Man Tanghong

Chapter 239

Chapter 239
Li Yuan was obviously dissatisfied with the results of Li Shimin's investigation, so at nightfall, with red eyes, he appeared at the gate of the Cheng'en Palace, and ordered the eunuchs and maidservants in the Cheng'en Palace and the Yichun Palace where Li Chengdao lived , and the internal officials in charge were shot together.

Imprisoned by Li Yuanji.

Nearly a thousand lives were lost along with Li Yuan's will.

Li Yuanji was sitting on a large open space in Yichun Beiyuan, and by the light of palace lanterns, torches, and stone lanterns, he watched Qianniu Beishen and his subordinates carrying out the cane punishment. .

Nearly a thousand people were executed with sticks, and the scene was spectacular.

It was also tragic.

Howling, yelling, begging for mercy, madness, you name it.

Flesh splashed on the man's buttocks, and the soap board had been covered with blood mixed with the residue of clothing.

For a moment, Li Yuanji felt as if he had entered hell, and he was an evil ghost sitting on the first floor of hell.

When people read a certain tragic event recorded in history books, they will feel that human lives are not human lives, but just cold numbers. When people are unwilling to imprint these numbers deeply in their minds, they will soon forget them.

Only after a person has personally experienced a tragedy can he truly realize what human life is and how precious human life is.

When Li Yuanji was on the battlefield, when he watched the fresh lives passing by, although he felt unbearable and sympathetic, he didn't feel much.

Because he clearly knew why those lives that passed away one by one passed away.

I also clearly know the meaning of those lives lost.

Now watching nearly a thousand people being tortured and killed, he felt very touched.

I feel that in the eyes of some people, human life is really worthless.

Say reap and reap without mercy.

Li Yuanji used to never understand why some officials still call the people unpopular and untouchable when the people have made no mistakes.

It's more or less clear now.

Because in their eyes, the common people are not their kind, not human beings.

So even if the common people did nothing wrong, as long as they are not happy, they can call the common people as troublemakers and untouchables anytime and anywhere.

"Shoot them all together."

Li Yuanji really couldn't call the common people untouchables and untouchables, and naturally he couldn't help but watch a group of innocent people being tortured and killed, so he immediately ordered with a frown.

Pei Ji, who was watching the execution on Li Yuan's behalf, the old god glanced at Li Yuanji, and said faintly: "Your Highness, the saint means to kill them alive.

We can't wait and see. "

Li Yuanji looked at Pei Ji and asked, "So you like to find fun in killing your own kind?"

Pei Ji was taken aback, frowned, and looked at the eunuchs and maidservants who were being punished, "Your Highness thinks they are the same kind? They are just servants, how can they be compared with your ministers, and how can they be compared with Your Highness."

Li Yuanji stared at Pei Ji, and said seriously: "They are human beings first, and servants second."

Pei Ji's pupils shrank, and he instantly lost the joy of continuing to watch the torture.

Li Yuanji's words disgusted him enough.

"Since Your Highness thinks that it is feasible to kill them together, let's kill them together."

Pei Ji said with a gloomy look.

As an evergreen tree in the officialdom, he has a deep understanding of people's hearts, and he can even understand what a person thinks from a person's words.

Li Yuanji was obviously moved with compassion, and he was so disgusted that he had no interest in watching the torture, so follow Li Yuanji's mind and end it early.

As for Li Yuanji's obedience to Li Yuan's order, he would not even mention it to Li Yuan.

Because Li Yuanji is no longer what he used to be.

If Li Yuanji wants to deal with him, he will accept it.

He had no choice but to keep this matter in his heart, and wait until Li Yuanji lost power or fell into trouble, before speaking out.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Stick to death together!"

Li Yuanji yelled at the Qianniu Beishen.

The Qianniu bodyguards all paused and looked at Pei Ji who was beside Li Yuanji. Seeing that Pei Ji had no objection, they swung the soap board in their hands and slammed it on the victim's waist.

The prisoner didn't even have time to scream, he suddenly raised his head, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then died of exhaustion.

Li Yuanji flicked his sleeves, stood up, and ordered: "Send all the people to Wangyun Pavilion for burial, and don't publicize them, let alone wander around."

Wangyun Pavilion is on the edge of Xihai Lake in the palace, which is part of the back garden.

Li Yuan killed people with sticks on a large scale in the palace, and the corpses must not be transported out of the palace, otherwise the common people will criticize Li Yuan for being unkind.

So it can only be buried in the back garden of the palace.

After Li Yuanji gave his orders, he threw off his sleeves and left, leaving only Pei Ji to make some supplements to the crowd.

When Li Yuanji returned to the Cheng'en Hall, the Cheng'en Hall was already completely empty.

Since Li Chengzong was still young and died young, there was no way to bury him with a big gift.

We can only set up a small-scale memorial place in Cheng'en Hall.

The place of Li Chengzong's burial was also decided, and Li Yuan was appointed to accompany him in the mausoleum.

It stands to reason that with Li Chengzong's status, even if he died young, he could still raise his mausoleum.

But Li Yuan seemed to hope that after a hundred years, he could reunite with his grandson underground and share his huge underground palace together, so he decided to bury Li Chengzong in Xianling.

After Li Yuan ordered Li Chengzong to be buried in the mausoleum, he ordered Chang'an to guard Li Chengzong's funeral.

Li Chengzong's identity is not enough, so the only thing Li Yuan can win for him is Chang'an.

In this regard, Li Gang and other senior ministers also bluntly said that it was not in accordance with the etiquette system.

Thanks to Pei Ju who wailed at the critical moment, "He's still a child, do we have to argue with him?"

This made Li Gang and others keep silent.

No matter how thick-skinned Li Gang and others are, no matter how old their qualifications are, they can't embarrass a dead child.

When Li Yuanji stepped into Cheng'en Hall, Li Yuan was roaring at Li Shimin.

All kinds of ugly words, run out without money.

Li Shimin did not find anyone who could eliminate Li Yuan's anger, so Li Yuan vented all his anger on Li Shimin.

Li Yuan even called Li Shimin by his nickname, scolding Li Shimin in public for being out for a long time as a leader, used to autocracy, and being instigated by those scholars in the house, he has changed a lot, he is no longer the son he used to be.

This is very serious.

It was so serious that everyone could feel his dissatisfaction with Li Shimin from Li Yuan's words.

Those who support Li Shimin can clearly feel that Li Shimin's hope of successfully inheriting the crown prince is getting slimmer and slimmer.

All the civil servants under Li Shimin's hands were ashamed.

Because Li Yuan didn't say anything about the general, he just blamed all the changes in Li Shimin on the civil servants.

In Li Yuan's heart, the status of generals and civil servants is judged by superiority or inferiority.

Inside and outside Cheng'en Hall, no one refuted Li Yuan's words.

This is probably the reason why generals were always superior to civil officials in the early Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuanji found a place in the Hall of Cheng'en, just kicked it like that, and didn't speak for Li Shimin.

Because he and Li Shimin are not one, he is unwilling to help Li Shimin share Li Yuan's anger.

It was also because Li Shimin couldn't escape the scolding.

The timing of Zhang Jieyu's slander was too good.

Fortunately, no one can help Li Shimin escape this scolding.

Li Yuan pointed at Li Shimin and cursed for a full two quarters, until he had vented all the anger in his chest before stopping.

If Li Yuanji remembered correctly, this should be the first and only time Li Yuan was insulted by Li Yuan in public since Li Shimin became crowned.

Li Yuan didn't save face for him, so he severely humiliated once in front of all the officials.

"Go back to the house and stay!"

Li Yuan finally shouted at Li Shimin.

Li Shimin gritted his teeth, walked out of Cheng'en Hall with a sullen face.

All the military generals of Prince Qin's Mansion are fine, but the civil servants are either leaving or staying.

Li Yuanji also wanted to leave, but couldn't.

Because Li Yuan hasn't left yet.

Li Yuan waited until Li Jiancheng had completely recovered from his grief and urged him to leave three times and four times, then he led Liu Jun and others away from Cheng'en Hall with a sad face.

Li Yuan couldn't stay in Cheng'en Hall at night, because he was an elder and couldn't help his grandson to mourn.

Even if Li Yuan strongly requested to stay, Li Jiancheng had to persuade Li Yuan to go back.

Li Yuan left, Li Yuanji wanted to comfort Li Jiancheng with a few words before leaving, but he still didn't say the words when it came to his lips, but just left silently with the flow.

Since Li Jiancheng didn't make a fuss about his son, Li Yuanji had nothing but sympathy for Li Jiancheng.

One can only imagine the sadness in the heart of a person who only got his first son in his thirties, and suddenly disappeared like this.

When Li Yuanji returned to Wude Hall, it was completely dark, and the entire mansion had already changed into plain clothes, even Yang Miaoyan, who was his aunt, was also wearing plain clothes.

Li Yuanji first sent someone to send Ling Jing out of the palace, and then brought Yang Miaoyan back to the palace.

"How could Chengzong..."

When Yang Miaoyan helped Li Yuanji prepare the water for washing and undressed Li Yuanji, he asked with a sad face.

It's just that half of the words were spoken, but they were not spoken.

Yang Miaoyan has always lived in the palace, and has met Li Chengzong more times than Li Yuanji.

Yang Miaoyan clearly knew the severity of the illness Li Chengzong brought from his mother's womb, and also knew that Li Chengzong lived for several years with the medicine jar in his arms.

Yang Miaoyan is full of pity for this nephew who always looks sick every time he sees her.

Li Yuanji sighed, "The wind and cold caused a serious disease in his body, and he died."

Yang Miaoyan immediately said: "Is it because the people in the hall didn't take good care of them?"

Li Yuanji was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Who knows."

Whether the people in the hall did not take good care of him, or whether Li Chengzong ignored the dissuasion of the people in the hall and ran away against the cold wind, only a few people who investigated the matter knew.

The reason why Li Shimin insisted that the people in the hall did not serve him well and let Li Chengzong run against the cold wind was because this was an answer Li Yuan could accept.

If Li Shimin said that Li Chengzong ignored the dissuasion of the people in the palace, then Li Yuan couldn't accept it.

It is impossible for Li Yuan to allow his dead grandson to be wrong, so it can only be someone else who is wrong, and it must be someone else.

"Chengzong is still so young..."

Yang Miaoyan felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Yuanji sighed, and said quietly: "The wind is going to blow..."

The battle between Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin may become more intense than in history.

Because Li Yuan pulled out Li Shimin's face in public today.

(End of this chapter)

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