Man Tanghong

Chapter 199 The snipe and the clam compete, and the fisherman gets lonely

Chapter 199 The snipe and clam fight, the fisherman gets lonely (updated)
"Your Majesty knows what to do."

Ling Jing bowed and agreed.

Li Yuanji nodded again, and glanced at the couch not far away.

Ling Jing understood, walked to the couch and sat down, and began to deal with the government affairs of Qi.

Li Yuanji also bowed his head and read some government affairs of Hebei Province and Qi State that he needed to deal with.


in the next few days.

Li Yuanji stayed in the main hall of Wude Hall, handling the government affairs of Hebei Province and Qi State with Ling Jing, except that he met Princess Xiangyang again and got the Sima position of Songzhou from Dou Dan who was behind Princess Xiangyang. .

The impeachment of Li Yi became more and more fierce.

The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, except for the people of the Qi Palace, one counted as one, almost all of them ended.

Especially after Li Shentong came forward to impeach Li Yi, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty impeached Li Yi almost like crazy.

The memorials floated into the palace like snowflakes.

In the eyes of civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty, Li Shentong was Li Yuan's "spokesman".

Li Shentong usually doesn't go to court very much, and even if he does, he doesn't talk much.

But once he opens his mouth to express his opinion on something, it means that Li Yuan is expressing his opinion
Because from Li Tang's founding of the country to now, the opinions expressed by Li Shentong are almost exactly the same as Li Yuan's attitude towards things, and there has been no mistake.

After Li Yuan's memorials like snowflakes floated into the palace, he ordered people to make a summary of all the memorials, listed several serious crimes, and sent them to Youzhou in the form of documents.

Although Li Yuan was dissatisfied that Li Yi was not as knowledgeable as Du Fuwei, but he also knew that Li Yi could not be pushed too far, otherwise Li Yi would turn against him.

So he was going to use this matter to beat Li Yi, to see if Li Yi would be vigilant, if he would learn from Du Fuwei and be more sensible.

Li Jiancheng saw Li Yuan's thoughts, but he didn't want to see Li Shimin's position as General Youwuwei fall to Li Shimin's head, so he went against Li Yuan's thoughts and crazily excused Li Yi.

But it had little effect, and was even secretly reprimanded by Li Yuan.

After all, Li Yuan and Li Shimin were of one mind when it came to dealing with Li Yi.

Although Li Jiancheng is the crown prince, although there are many officials who can be used, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of Li Yuan and Li Shimin.

Just when Li Jiancheng was having a headache, an article quietly appeared on his desk.

After Li Jiancheng read the article, he immediately sent Wang Gui to meet the person who wrote the article.

After Wang Gui finished meeting the man and told Li Jiancheng what the other party had secretly revealed, Li Jiancheng included the other party in the East Palace and talked with him for several hours.

The next day, Li Jiancheng's people changed the subject of conversation in an instant, and impeached Li Yi as well.

Li Yuan felt that his secret reprimand had an effect, and during the court meeting, he specifically praised the prince for his obedience.

Li Shimin immediately felt a sense of crisis.

Send someone to quickly investigate why Li Jiancheng made such a change.

As a result, before the investigation was completed, the news that King Lujiang wrote to Li Yuan to ask Gao Shilian to go to Xinzhou to become an official was first found out.

Li Shimin thought that Lujiang King was probably crazy, and he dared to ask Li Yuan to ask him to take some people with him.

So with a big wave of his hand, Li Shimin included Gao Shilian into the Xiuwen Hall, and took advantage of the situation to invite Qiu He to be the Minister of the Military Department of Daxingtai, Shaanxi Province.

Li Shimin's attitude is very simple, if the king of Lujiang dares to miss his people, then he will let the king of Lujiang get nothing.

No one stopped Li Shimin from including Gao Shilian into the Hongwen Museum.

Because Gao Shilian is an official under Li Shimin, it is not easy for others to ask how Li Shimin arranges him.

However, Li Shimin's invitation to Qiu He to serve as the secretary of the Daxingtai Military Department of Eastern Shaanxi Province was blocked by many people.

Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng, Pei Ji, Chen Shuda, Wei Zheng and others objected openly and secretly.

Li Gang, who seldom expressed his opinions on such matters, also stood up and opposed this matter for the first time.

The reason is that the officials in Daxingtai, Shaanxi Province, are on the go all year round, and Qiu He, 71 years old, must not be able to bear it.

Therefore, it is not suitable to take up the post of Shangshu of the Daxingtai Military Department of Shaanxi Province.

Li Shimin immediately said bluntly that he just let Qiu He have a name and would not let Qiu He run around.

Immediately, someone stood up and said, since it is just a name, why not hang it at Daxingtai, Hebei Road, but at Daxingtai, Shandong Road?

Then, many people, including Li Yuan, recognized this statement.

Then Qiu He became Minister of the Ministry of War in Daxingtai, Hebei Province.


Li Yuanji was stunned when Qiu He, who had a gray beard and mixed gray and brown hair, appeared in the main hall of Wude Hall.

Qiu He was very knowledgeable, and before Li Yuanji heard the news, he rushed to Li Yuanji's mansion to meet him.

So much so that Li Yuanji didn't know what he was here for.

"Chen Qiuhe, see Your Highness."

Under the guidance of the guards, Qiu He appeared in the main hall of Wude Hall, and bowed to Li Yuanji before approaching him.

Li Yuanji observed Qiu He for a while.

Qiu He has a Han face, but half of the brown hair of a barbarian.

The reason why it is half head is because Li Yuanji faintly saw more gray hair from the brown hair exposed under his crown.

He was tall and thin.

Wearing a purple official uniform, it looks a bit big.

But listening to his calm and heavy voice, and seeing his ruddy complexion, one can tell that he is very healthy.

His bones should be stronger than that of Qu Tutong, who is five years younger than him.

According to historical records, he seems to have lived nine years longer than Qu Tutong, and lived until more than 80 years old before passing away.

While beckoning Ling Jing to help Qiu He, Li Yuanji asked, "Don't be too polite, Mr. Tan. I remember that I didn't have much contact with Mr. Tan. Why did Mr. Tan come to my house to see you?"

Qiu He politely declined Ling Jing's offer to help him, bluntly saying that his body is still strong, and he can tear leopards and wolves apart.

After Ling Jing retreated to one side, he replied with a smile to Li Yuanji's words, "Return to Your Highness, the matter was discussed in the Taiji Hall just now, and the sage has already decided that I will serve as a subordinate official under the command of Your Highness, and serve as the First Secretary of the Military Department of Daxingtai, Hebei Province." job.

Immediately after the courtiers came to the Hall of Wude to pay their respects. "

Li Yuanji's eyes stared straight at once.

I just don't like to go to court, and I don't like to see all the heroes of Tang Dynasty spitting at each other like hooligans, so you can't cheat me like this?
Even if you want to trick me, let me know a little bit in advance.

You made me unprepared at all.

"Your Highness...are you dissatisfied with the minister?"

Seeing Li Yuanji's staring eyes, Qiu He didn't speak for a long time, so he couldn't help asking.

There was no timidity or fear in his words, just full of curiosity.

Li Yuanji opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He was not dissatisfied with Qiu He, but he was somewhat dissatisfied with those who brought Qiu He under his command.

If Qiu He was a loner, with Qiu He's experience and the vitality that Qiu He could live for more than ten years, he wouldn't mind getting Qiu He to the house to be his arm.

But Qiu He is not alone.

Qiu and May gave birth to fifteen sons.

Two of them were the magistrates of Datang.

One is Qiu Xinggong!
One is Qiu Shili!
That's all for Qiu Shili, Qiu Xinggong is now a loyal Qin royal party.

Qiu Xinggong can be regarded as representing the Qiu family, standing in line among the three brothers.

Why did he bring Qiu He to the house?

Is it acting as the eyes and ears of Qin Wangfu?

Or Xieqiu and Yilingqiu Xinggong?

Those who brought Qiu He to his house thought that Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin were not fighting hard enough, so they wanted to drag him into the water?

"Tan Guogong has made outstanding contributions to the Tang Dynasty, and he has fifteen sons under his knees, all of whom were outstanding people at that time. His Highness only respects Tan Guogong, so how could he be dissatisfied?"

Seeing that Li Yuanji didn't seem to know what to say, Ling Jing offered to help Li Yuanji out with a smile.

When Li Yuanji heard Ling Jing's words, he also realized that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly added, "Ling Jing is right, the Qiu family has made great contributions to my Tang Dynasty, and I only have respect for Mr. Tan. There will be half dissatisfaction."

Qiu He's expression didn't change, he was still cheerful.

"I thought His Highness was dissatisfied with me, and I was so scared that I didn't know what to say."

Li Yuanji laughed and said: "Tan Gong is joking, I may be able to scare others, but I will definitely not scare Tan Gong."

Qiu He said with a smile: "Your Highness's reputation, I have heard a little about it when I was in intercourse. This time, apart from paying a visit to His Highness, I also came to listen to His Highness's tent.

If your Highness needs to deal with any military matters related to Hebei Road, you can hand them over to the minister. "

Li Yuanji smiled with emotion on his face: "There is no military incident in Hebei Province now, and there is no need for Mr. Tan to worry about it. Mr. Tan can rest assured to spoil his grandson in the house."

Qiu He smiled and nodded, and said again: "The saint appointed me as Minister of the Military Department of Daxingtai, Hebei Province, out of his great love for him. I still need to do something to repay the saint's great love."

Li Yuanji nodded and said with a smile: "Hebei Road has just been sorted out by our Tang army, and there is indeed no military incident. If there is any military incident in the future, I will send someone to invite Mr. Tan to discuss it."

Qiu He cupped his hands, "The minister is waiting for His Highness's good news at the mansion."

Li Yuanji nodded with a bright smile.

Qiu He didn't say any more, made a confession, and withdrew from the main hall of Wude Hall.

As soon as Qiu He left, the smile on Li Yuanji's face stiffened a lot.

Qiu and Nai came to listen to it, and they were simply going through the motions.

Qiu He had expected that he would not hand over the military affairs of Hebei Province to him, and he did not want to offend him, so after the next court, before the news spread to Prince Qi's mansion, he immediately came to see him, and after this cutscene, in the future Then you can get an extra salary in the house with peace of mind.

After Qiu He left, Ling Jing couldn't wait to ask, "What does the saint mean?"

Ling Jing couldn't see Li Yuan's intention in this move.

It was obviously a bit far-fetched to say that Li Yuan felt the threat from Li Shimin, and it was obviously far-fetched to force Li Yuanji out to fight Li Shimin.

After all, Li Shimin didn't threaten Li Yuan, instead he and Li Yuan were 'beating' Li Yi.

It is impossible for Li Yuan to go against Li Yuanji's wishes at this time, risking being contradicted by Li Yuanji, and forcefully pull Li Yuanji out.

Because it is not necessary.

It was said that Li Jiancheng felt threatened by Li Shimin, so it was possible to pull Li Yuanji out to fight Li Shimin.

But even if Li Jiancheng had this intention, if Li Yuan didn't nod his head, he couldn't pass Li Yuan and decide where Qiu He was going.

After all, Qiu He's official rank is beyond the scope that Li Jiancheng can appoint on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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