Man Tanghong

Chapter 406 Difficulty

Chapter 406
After Li Yuanji was sure that Li Shimin would definitely do this, he stopped playing around with Ren Gui, and immediately asked straight to the point: "That's the case, then what do you think we should do?"

Ren Gui didn't understand Li Yuanji's intentions, to be precise, he didn't understand what Li Yuanji's ultimate goal was, so she didn't know what to say, and she looked hesitant.

Seeing this, Li Yuanji said again: "If you have something on your mind, just say it. Since you have joined my sect, you are my man. You don't have to hesitate when talking to me."

When Ren Gui heard this, he immediately cupped his hands and said, "Since Your Highness has asked the minister to just speak straight, Nachen will not be polite."

After saying this, without waiting for Li Yuanji to speak, Ren Gui clasped his hands again, and asked solemnly: "May I ask what your Highness wants to ask for in this change of heaven?"

This is still not straightforward enough.

But Li Yuanji understood the meaning, and Li Yuanji was not as vague as he was, and cut straight to the point again: "Do you want to ask me if I want to fight for that position?"

Ren Gui was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Li Yuanji to be so direct.

However, since Li Yuanji's words have already reached this point, Ren Gui didn't hide any more, and immediately nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, that's what I mean. If Your Highness wants to be big, then the minister He will help His Highness plan according to the method of fighting for the big position. If His Highness wants to protect himself, then the minister will help His Highness plan according to the method of self-protection.

So what we should do is not up to the subject, but to His Highness. "

Li Yuanji nodded and questioned, "What if I want to be big?"

Ren Gui nodded her head and pondered for a while.

Li Yuanji originally thought that Ren Gui would be dazed and turn pale with shock, but he didn't expect Ren Gui to have no big reaction at all.

It seems that in Ren Gui's mind, he should fight for the big position, and there is a problem if he doesn't fight for the big position.

It was precisely because of this that when Ren Gui heard him say that he wanted to be big, there was no emotion on Ren Gui's face.

Immediately, Li Yuanji didn't dare to tease Ren Gui anymore, and said truthfully, "Ziwei, since we've reached this point, I'll tell you the truth."

Ren Gui was thinking about something, and was obviously taken aback when she heard this.

But he didn't speak, but continued to think about things while listening to Li Yuanji.

Seeing this, Li Yuanji said with a frank face: "Ziwei, let me tell you the truth, the position is not what I want. The reason why I said 'if I want to be a position' just now is also a joke."

Now Ren Gui was completely stunned, and stopped thinking about things, but stared at Li Yuanji in astonishment.

Li Yuanji continued: "Ziwei, I know how much I have, and I also know that I am not an emperor. If I sit in that position, it will be either a disaster or a disaster for Datang, you, and the people.

So I will not fight for that position, let alone worry about that position.

But I won't completely lie down and let me be mermaid. "

Ren Gui stared blankly at Li Yuanji, and subconsciously said: "Your Highness wants to share the power and wealth of the country, but does not want to bear the responsibility of the country?"

Li Yuanji quickly waved his hands and said, "That's not what I meant..."

Li Yuanji also knows the truth that only by giving can you reap, and also knows that if you reap, you must give something.

So he also knew that while enjoying the prosperity and wealth of the Tang Dynasty, he also had to contribute to the Tang Dynasty.

With this awareness, he will also contribute to Datang within the scope of his ability.

But there is a premise for all of this, that is to overcome the difficulties of Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin's struggle for the dragon, live a little more freely, live a little unrestrained, and live a little free and easy.

Without achieving this premise, even if he wants to add bricks and tiles to Datang, it can only be done in a small area.

And these added bricks and tiles must first be used only by himself.

For example, Chang'an Xinglu, such as the water transportation from Luoyang to Dizhou, the sea transportation from Dizhou to Jiaozhou, and so on.

These are the bricks and tiles he added to Datang. Although these bricks and tiles are currently used only by himself, when Chang'an Xinglu, water transportation, and sea transportation are fully prosperous, it will indeed benefit Datang, and it will be Datang who will enjoy the greatest results. .

He has the ability to foresight, and also has a stomach of knowledge far beyond that of the Tang people. He has the ability to add bricks and tiles to the Tang Dynasty, so he never thought of enjoying the wealth of the Tang Dynasty in vain.

He can't afford to lose that person, and later generations can't afford to lose that person with the knowledge of more than 1000 years of Tang Dynasty.

So he didn't want to enjoy everything that the Tang Dynasty gave him as Ren Gui said.

But Ren Gui obviously didn't think so, and before he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and said eagerly: "Your Highness, this is not acceptable. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

If you take part of the power of Datang into your own hands, if you do nothing, the people will suffer. "

Although Ren Gui is not a big blue sky for the country and the people, the basic ethics are still free.

Especially after staying for a long time in a place like Xuzhou, where all kinds of anti-kings and anti-thieves compete for splendor, he is used to the darkness of human nature and the hard life of the people. He still has some conscience in his heart, and compassion for the people.

For many people, the matter of changing children to eat may be four words in the history books.

But for Ren Gui, it actually happened, and he saw it with his own eyes.

So he hoped that the Tang Dynasty would be stronger, that the people in the Tang Dynasty would be better off, and that the people in the lower classes could live a little better.

Even if you still can't get enough to eat, you don't have to change the children's food with the neighboring family.

He still remembers that when Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande were fighting against Datang, he led the army to support Li Shimin. When passing through a small village with few people, when a family was begging for water, he opened the door of that family. The scene seen by the water tank.

Inside was a tender baby's arm.

It is the child of that family's neighbor's family.

And in the water tank of that family's neighbor's house, there is a white and tender baby's thigh, which belongs to that family.

That family, as well as that family's neighbors, were completely wiped out by him in a fit of anger.

But that matter has been lingering in his mind, so when he leads the troops on the journey again, every time he passes by, he will send people to secretly check.

He also thought that this kind of thing was a special case.

But the result of checking out is that there are more things than this appalling.

That family, and that family's neighbors, are already considered very kind people.

There are a lot of things like selling human remains, with different prices for adults and children.

There are also those who steal graves and dig graves, to dig up the corpses that have just been buried for a long time.

In short, he has seen and investigated all kinds of shocking things that he can accept and cannot accept, as well as the shocking things that are in the history books and not in the history books.

It was precisely because of this that he hoped that Li Yuanji, a man of status, status and ability, could do something for the common people.

Even a little bit is enough to keep many people alive.

Yes, it is life.

For the common people who were poisoned by the former Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the Eighteenth Route Against the King, and all kinds of bandits, survival is their only requirement.

They don't dare to ask for a better life, and they don't even dare to think about being able to have enough food.

Li Yuanji saw that Ren Gui was a little agitated, and realized that Ren Gui had suffered or witnessed some horrific things, so he immediately calmed Ren Gui's emotions and said, "I'll say it again, That's not what I mean. I will not share the power and wealth of the country in vain. I will perform my duties within my ability, and I will do what I can for the people of Datang.

Even if I don't have the time to do it, you will help me do these things.

This is also one of my reasons for recruiting so many of you.

I mean, I have to make sure I'm safe, make sure I'm not in control, make sure I'm free to act before I can do these things. "

Under Li Yuanji's comfort, Ren Gui gradually calmed down a lot. Hearing what Li Yuanji said, he hesitated to speak.

Li Yuanji knew that Ren Gui was still a little unwilling, so he said earnestly, "Ziwei, I have to take care of myself before I can take care of others.

The sage said that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

I haven't heard of that poor person going to help the world.

I'm still poor, so I don't have the ability to help the world. "

When Ren Gui heard this, she felt resigned all of a sudden.

Everything Li Yuanji said was reasonable, so he couldn't help but be unwilling.

He immediately clasped his fists with a wry smile and said, "It's the minister who lost his composure. You don't know what the minister has experienced. If you knew, you would probably understand the minister."

At the moment, Ren Gui didn't give Li Yuanji a chance to speak, and told Li Yuanji one by one the tragedies he had heard and seen during his stay in Xuzhou.

Li Yuanji only heard three things, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

After listening too much, my scalp started to tingle.

After all, he is not a complete Tang person, nor is he a person who struggled to grow up on the line of food and clothing, nor is he a person who has been accustomed to the suffering of war since childhood.

So it is very difficult for him to accept the tragedies that make people doubt life one after another like the people of Tang.

"Okay...don't talk about it."

When Ren Gui talked about the ninth tragedy, about a mountain king at the junction of Henan Road and Hebei Road, which serves children's hearts as the top delicacy, Li Yuanji couldn't listen anymore.

His throat throbbed, and he almost vomited out the meal he just ate.

Seeing this, Ren Gui tactfully did not continue, but said with a bitter face: "Now you understand why I am so excited."

Li Yuanji nodded, but he was unwilling to discuss this topic with Ren Gui, "Let's get back to business."

Ren Gui nodded, adjusted her mood, sorted out her thoughts, and said with a wry smile: "If your highness wants to protect himself, if you want to be free, in my opinion, it may be worse than your highness going to fight for the big position." Disaster.

Although I don't know His Highness King Qin, I do know His Highness the Crown Prince.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not a person who can tolerate others taking away his authority, let alone a person who can tolerate His Highness not obeying his orders and not following his lead.

Therefore, once His Highness the Crown Prince ascends to the throne, he will definitely try to get rid of His Highness.

In this case, His Highness only has two options left.

Either compromise, or raise the banner of rebellion.

However, once His Highness the Crown Prince ascends to the throne, righteousness will be added to his body, and there will be many loyal ministers and good generals. Even if His Highness raises the banner of righteousness, most of them will end in failure.

Although His Royal Highness King Qin didn't understand it, he also knew that His Royal Highness Qin Wang was a domineering person.

I think he will treat His Highness in the same way after he ascends to the throne.

So His Highness wants to share the power from them and ask for a free word, it will be extremely difficult. "

(End of this chapter)

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