Man Tanghong

Chapter 711 Shan Yu Can't Escape? !

Li Xiuning rolled her eyes, "Since Uncle God Talisman came out of Suizhou until now, he hasn't even met a Turkic person, but he has met quite a few rabbits. Let me go catch rabbits with him."

Li Yuanji said with a smile on his face: "This shows that Uncle Wang is lucky. If you follow him, your safety will be guaranteed."

Li Xiuning said angrily: "If I care about my own safety, what am I doing here, wouldn't it be safer for me to stay in Chang'an City?"

Speaking of this, Li Xiuning turned around Li Yuanji and said, "Tell me about you, are you my younger brother? Although my father will not allow me to go to the battlefield, he will give me a pass to guard. Brother and the world People can't wait for me to help them risk their lives.

Only you, be careful not to let me go to the battlefield, afraid that I will be in danger. "

Li Yuanji said helplessly: "Sister, won't your conscience hurt when you say this? You forgot who fought for you when you went to Dongnan Road."

Li Xiuning stared and said: "Of course I haven't forgotten, but I haven't forgotten either. By the time I lead the army to Dongnan Dao, the war in Dongnan Dao has already ended."

Li Yuanji said dumbfoundedly: "This is Su Dingfang, Li Jing, Ren Gui's problem, and it has nothing to do with me."

Although he planned one in the middle, Su Dingfang, Li Jing, and Ren Gui were the ones who made the final decisions, so he didn't take the blame for it.

"I don't care, I brought them out anyway, you can't let me just bring them back. You have to let me take them to the battlefield for a while."

Li Xiuning started to play tricks.

Li Yuanji really lost his temper with Li Xiuning, and said a little speechlessly: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. When the battle situation outside Gyeongju becomes clear, I will let you rush to help Su Dingfang."

Li Xiuning instantly showed a tricky smile, "You still love sister!"

Li Yuanji said angrily and amusedly: "Who told you to be my elder sister?"

As he spoke, Li Yuanji coughed dryly and asked, "I don't know..."

Li Xiuning smiled knowingly, waved her hands and said, "Okay, you don't need to ask, I'll tell you. Wang Ruan gave birth to a daughter for you, and my father was very happy, so he immediately canonized her as Leping county lord."

Leping was under the rule of Taiyuan Mansion, and in the land of Longxing in the Tang Dynasty, Wang Ruan was just a wife. The daughter she gave birth to was canonized by Li Yuan to the land of Longxing in the Tang Dynasty, which shows that Li Yuan loves this granddaughter very much.

Li Yuanji asked unexpectedly: "Is it too heavy?"

Li Xiuning smiled and said: "When my father hugged her for the first time, her little hands were swaying on his beard, which made my father very happy, so my father made an exception and gave Le Ping to her."

Li Yuanji didn't expect that there was such a story in it, so he immediately smiled happily: "It seems that he is a blessed one."

Li Xiuning nodded with a smile and said: "Not only is she blessed, but the other two little ones are also blessed. They were born on the same day. Since they are one son and one daughter, my father named them Li Yu and Li Yu on the spot.

With the name given by their father, when they are a little older, they will also be rewarded.

They don't have to suffer because of their mother's humble origins. "

Li Yuanji couldn't laugh all of a sudden, and hurriedly asked: "The fish?"

Li Xiuning didn't know why and said: "Yuyao's Yu! Fisherman's Yu!"

Li Yuanji couldn't laugh anymore.

Li Yuan, Li Yuan, I have worked so hard to protect your country, Li Tang, your sons from killing each other, and your daughter from death. You let my son be the queen master of Li, what do you think?

You think that Datang is about to enter prosperity soon, and you are unhappy, so you want Datang to perish as soon as possible.


"What doesn't work?"

"The name Li Yu doesn't work!"

Li Yuanji said firmly.

No matter what you say, you can't let your son have the same name as Empress Li, even if you can get two beautiful sisters.

Li Xiuning said strangely: "This is the name bestowed by my father, and it has been recorded in the clan's Yudie. If you say it can't be done, then it can't be done?"

Li Yuanji said even more firmly: "If I say no, I won't!"

Li Xiuning frowned slightly and said, "You don't want to have a conflict with your father over a name, do you? You should know that from the moment my father ascended the throne, he has had Tianxian in his mouth.

Everything he bestows cannot be changed.

Otherwise it will affect his prestige.

If you conflict with your father over a name, your father will definitely turn against you. "

Li Yuanji said seriously: "Then I will hang up my eldest brother and my second brother first, and then hang myself up."

At that time, Li Yuan will not be able to submit.

As far as Li Yuan's son's slave character is concerned, let alone changing his name, even pointing at his grandson as his granddaughter, he can do it.

Li Xiuning said in astonishment: "Do you want to make such a big fuss just because of a name?"

Li Yuanji nodded firmly.

Li Xiuning thought about it seriously: "Does this name have any special meaning? Li Yu, Li Yu, there's nothing special about it?
Besides, Yu means to shine.

Father hopes that your son will shine on Datang like the sun when he grows up.

It's a pretty good name.

Why don't you like it? "

Li Yuanji couldn't explain to Li Xiuning what the name 'Li Yu' meant, especially what it meant when it was placed in Li Tang's clan.

So I said stubbornly: "Anyway, I just don't like it. If my father insists on naming my son with the sound of Yu, then he should use Yu. Like that Zhou Gongjin, it's good to be a beautiful jade person. "

Li Xiuning always felt that Li Yuanji was hiding something, but couldn't find any evidence to puncture Li Yuanji's thoughts, so he could only let it go, "Then I'll go back and tell my father, you must not conflict with him, Don't mess around."

At the end of Li Xiuning's speech, she put up her elder sister's airs and warned her.

Li Yuanji said bluntly: "As long as you can let father change my son's name, I will not mess around."

Of course, it doesn't work to be called Li Chengluan or Li Chengju, these two names are also unlucky.

Will be clicked by uncle.

Li Xiuning let out a long breath and said, "That's good, then I'll write a letter to my father."

After speaking, Li Xiuning hurried to write a letter to Li Yuan.

Obviously, he was afraid that Li Yuanji would really hang up Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin.

She just stopped the three brothers from killing each other, and she didn't want this incident to cause another disturbance.

As soon as Li Xiuning left, Li Yuanji involuntarily began to fantasize about his son and daughters, and was in no mood to manage other things for a while.

Fortunately, Liu Hongji, Su Dingfang, Li Shenfu, Li Xiaogong, and Li Shentong who is based in Huai'an are all people who can stand on their own.

So even if he did nothing, Datang's journey still did not stop.

On January 23, the situation of the enemy outside Gyeongju finally became clear. Suni was indeed Jieli’s good nephew and a good minister without ambition. , Escorted Xieli and fled to Dingxiang.

Dingxiang is actually the capital city that Xieli bestowed upon Yang Zhengdao to establish his country.

When Yang Zhengdao fled to Turkic and wanted to restore the country with the help of Turkic power, Jieli wanted to follow the example of Chuluo and support Yang Zhengdao, so he gave Dingxiang and a large area near Dingxiang to Yang Zhengdao The capital of the country.

As a result, after Yang Zhengdao built the city and the palace in Dingxiang, Jieli saw that the palace was far more magnificent than his golden wolf tent, and it was more than a hundred times better than his golden wolf tent, so he shamelessly Dingxiang was taken.

It was used as the royal city of the Turks.

After Xieli occupied Dingxiang, he did not designate a new place for Yang Zhengdao.

Probably because he was afraid that Yang Zhengdao would hold a grudge against him for occupying Dingxiang, and that Yang Zhengdao would betray him after he gained a firm foothold.

On January 25, Liu Hongji broke through the Great Wall outside Xiaoguan, occupied various military fortresses on the Great Wall, and successfully recovered all the territory outside Xiaoguan and south of the Great Wall.

On January 27, Li Shenfu broke through the Great Wall outside Suizhou and occupied all the territory south of the Great Wall.

On the first day of February, Su Dingfang captured Tuli, who had been left behind by Xieli, on the Great Wall outside Gyeongju, and regained all the territory south of the Great Wall.

At the same time, the news that Li Xiaogong regained all the territory south of the Great Wall along the line from Shizhou to Weizeguan also reached Huai'an.

Moreover, Li Xiaogong conquered the Great Wall earlier than Liu Hongji, Li Shenfu, and Su Dingfang. On January 24, he captured the territory south of the Great Wall outside Shizhou.

It's just because Shizhou is far away from Huai'an, so the news didn't reach until the first day of February.

Since then, Datang has regained all the territory south of the Great Wall.

With the Great Wall as a barrier, Datang finally no longer needs to be bullied by the Turkic people, and he can still bully the Turkic people after he recovers.

It's just that Li Yuanji, who was in power in the Tang Dynasty, didn't pay much attention to these things.

During this period of time, apart from receiving news, he only thought about his son and daughter, and occasionally made some playful things for his son and daughter.

When Li Yuanji appeared in the back hall of Huai'an County Yamen holding a very beautiful bear, Li Xiuning was completely annoyed.

"You said you asked me to help Su Dingfang. Now that the war is over, I haven't seen you give an order. Are you kidding me?"

Li Xiuning snatched the beautiful little bear from Li Yuanji's hand, and questioned angrily.

Li Yuanji snatched the little bear back from Li Xiuning's hands, smoothed Li Xiuning's crumpled hair again, and said, "Is there such a thing? Why didn't I know?"

Li Xiuning said angrily, "You've been hiding in the back hall of the county government office all this time, messing with such despicable things, how could you know?!"

Li Yuanji stroked the soft fur of the bear, and felt that the bear should be smoked again so that it could be placed in the children's room, so he walked to the room in the back hall and said: "I still know something, I have ordered Liu Hongji, Yin Kaishan, and Shenfu Wangshu guarded the Great Wall to prevent the Turks from invading.

And let Su Dingfang, Luo Shixin and others escort the prisoners to prepare to return to the dynasty.

It has been out for half a year, and it is time to go back. "

"What about Tuli? How to deal with Tuli?"

Li Xiuning asked angrily.

Li Yuanji took it for granted: "Of course I took it back. Could it be that he was sent back to Jieli? Since he has been abandoned by Jieli, it means that Jieli has almost digested the tribes under his command. When he went back, he couldn't check and balance Xieli.

Let him go to Yanzhou, and he will easily seize the power of Ye Hu, who is a powerful force, and rebel against my Tang Dynasty with those Turkic people who have surrendered.

So I can only take him back to Chang'an and put him under custody. When Wanbang comes to court, he can come out and pour wine for the envoys of those foreign nations, so as to frighten them for a while. "

Li Xiuning broke out completely, "Then what about what you promised me?!!!"

"By the way, there is still no news about Li Jing and the others. I have to ask, otherwise I can't return to court so easily."

Seeing that Li Xiuning's anger had completely surged to Tianlinggai, Li Yuanji quickly slapped his forehead, and found an excuse to quickly escape to the back hall of the county government office.

"Li Sanhu! Just wait for me!"

When Li Yuanji ran out of the back hall of the county yamen, Li Xiuning's furious shouts sounded from behind.

The word Sanhu was shouted out, it seemed that Li Xiuning was really angry.

I can only hide for a while.

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