Man Tanghong

Chapter 517 Xuanwu Gate

Chapter 517 Xuanwu Gate ([-])
"Chang He!!!"

Hearing Zhang Shigui's shout, Li Shimin subconsciously glanced at the built-in gate city, and growled angrily.

He guessed in an instant that Chang He had betrayed him, but now he didn't care about it anymore, and he shouted again without hesitation, "Chasing after my elder brother first!"

To him, it doesn't matter why Chang He betrayed him, who occupied the built-in door, and who wanted to be an oriole when he did it.

He has already done something to Li Jiancheng, so Li Jiancheng must be killed.

Li Jiancheng is not dead, he and the people under him must die.

After Li Jiancheng died, he and his subordinates had the opportunity to settle accounts with the oriole that suddenly appeared.

"Bring our people, and kill Zhang Shigui and other crossbowmen first!"

After Li Yuanji saw clearly the situation outside the south wall of the built-in gate, he gave the order without hesitation.

After Xue Wanshu agreed, he quickly gathered his men and horses and rushed under the city wall.

After Li Yuanji ordered Xue Wanjun to guard the inner door, he also chased after him.

After leaving the built-in door, I happened to see the tails of Zhang Shigui and other crossbowmen.

Li Yuanji didn't hesitate at all, just bent his bow and set an arrow.

The heavy and sharp iron arrow pierced through the bodies of the two crossbowmen with a piercing whistle.

Li Yuanji followed up with another arrow, and after shooting eight arrows in a row, Zhang Shigui and other crossbowmen ran out of the range of his bronze bow.

Fifteen bodies were left on the ground.


Xue Wanshu took the initiative to chase after Li Yuanji without waiting for another order.

Li Yuanji rode on the horse pulled out from the built-in door, caught up with Xue Wanshu and the others within a few breaths, and then quickly passed Xue Wanshu and the others.

"Bronze Bow! Iron Arrow! Big Sword! It's King Qi!"

When Li Yuanji caught up with Zhang Shigui and other crossbowmen, Zhang Shigui's sharp-eyed crossbowmen recognized Li Yuanji's identity by virtue of Li Yuanji's unique equipment.


Zhang Shigui swallowed his saliva subconsciously after learning that Cheng... Huang Que was Li Yuanji who came out halfway, and said with a complicated expression, "It seems that His Royal Highness Qi already knew what we were going to do, and he wanted to take the opportunity Pick up cheap!"

"You! You! You! Take Jia Wu and Yi Wu to chase His Highness, and tell His Highness that His Highness Qi Wang is here to take advantage of it! The rest of you, follow me to stop His Highness Qi!"



When Zhang Shigui divided his team into two, Li Yuanji had already rushed in front of him.

He raised his neck and shouted: "His Royal Highness King Qi is very cunning and scheming! We underestimated you!"

Li Yuanji didn't talk nonsense with him at all, he swung his knife and chopped.

"Fire arrows!"



"Raise your shield!"


After three orders in a row, Li Yuanji's knife was already on his neck.

He subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and murmured: "I'm not human..."

He gave three orders and took nine breaths.

During these nine breaths, Li Yuanji forcibly chopped down more than 20 masters under him, and killed him in front of him.

That's really one knife at a time, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

The most exaggerated thing is that the shield formed by the three masters under him was chopped down from the top to the tail by Li Yuanji.

The good hand in the shield formation was cut in half with a knife.

He had never seen such a cruel person since he was a soldier.

People say that the sword battalion in Dongnan Road is brutal, and they also say that the long sword army in Dongnan Road is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

But he has seen both the Padao Battalion and the Long Sword Army.

Fierce is fierce, but not as fierce as Li Yuanji.

The difference in the middle is more than a star and a half.

In his opinion, the ferocity of the Pai Dao Battalion and the Long Dao Army has reached the peak of ordinary people.

Li Yuanji was more cruel than them, and he was no longer human.


While Zhang Shigui was muttering to himself, Li Yuanji slapped him with a knife.

Zhang Shigui fell to the ground with a thud, and never got up again.

"Catch it! Or die!"

Li Yuanji pointed at all the remaining crossbowmen and asked coldly.

The crossbowmen gritted their teeth and roared in a low voice: "Although the villain is not as capable as His Highness, he will never be afraid of fighting, let alone take a step back."

After shouting, the crossbowmen with a resolute look shouted the word 'kill' together, drew out their short soldiers and took the initiative to kill.

Li Yuanji didn't hold back his hand, he waved the big knife in his hand and started harvesting.

By the time Xue Wanshu and his group caught up, Li Yuanji had already killed most of them.

"Leave it to the minister to wait here."

Xue Wanshu yelled in a low voice.

Li Yuanji nodded and continued to chase after him on horseback.

When Li Yuanji caught up with Li Shimin and the others, Zhang Shigui's last crossbowman fell to Xue Wanche's sword.

They did what they said, did not retreat, and fought to the last man.

But they can't change anything.

"Shimin! I'm your big brother, your dear big brother!"

When Li Yuanji caught up with Li Shimin and the others, Li Shimin and the others had already surrounded Li Jiancheng in a circular arc.

Li Jiancheng sat on the horseback, looking very embarrassed.

The golden crown on the top of the head didn't know where it went, and the disheveled hair looked like a lunatic, with an arrow stuck in his shoulder, and blood was flowing down.

He covered the arrow wound with one hand, and grabbed the horse's reins with the other, roaring at Li Shimin hysterically.

Li Shimin bent his bow and set his arrow, and said with a complicated expression: "It's not that I don't recognize you as a big brother, it's that you don't recognize me first!"

After speaking, he let go of the bowstring and let the arrow in his hand fly towards Li Jiancheng.

Feng Li immediately stood in front of Li Jiancheng, and the arrow pierced Feng Li's chest in an instant.

Feng Li stared at Li Jiancheng and yelled, "Your Highness, go!"

"Go? Where are you going? East Palace?"

Changsun Wuji sneered and urged the horse to go forward. After hacking to death a guard of the Eastern Palace not far from Li Jiancheng, he said disdainfully: "After you sent people back to dispatch the Eastern Palace Changlin, our people should have taken advantage of the situation. After entering the Eastern Palace, without the protection of the Changlin soldiers, the entire Eastern Palace will be slaughtered by our people!"

Li Jiancheng's eyeballs turned red, and he shouted at Li Shimin tremblingly, "You don't even want to let them off Chengdao?"

"His Royal Highness, you should understand the truth of success and failure."

Fang Xuanling sighed and said something in a low voice.

Cheng Yaojin chuckled and said, "This is called cutting grass and roots!"

Li Shimin glanced at Fang Xuanling and Cheng Yaojin, said nothing, bowed his bow and shot again.

Li Yuanji threw the big knife in his hand from a long distance away, and Yu Chigong, who was guarding Li Shimin's side firmly, noticed the big knife flying towards him immediately.

"Your Highness, hide!"

Yu Chigong pushed Li Shimin and stood behind Li Shimin.

The big knife pierced through Yu Chigong's left arm in an instant, brushed the head of the horse under his crotch, and landed firmly on the ground.

Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and others immediately blocked Li Shimin's surroundings with flesh and blood.

"It's King Qi..."

"Zhang Shigui failed to stop him..."

"How could Zhang Shigui stop him..."


Yu Chigong endured the pain in his left arm, held the horse with one hand, and went out first, blocking everyone's back, but he didn't charge, and only stared at Li Yuanji with an unprecedented solemn expression.

Qin Qiong also rode out, and stood beside Yu Chigong with a solemn expression.

Li Shimin's expression changed, and he waited until Li Yuanji approached, then took a deep breath and said, "Yuanji, it really is you!"

When he learned that the built-in door had changed hands, he guessed that it might be Li Yuanji who took down the built-in door, but he was busy chasing and killing Li Jiancheng at that time, so he didn't have time to take care of Li Yuanji. He didn't expect Li Yuanji to chase him so soon up.

It seems that Zhang Shigui and others who blocked Li Yuanji from behind have been wiped out.


"Hurry up and take down Erlang, Erlang wants to plot rebellion!"

Seeing Li Yuanji, Li Jiancheng shouted as if seeing a savior.

Li Yuanji turned a deaf ear to Li Jiancheng's voice and just stared at Li Shimin coldly.

"Yuanji, you hide deeper than anyone else!"

Li Shimin also looked at Li Yuanji with complicated emotions.

Li Yuanji said coldly: "This is the end, do you want to continue?"

Li Shimin said with a half-smile: "You also said, the matter has come to this, do I have any other options?"

Li Yuanji said in a cold voice: "You can get caught without a fight, and follow me to see my father."

Li Shimin smiled mockingly: "Do you think father will forgive me?"

"Yuanji, don't talk so much to this traitor, take him down quickly!"

Li Jiancheng shouted while riding his horse back.

With Li Yuanji helping him to restrain Li Shimin, he felt that he could run away.


Li Junxian immediately shot the arrow, and it stably hit Li Jiancheng's horse's leg.

He actually wanted to shoot Li Jiancheng more, but after shooting Li Jiancheng to death, Li Shimin was a little panicked if he wanted to use his head to explain to the world, so he only shot Li Jiancheng's horse.

Li Jiancheng fell to the ground at once, Zhao Chengyong quickly jumped off his horse and stood in front of Li Jiancheng.

Li Shimin suddenly smiled heartily and said: "Brother, you still can't see it until now. Our fourth brother is far smarter than you and I have seen in the past. He has been hiding his clumsiness, has been hiding his clumsiness, just for This moment today.

That position, you want it, I want it too, and my fourth brother wants it too, why don't the three of us fight it out here, and whoever lives will take that position. "

After saying this, Li Shimin didn't wait for Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng to speak, and shouted decisively, "Do it!"

Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong rushed towards Li Yuanji like arrows leaving the string in an instant, and the soldiers behind them also rushed out, while Li Shimin and the rest rushed towards Li Jiancheng crazily.

With the support of Zhao Chengyong, Li Jiancheng quickly climbed onto the horse and started a new round of escape.

When Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong rushed over, Li Yuanji narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a cold snort, "I don't know how to live or die!"

Facing these two famous generals in history, facing these two figures regarded as goalkeepers, Li Yuanji had no fear at all, and even felt that they were a little bit overwhelmed and overconfident.

 Thanks to 'Xuanyuan Huowu' for rewarding two thousand book coins!Thanks to 'Book Friends 20201121204420607, Yan Fulin' for rewarding one hundred book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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