Man Tanghong

Chapter 510 His Royal Highness Qi is sick again!

Chapter 510 His Royal Highness Qi is sick again!
"Hehe, am I the most suitable? Then when you go back, you will publicize it to the outside world, saying that I am sick again."

Li Yuanji chuckled and said calmly.

If possible, he would also like to lead all the warriors from the Wude and Zhenguan dynasties to compete with the Turkic people, and take a look at how powerful all the warriors from the Wude and Zhenguan dynasties can exert together.

Unfortunately, he can't go.

Because he was the one who attacked and killed the Turkic envoys, and his purpose of doing so was to get Li Yuan to ask Li Shimin to take action, and then use this to force Li Jiancheng to do it in advance.

If he went, wouldn't it be in vain for him to attack and kill the Turkic envoys.

If during the time he left Chang'an City, either Li Jiancheng or Li Shimin launched a coup d'état and established the future of the Tang Dynasty, then all his previous plans would have been in vain.

So he said nothing and couldn't go.

Not only that, but he had to find all kinds of reasonable excuses to escape Li Yuan's recruitment and other people's persuasion.

Ling Jing raised his head and looked at Li Yuanji in astonishment.

Li Yuanji smiled lightly again: "You should know why I called me sick..."

He knew very well that Ling Jing must have guessed that it was the Turkic envoy he led to attack and kill.

Because when he made this decision, Ling Jing was by his side, and he also asked Ling Jing to inquire about the whereabouts of the Turkic envoys.

After that, he uncharacteristically "retired" for a few days, and the Turkic envoys happened to be attacked and killed during these few days.

Linking these clues together, if Ling Jing still can't guess that he was responsible for the attack and killing of the Turkic envoy, then Ling Jing's life will be in vain.

As for his purpose of attacking and killing the Turkic envoy, if he didn't say anything, Ling Jing could guess a little bit.

So Ling Jing must be very clear why he claimed to be sick.

Hearing this, Ling Jing no longer pretended to be stupid, and immediately cupped his hands and said with a wry smile: "I...know..."

Li Yuanji nodded and said: "Then you must know how to do it? Don't I need to teach you any more?"

Ling Jing nodded with a wry smile.

Li Yuanji waved his hands and said, "Then let's do it."

Ling Jing agreed, but did not leave in a hurry, but hesitantly said: "If someone asks to see His Highness, or becomes a lobbyist for a saint, how should I respond."

Li Yuanji said indifferently: "Those who are qualified to come to see me directly will not go to you. Those who are not qualified to come to see me directly, you don't have to pay attention."

Ling Jing nodded silently, "I understand..."

After saying this, Ling Jing didn't stay longer in Jiudao Palace, and left Jiudao Palace in a hurry.

More than two hours later, there were rumors in Chang'an City that King Qi was seriously ill and he was being diagnosed by experts from Xinglin.

In order to cooperate with the rumors released by Ling Jing, Li Yuanji specially ordered someone to prepare some decoctions for brain diseases, which filled the study with the smell of decoctions.

So when Liu Jun rushed to visit Jiudao Palace with Li Yuan's concern for his son, all he could smell was soup and medicine.

Liu Jun endured the discomfort caused by the strong smell of soup and medicine. After entering Li Yuanji's study, he saw Li Yuanji sitting on the bed in a drowsy state, as if he would fall asleep at any time. Concerned and worried, startled.

He didn't even care about saluting, and hurriedly asked, "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yuanji was 'woke up' from his drowsiness, and after glancing at Liu Jun with a blurred gaze, he said weakly, "It's Young Supervisor Liu."

Liu Jun nodded his head hastily, saluted quickly, and asked, "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yuanji took two deep breaths, 'forcibly' raised his spirits and said: "The old illness has relapsed, it's okay."

Liu Jun hurriedly said again: "Have you seen Mr. Sun?"

Li Yuanji opened his mouth, his eyelids drooped, and he fell into a drowsy state again.

Yang Miaoyan quickly stepped forward and helped Li Yuanji's arm, as if afraid that Li Yuanji would fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Liu Jun's eyes widened in shock, "Your Highness...What the hell is going on, Your Highness?"

Yang Miaoyan said with a bitter face: "The brain disease has attacked again, and it is more serious than before. I have seen it with Mr. Sun, and also with other doctors in Chang'an Xinglu.

They said that it needs to be supplemented with a large amount of decoction, and it is possible to recover for a long time. "

"How could this be?"

Liu Jun couldn't believe it.

When he saw Li Yuanji some time ago, Li Yuanji was still as strong as a bull, and he was full of energy when he cursed.

Why did he suddenly become terminally ill.

If Li Yuanji hadn't suffered from brain disease before and was still seriously ill, he would have suspected that Li Yuanji was faking illness.

"It was fine a month ago, but it has become like this in the past few days."

Yang Miaoyan said with a worried face.

Liu Jun hurriedly said: "What did Mr. Sun say, is there any way to cure it immediately?"

Yang Miaoyan sighed, and said with a sad face: "Mr. Sun said that there is no other way for this disease except resting and taking medicine for a long time."

Liu Jun said anxiously: "I will ask Mr. Sun again."

Without waiting for Yang Miaoyan to speak again, Liu Jun hastily bowed and exited the study.

As soon as Liu Jun left, Li Yuanji became energetic all of a sudden.

Yang Miaoyan fanned the strong smell of soup and medicine in the study, and said angrily: "You said you did this, can you hide it from him?"

Li Yuanji sat up straight, picked up a book and said: "With Mr. Sun as the guarantor, it's easy to hide it from him, but it takes a little effort for my father."

Yang Miaoyan rolled her eyes and said, "Why do you say you are bothering others as well as yourself."

Li Yuanji flipped through the book casually without explaining much.

Yang Miaoyan couldn't help but said again: "You always ask Mr. Sun to tell such lies for you, aren't you afraid that Mr. Sun will be angry?"

Li Yuanji glanced at Yang Miaoyan, and smiled calmly: "People, especially those who don't lie, can't lie. Once they lie, they have to use countless lies to make up for it."

Sun Simiao had already told him that he was in a panic once. In order not to expose the previous lie, he had to continue to use lies to cover up the panic.

Yang Miaoyan knew the whole story and what Li Yuanji meant, so she gave Li Yuanji a blank look and said, "You are too bullying..."

From Yang Miaoyan's point of view, Sun Simiao was a figure among gods, and being able to be used by Li Yuanji alone was already doing Li Yuanji a lot of face. It was a bit unethical for Li Yuanji to take advantage of others who helped him in the past.

Li Yuanji said with a smile: "I didn't bully him. In order to let him tell me the lie, I promised to build three more apricot cottages for him."

The compilation of medical books on various subjects in Chang'an Xinglu is coming to an end. Cao Jiucheng, Lu Yishou and others have already thoroughly understood the newly compiled medical books, and so have their disciples.

They felt that it was enough for them to stay in Chang'an Xinglu and devote themselves to researching medical skills and bringing forth new ones.

It was pure waste for their disciples to stay in Chang'an Xinglu to do odd jobs for them, so after doing some calculations, they had the idea of ​​opening another hut.

It's just that things like opening a sub-house require money, and they don't have that much money.

So they found Sun Simiao, and Sun Simiao found Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanji had promised Sun Simiao before that he would open a Tang version of the Xinglu hospital all over the world to benefit all people, so he agreed without even thinking about it.

But there is also a condition, that is, let Sun Simiao help him spread the lie again.

Although Sun Simiao was very reluctant, he gritted his teeth and agreed when he thought that opening three more sub-houses would benefit many people around Chang'an.

Although it sounds like it's a matter of getting what they need, Yang Miaoyan still feels that Li Yuanji is taking the opportunity to blackmail Sun Simiao, so he gave Li Yuanji a big white eye.

Li Yuanji didn't explain that he had reasons for doing so, he just smiled, didn't speak, and continued to pretend to be sick in the study.

After Liu Jun left the Jiudao Palace, he quickly rushed to Chang'an Xinglu to verify Li Yuanji's condition, and the result he got was exactly the same as what Yang Miaoyan said.

Then, Liu Jun hurried back to the palace to report to Li Yuan.

That night, Li Yuan's driver landed at the gate of Jiudao Palace.

Yang Miaoyan brought a group of Yingying and Yanyan from the palace to greet him at the door, Li Yuan just asked Yang Miaoyan to get up, and hurried to Li Yuanji's study where he was convalescing.

Li Yuan ignored the other Yingying and Yanyan.

In his opinion, except for Yang Miaoyan, the rest of the people are not really members of the Li family, so there is nothing to care about, let alone talk to.

When Li Yuan rushed to the study, Li Yuanji was lying on a bed straight, and had already fallen asleep.

Li Yuan is not Liu Jun, so he is not so easy to fool.

Especially at this critical moment, Li Yuan is even more difficult to fool.

So after Li Yuanji guessed that Li Yuan would come, he made himself a bowl of calming medicine and fell asleep completely.

"Yuanji's brain disease really flared up again?"

After Li Yuan stared at Li Yuanji on the bed for a while, he frowned and asked.

Yang Miaoyan lowered her head and said, "Go back to father, that's what Mr. Sun said."

Li Yuan raised his voice a few times unconsciously and said, "Didn't it be good to raise it here for a while? Why is it getting heavier the more you raise it?"

Yang Miaoyan lowered her head and said nothing.

Li Yuan directly summoned the imperial physician he brought, "Let's see what's going on."

The imperial physician agreed, and went to the bedside to start the diagnosis.

After examining it carefully, he didn't know what to say.

Judging from pulse condition, complexion, tongue coating, eyes, etc., Li Yuanji was not ill, but Li Yuanji did fall into a coma.

So he didn't know whether to speak the truth according to his own diagnosis, or according to Sun Simiao's diagnosis.

According to his own diagnosis, if he said the truth, he would probably offend Sun Simiao, and maybe he would offend Li Yuanji who was lying on the bed; but according to Sun Simiao's diagnosis, he would easily commit the crime of deceiving the emperor.

So he was caught in a dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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