Man Tanghong

Chapter 734 Li Chengde!

Yang Miaoyan's heart was warm, but she said: "I think he was more worried about his son. Fortunately, I was upbeat and gave birth to a son. If this is a daughter, he will definitely kick me out."

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the Tang Dynasty. In order to have a son and pass on the incense, many people can say that they will do everything they can.

In addition to worshiping various ways to guarantee the birth of a son, and believing in various secret recipes for giving birth to a son, they will also drive out wives who have nothing to give birth to and who cannot give birth to a son.

This kind of thing is not only very common among the people, but also in the homes of the rich and powerful, and in the palace.

The reason why Li Shimin was able to inspire his ambitions by Li Yuan, and he was able to occupy half of the Tang Dynasty with power, was because his eldest grandson had a better belly and had a son than Mr. Zheng Guanyin.

The reason why Li Yuan made three promises to make Li Shimin the crown prince was also because Li Shimin had a son and an heir before Li Jiancheng.

In this era, no matter how big and capable a family business is, it is useless without an heir.

So in this era, having a son is more important than anything else.

"Then you were wrong. When you gave birth for a long time and you were in danger of dystocia at any time, Yuan Ji said without hesitation that he wanted to keep the baby, and even had a fight with his father because of it.

If your shout hadn't happened to come out at that time, they would have continued to quarrel. "

Zheng Guanyin teased with some envy.

Yang Miaoyan was stunned, and said in disbelief: "How is this possible, you are lying to me?"

Are there any people in this world who value their wives more than their heirs?
She doesn't believe it!
The eldest grandson said with emotion: "It's true. There were still many people watching from the sidelines at the time. If you don't believe me, you can find out by asking around."

There is Zheng Guanyin to testify, there is also the eldest grandson to testify, and a large group of descendants can also testify.

Now Yang Miaoyan can't believe it.

She began to wonder if she was living in a dream, a little unreal.

She couldn't talk to Zheng Guanyin and the eldest grandson about some things, but she knew it in her heart.

With Li Yuanji's current authority and status, there is no need to say how important his eldest son is.

In this case, Li Yuanji could give up her son and protect her. She couldn't believe it was true.

Seeing that Yang Miaoyan's thoughts had started to wander, Zheng Guanyin and the eldest grandson looked at each other, and said goodbye to Yang Miaoyan with a smile.

Yang Miaoyan responded instinctively.

When Zheng Guanyin and the eldest grandson left the delivery room, Li Yuanji rushed forward and asked, "How about the wonderful words?"

Zheng Guanyin said with a smile: "It is indeed as the female officer said, there is no serious problem, just a little bit out of strength."

Li Yuanji's heart was completely relieved in an instant, and he kept saying: "That's good, that's good..."

After finishing the chanting, he realized that Zheng Guanyin and the eldest grandson were still in front of him, so he hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you, my two sisters-in-law..."

Zheng Guanyin said with a bright smile: "You are welcome, no matter what you say, we are also a family."

Li Yuanji nodded and did not speak again.

He was afraid that Zheng Guanyin would hit the snake with the stick and take the opportunity to make some excessive demands.

He is not in the mood to analyze every word of Zheng Guanyin now, nor is he in the mood to analyze the deep meaning of every request Zheng Guanyin made, so it is better to speak less.

"Order the Sherenyuan to draw up an edict to amnesty the world. Then order the Chang'an Order and the Wannian Order to distribute three taels of wine, one catty of meat, and one foot of cloth to each elder over sixty years old under the rule.

At the same time, an order was sent to the left and right Marquis Wu that there would be no night ban in the next month. "

In short, Jinwu can't help it.

It's just that Datang doesn't have the Jinwu Guard yet, so there is no saying that Jinwu can't help it.

There is no night ban, and the dignitaries and common people in Chang'an City can play in Chang'an City all night long.

The common people have been honored by the new emperor and grandson, so they will naturally praise the new emperor and grandson.

These orders were all issued by Li Yuan, and Li Yuan now only has these rights left.

Li Yuanji didn't stop him either, Li Yuan was in high spirits now, and Li Yuan would really lose his temper if he tried to discredit Li Yuan for this matter.

What's more, I just had a hard fight with Li Yuan, and now it's not suitable to confront Li Yuan again.


Li Yuanji waited outside the delivery room for more than half an hour, and only entered the delivery room after everything in the delivery room was tidied up.

Yang Miaoyan was lying on the bed, and the child was tidied up and put aside.

Li Yuanji stepped forward, took Yang Miaoyan's hand carefully and said: "Miaomiao, you have worked hard..."

Yang Miaoyan blinked, obviously very weak, but excitedly said: "I just heard from my sisters-in-law that you wanted to keep me safe when I had a difficult labor?"

Li Yuanji saw that Yang Miaoyan really didn't feel any discomfort, but he was a little out of strength, and couldn't help laughing: "Are you stupid, if you had a difficult labor, you can still lie here intact?"

In Datang, dystocia has a high chance of killing people, even if it does not kill people, half of the life of the mother will be tossed.

So Yang Miaoyan's words are somewhat inaccurate.

Yang Miaoyan said arrogantly: "Then tell me, have you ever said something like Baoda?"

Li Yuanji nodded and smiled, "Yes!"

Yang Miaoyan said happily: "Are you still arguing with your father?"

Li Yuanji scratched Yang Miaoyan's nose, and said dumbfounded: "Is it a good thing to quarrel with your father?"

Yang Miaoyan was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses and said, "That's right, if you spread the word, people will say you are unfilial."

Speaking of this, Yang Miaoyan said with a serious face: "From now on, you should never quarrel with my father because of me, it will be bad for your reputation. And when I have a difficult delivery in the future, you must keep the child safe. Don't save me.

Otherwise people will laugh at you, and also at me. "

Li Yuanji looked at Yang Miaoyan, not knowing what to say.

People say that one pregnancy is stupid for three years.

Judging from Yang Miaoyan's reaction, this sentence is really true.

"Okay, okay, don't say these words. It's not decided whether you want to live in the future. It's a bit too early to say these words now."

Li Yuanji said with emotion while covering Yang Miaoyan with a quilt.

Yang Miaoyan raised her head slightly, and said seriously: "Why not give birth? I want to give birth, seven or eight!"

Li Yuanji shook his head dumbfounded.

This girl, she just suffered from childbirth, and now she wants to continue having children.

It's really stupid enough.

"You'd better take care of yourself, let's talk about raising the newly born one."

Li Yuanji felt emotional, and stuffed the small cloth point next to Yang Miaoyan into Yang Miaoyan's arms.

Yang Miaoyan hugged the little one with an awkward expression on her face. After a long time, she said, "Why is my child uglier than Wang Ruan's child?!"

Li Yuanji didn't know what to say at all, this child who was born less than a day ago, how can he see beauty and ugliness.

Besides, Wang Ruan gave birth to a girl, and you gave birth to a son. If they look the same, then Wang Ruan should cry.


Li Yuanji stayed with Yang Miaoyan in the dormitory for a full month, and did not come out of the dormitory until Yang Miaoyan's silly look eased.

On the day of the child's safe full moon, Li Yuan named the child Li Chengde, named him King of Jinyang County, and sealed his household with three thousand.

Although Li Yuanji was extremely dissatisfied with the child's name, Li Xiuning, Zheng Guanyin, the eldest grandson, and even Yang Miaoyan all said it was a good name, so Li Yuanji could only pinch his nose to recognize it.

There is no way to deny it, because there is no time to break up with Li Yuan, Li Xiaogong, Li Shiji, Li Jing, Chai Shao and others led the army back to Beijing at this time.

Tang Jian chose to stay in Youzhou to act as a pacifier, restore the administration of officials in various parts of Youzhou, and appease the villagers in various parts of Youzhou.

For this reason, Li Xiaogong specially left three thousand soldiers and horses, dispatched by Tang Jian, Tudiji, and the De facto department who had just moved to Yanzhou, also waiting for Tang Jian's dispatch anytime and anywhere.

What Li Yuanji had to do was to lead the civil and military officials to meet Li Xiaogong and his party, and reward them for their merits.

Li Gang, Li Shentong and others have already discussed how to confer rewards, and they have drafted a decree and stamped it with a seal, waiting for it to be read out.

When Li Yuanji led the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty to a specific place to meet Li Xiaogong, Li Xiaogong cried helplessly.

Because the place Li Yuanji chose to welcome Li Xiaogong was exactly the place where Ling Jing greeted Li Xiaogong when Li Yuan called Li Xiaogong back to Beijing.

At that time, Li Xiaogong was like a skinned Aogou, without prestige, and he was not liked by others.

Today's Li Xiaogong led thousands of troops back, and was greeted by a crowd of royal family, nobles, civil and military officials. Only Li Xiaogong himself can understand the difference.

"Cousin! Thank you for your hard work this time!"

Standing in front of the pavilion, Li Yuanji helped Li Xiaogong who was bending over to salute, and said with a smile.

Li Xiaogong's eyes were red, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't speak.

Li Shiji, Li Jing, Chai Shao and others followed behind him, not understanding why he reacted in this way.

However, this kind of occasion where the two kings meet, there is no room for them to speak.

"Cousin, everything that you have encountered in the past, now you should get back everything you deserve, why do you have to act like a little girl?"

Li Yuanji asked with a smile.

Li Xiaogong nodded heavily, and said casually: "Yes, yes, you shouldn't act like a little daughter, or you will be laughed at by those little bastards under your command."

After saying this, Li Xiaogong greeted Li Shiji, Li Jing, Chai Shao and others loudly: "All generals, hand in the seal with me!"

Li Shiji and the others looked upright, and they all bowed in agreement: "Here!"

The voice is heavy and neat, very imposing.

Li Xiaogong raised his commander's seal with both hands high, and said loudly: "My minister, Li Xiaogong, lived up to the emperor's order, and finally blocked the Turkic people from Shizhou, and recovered three and a half states for my Tang Dynasty, and also pacified Li Xiaogong. Art rebellion, return to His Highness!"

Li Yuanji nodded, put away the commander's seal in Li Xiaogong's hand, and said loudly: "Zhu Qing is going out this time to fight against powerful enemies for our Tang Dynasty, regain the inherent road, and calm down the rebels. Hard work pays off.

I have already set up a reward platform three miles away to reward the ministers for their merits. "

"Thank you, Your Highness!"


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