yuan became happier and laughed louder.

Amidst Li Yuan's laughter, Liu Jun bowed and exited Li Yuan's bedroom.

His compliments touched Li Yuan's heart.

Although Li Yuan didn't reward anything on the spot, he will definitely make it up later.

After Liu Jun left Li Yuan's bedroom, he rushed to the East Palace with a group of 'minions' carrying lanterns.

After Li Jiancheng got the news, he felt worse than eating flies.



It's fine if warriors like Su Dingfang, Luo Shixin, and the Xue brothers don't defect to him.

Why didn't even Sun Simiao, a figure among gods, not defect to him? !
Instead, he ran to Li Yuanji? !

Is it because his position as prince is not prominent enough, or his position as prince is not justified enough, or is he not benevolent enough? !

Compared with Li Yuanji, he is far better than Li Yuanji in other aspects except for his personal force and notoriety.

Are Su Dingfang, Luo Shixin, the Xue brothers, and Sun Simiao out of their minds?
Do not follow the benevolent, but go after the wicked?
Although Li Jiancheng was disgusted in his heart, he still followed Li Yuan's order, greeted the people in the palace, set out the guard of honor, and went to meet Sun Simiao outside the palace.

Before leaving, Wang Gui and others were asked to quickly collect various medicinal materials.

After Li Jiancheng made such a move, Li Shimin also got the news, and the big and small dignitaries in Chang'an City also got the news.

Li Shimin already knew that Sun Simiao had become Li Yuanji's subordinate.

It's just that Li Yuanji didn't reveal Sun Simiao's identity, and Sun Simiao himself didn't publicize his identity everywhere, so he couldn't lick his face and take the initiative to come to the door.

For Li Yuanji to have Sun Simiao in his pocket, Li Shimin is also very pleased.

But Li Shimin also knew that Sun Simiao was a master of xinglin who devoted himself to the study of medical skills, so he couldn't help Li Yuanji with advice, nor could he charge for Li Yuanji.

There is no threat to him, or even everyone in Datang, but there are many benefits.

So it's just a taste, not jealous.

Now that Sun Simiao's identity has been exposed, and Li Yuan has sent an order to Li Jiancheng to pay his respects, it is naturally impossible for him to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Immediately, Li Shimin asked his eldest grandson to collect all the medicinal materials in the mansion, took his eldest grandson with him, and went out of the palace to pay a visit to Sun Simiao.

Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin, and Li Yuanji all moved, how could the dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty pretend to be deaf and dumb?
Ever since, one by one also collected the medicinal materials stored in the house, and those who didn't have any medicinal materials went directly to the pharmacy in the city to buy them.

In short, each of them prepared a large cart of medicinal materials, and when Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin's carriages were about to reach Mingdemen, they rushed to Mingdemen.

They can't go ahead of Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin in this kind of thing, and grab the top spot from Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin.

(End of this chapter)

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