Man Tanghong

Chapter 384 Two birds with one stone

"I know about this, you can go back."

Li Yuanji gave Chai Shao instructions while thinking about how to deal with Li Zhongwen's affairs.

Chai Shao hurriedly opened his mouth, as if he still had something to say.

But Li Yuanji did not give Chai Shao another chance to speak, "Don't worry, I will handle this matter properly, and I will definitely not bring any trouble to you, Chai."

Chai Shao shouted a little excitedly: "Am I really that unbearable in your heart?"

Before Li Yuanji could speak, Chai Shao yelled again, "I, Chai Shao, can also go to the battlefield and command the army."

Li Yuanji glanced at Chai Shao, and snorted sarcastically, "Don't you know what kind of person you are?"

After saying this, Li Yuanji was too lazy to talk nonsense with Chai Shao, and decisively ordered Shangyi who was guarding the door to see off the guests.

Chai Shao still had something to say, but Shangyi, who was guarding the door, stood in front of him, saluted respectfully, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Mr. Chai County, you should go."

As soon as Chai Shao left, Li Yuanji immediately ordered someone to pass on Su Dingfang in Chang'an City.

At the time of the sunset, Su Dingfang arrived at the main room of the jingshe, wearing the stars and the moon, with a chill in his body.

Li Yuanji hurriedly invited Su Dingfang into the house.

Although the New Year's Eve has passed, the weather in Chang'an City is still very cold, and it seems to be three points colder than last year's winter.

People would shiver from the cold after standing outside for a long time, not to mention galloping horses against the cold wind.

Li Yuanji saw that Su Dingfang's few beards were covered with a thin layer of frost, so he knew that Su Dingfang would go here non-stop after receiving his summons.

So he hurriedly let Su Dingfang sit in front of the brazier, and waited until the servant girl served hot tea and a plate of steaming cooked meat, then used a knife to divide the meat for Su Dingfang while asking Su Dingfang.

"You should understand the general situation of Weizeguan, right?"

Holding the teacup in both hands, Su Dingfang nodded and asked while feeling the heat from the teacup, "The minister accompanied His Highness to resist the Turks at Weize Pass before, so he naturally knows the situation of Weize Pass.

Your Highness, you called me over in a hurry, but what happened to Weize Pass? "

Su Dingfang is also a smart person. Li Yuanji called him over in the middle of the night and mentioned Weize Pass. It must be that something happened in Weize Pass and he needed to deal with it.

So he didn't exchange many pleasantries, and directly asked what happened at Wei Zeguan.

Li Yuanji nodded, roughly told Su Dingfang what Chai Shao had said to him, and also told some news he had obtained in combination with history.

Su Dingfang frowned slightly after hearing what had happened at Wei Ze Pass, and what would happen, and asked: "Your Highness summoned the minister over late at night, presumably because he wants the minister to deal with the matter.

How far is Your Highness going to let the minister deal with it, and what will be done specifically? "

Su Dingfang didn't shirk it either. After weighing whether he could handle what happened in Weize Pass, he directly asked Li Yuanji what he wanted to do in Weize Pass.

Li Yuanji said bluntly: "I will give you a thousand fine riders, one person and two horses. You set off now and must arrive at Weize Pass within seven days. After arriving at Weize Pass, let He Panren and Ma Sanbao cooperate with you and confiscate Li Zhongwen." Take over the defense of Weize Pass.” …

Su Dingfang pondered: "He Panren and Ma Sanbao may not listen to me, and Li Zhongwen may also resist."

Li Yuanji snorted coldly: "I will write a letter to He Panren and Ma Sanbao. After they read it, they will definitely listen to you. As for Li Zhongwen, if he dares to resist, you should not be polite to him."

Speaking of this, Li Yuanji took a special look at Su Dingfang, and said: "You are also very clear about the situation in Chang'an City now. I don't have time to spend with Li Zhongwen, and I don't have time to check whether he has been wronged."

Su Dingfang nodded solemnly.

The situation in Chang'an City is indeed very tense now.

Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin have already begun to attack each other's lives, which shows that the struggle between them has reached the final stage.

As a player in the game, even if Li Yuanji tried his best to stay out of it, he would still be involved in it at critical times.

So on Li Zhongwen's side, Li Yuanji really didn't have time to spend with him, and he didn't have time to check whether he was wronged.

If he has any grievances, he can complain for himself afterwards, but at this time, no one accommodates him.

"I understand. After I arrive at Weize Pass, I will dispose of Li Zhongwen's military power as soon as possible. As for Ma Sanbao..."

When Su Dingfang mentioned Ma Sanbao, he hesitated.

Chai Shao didn't say what Ma Sanbao was doing at Weize Pass, nor did Li Yuanji guess.

So how to face Ma Sanbao, Su Dingfang couldn't make up his mind.

Li Yuanji couldn't make up his mind, but he thought that no matter what Ma Sanbao did in Weizeguan, it would be harmful to Li Xiuning, so he frowned and said, "I will explain my elder sister's situation to Ma Sanbao in a letter." , I believe that after he understands the inside story, he should not act rashly.

However, don't be afraid of ten thousand just in case.

In case Ma Sanbao dares to do something stupid, you must stop him in time.

If necessary, I allow you to temporarily detain him. "

Su Dingfang nodded immediately, and there were no other questions.

Li Yuanji pushed the big piece of meat on the plate to Su Dingfang, and gave Su Dingfang an iron stick and a cup of seasoning, and asked Su Dingfang to grill the meat that was about to get cold, and then he went back to the table , rubbed his hands together and began to write furiously.

Since there are many things to explain to Ma Sanbao, Li Yuanji's letter is very long and takes a long time.

It took a full quarter of an hour, and a full seven or eight pages were written.

Li Yuanji is really not used to the writing method of later generations, the three or four characters of the Tang people represent a sentence.

So every time he wrote an important letter, he wrote it in detail.

So far, no one has said that there is anything wrong with him writing this way.

After writing the letter, putting it in a letter box, sealing it with wax, and handing it over to Su Dingfang who was full of food and drink, he specially warned, "It's a long way to Weizeguan, so be careful. People with long eyes block the way, so let me break through.

Don't be afraid of offending others, I will support you when the sky falls. "

When Su Dingfang heard this, he was immediately happy. After putting away the letter box, he clasped his fists and said, "With His Highness's words, I feel relieved." …

Li Yuanji nodded, patted Su Dingfang on the shoulder and said: "Afterwards, if you find any disobedient soldiers or bandits who don't have eyes, all of them will be rushed to Zhaozhou.

You and Kan Leng and the others made a lot of money in Southeast Road, but Luo Shixin and Xue Wanshu didn't get anything.

Create a little opportunity for them when you have the opportunity.

Otherwise, if you are rich and they are not, they will complain that I am partial. "

Su Dingfang was taken aback, and said cheerfully: "With the water transportation from Luoyang to Dizhou, and the sea transportation from Dizhou to Jiaozhou, they will be able to make enough money sooner or later. It is impossible that they will not have a chance."

Su Dingfang participated in the establishment of water transport from Luoyang to Dizhou, and also presided over the sea transport from Dizhou to Jiaozhou.

I know how profitable these two transportation lines are.

So he didn't think that Luo Shixin and Xue Wanshu, who were involved in these two transportation lines, would not be rich.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you find a dog and hang a bag full of biscuits around its neck, you don’t need the dog to do anything, just let the dog go down to each pier, empty the contents of the bag, and buy some local specialties. Put it in the bag, and flip around along the way, and you can also free up hundreds of coins.

If you are lucky, thousands of coins are not a problem.

This is the charm of water transport and sea transport.

Hubing, which is only worth two renminbi in Luoyang, can be sold for five or six renminbi in Weizhou and other places, and can be sold for more than ten renminbi in Dizhou.

Linen, which is not very valuable in Dizhou, is high-quality goods in Jiaozhou, and can be exchanged for various gems, rhino horns, precious medicinal materials, etc. from the natives of Jiaozhou.

On the return journey, you can get a dump in Yangzhou, which can carry a ship of grain, or a ship of various best-selling goods needed in Luoyang, Dizhou and other places.

The longer the cycle, the greater the risk.

After all, it has been more than half a year since Li Yuanji dredged water transport and opened up sea transport, and he has not seen money back.

The fleet going to Jiaozhou by sea damaged dozens of small boats when they went there, and damaged a large boat and dozens of small boats when they returned.

Cargo worth more than [-] yuan was buried in the sea, and hundreds of human lives were also buried in the sea.

However, no one who handles water and sea transportation cares about this matter.

Because compared to the huge income, this little effort is really insignificant.

Compared with the price to be paid to plunder the enemy's wealth on the battlefield, it is hundreds of times smaller.

"The problem is that they are busy dealing with Zhaozhou's Li family now, and they don't have time to divide up the benefits of water transportation and sea transportation."

Li Yuanji gave Su Dingfang a blank look, and said angrily.

This Su Dingfang is also true, do people have to make things so clear?
Su Dingfang blinked, and instantly understood what Li Yuanji was thinking.

Li Yuanji asked him to drive the bandits and soldiers to Zhaozhou so that Luo Shixin and others could be fooled.

Zhaozhou is not chaotic, how can the army under the command of Luo Shixin, Xue Wanshu and others enter Zhaozhou in a legitimate way?

The army under Luo Shixin, Xue Wanshu and others did not enter Zhaozhou, just by blocking the business roads of Zhaozhou Li's family, it was not enough to toss Zhaozhou's Li's muscles and bones.

Only the army led by Luo Shixin, Xue Wanshu and others entered Zhaozhou in the name of suppressing bandits, could they break Zhaozhou's Li family's muscles and make Zhaozhou's Li family feel like dying.

After all, it is difficult to suppress bandits all at once.

Due to the threat of bandits and rogues, it is not uncommon for tyrants from all over the country to pay tribute to bandits and rogues.

It is also common for the government to confiscate the tycoons who supported the bandits in various places.

Therefore, as long as Zhaozhou starts to cause banditry on a large scale, and the Li family of Zhaozhou has a relationship with the banditry, it will be very difficult to escape.

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