Man Tanghong

Chapter 758 Instructing Su Dingfang

Chapter 758 Instructing Su Dingfang

Li Xiaogong left Haichi and Tai Chi Palace with a messy head.

About an hour after he left, Su Dingfang arrived.

There was a burst of joy on his body.

It seems that I have made money, and I have made a lot of money, and I am in a very good mood.

"The joy on Su Qing's face can't be concealed. It seems that something great happened."

Li Yuanji sat on the deck of the dragon boat without moving. Facing the beaming Su Dingfang, he said something lukewarm.

When Su Dingfang heard this, the joy on his face disappeared in an instant, and his heart began to pound.

He is a smart man, so he immediately guessed why Li Yuanji said that, and immediately ran to Li Yuanji, saluted respectfully, and asked straight to the point: "Is your highness dissatisfied with everything I have done at sea?" ?”

Li Yuanji rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I have no dissatisfaction. Even if you snatched away all the unknown people at sea, and even snatched up all the envoys who came to have an audience, I would not Any dissatisfaction."

Su Dingfang hesitated and said: "Then Your Highness..."

Why do you talk like this?
Li Yuanji glared at Su Dingfang and said: "I let you and Samurai Yi take charge of water transportation and sea transportation, in addition to letting you earn money for the country and yourself, more importantly, I let you communicate the goods between the north and the south, and exchange the goods between the north and the south.

Fill up the warehouses at each wharf, and fill up the grain and grass in Luoyang.

But what have you all done?

In addition to robbing houses at sea, they also transported linen and pottery to Jiaozhou, and then transported all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry back from Jiaozhou.

What do I need so much gold, silver and jewels for, to eat or to drink? "

Su Dingfang was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "With a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, can't you buy whatever you want?"

Li Yuanji glared at Su Dingfang again, and said viciously: "It also depends on whether there is so much grain in my Tang Dynasty that can be sold, and it also depends on whether those wealthy families are willing to buy it.

If people are unwilling to sell and there is not so much grain to sell in various places, we will spread a lot of gold and silver, which will only increase the price of grain.

It will only make poor people unable to afford food.

At that time, you will be rich, and the grain merchants will also be rich, but the common people will be too poor to afford food.

They can't afford to eat, so they will pick up a hoe, wield a sickle, and ask for our heads! "

Su Dingfang's face suddenly changed.

Because what Li Yuanji said was very serious.

There is no need for Li Yuanji to explain too much about how heavy it is, as he knows it very well.

He immediately bent down and said sincerely: "It's my negligence..."

Li Yuanji said bitterly: "You are not negligent, you are blinded by money, you are blinded by money, and you can't see anything clearly."

Su Dingfang didn't refute, just nodded and said yes.

Only then did Li Yuanji let Su Dingfang go, and said earnestly: "You are now an important minister of my Tang Dynasty, and every move you make will have a huge impact on my Tang Dynasty, so you can't just focus on money, you still have to pay attention to money." Have to look at the others.

If you can carry some gold and silver, some jade, some ivory and other precious things while transporting food, and use the money from selling these things to build more ships, even bigger ships, then your next time Are there more things that can be transported?

If you can double your fleet while transporting food, will you be able to transport twice as many things in the future?

If things go on like this, when your fleet reaches a certain scale, what can you not transport?

Even if you wipe Jiaozhou three feet away, it is still possible for the whole class to come back. "

Su Dingfang was startled, a trace of shame appeared on his face.

According to Li Yuanji's statement, he is indeed petty and bewitched by money.

Li Yuanji continued: "Not only that, you can also expand the scale of your plunder, go to farther places on the sea to plunder the ships of Goguryeo, Wa, and Linyi, and even go to their homeland to plunder.

As long as your fleet is large enough and adapted to travel anywhere on the sea, where can you not go?

At that time, the wealth of the sea, and even those small countries near the sea, will not be all yours to take? "

Su Dingfang bent down deeply, and said with a face of shame: "I have been taught..."

Li Yuanji didn't want to criticize his confidant and beloved general too much, and immediately said in a soft tone: "Remember to tell your subordinates to ensure that [-]% of the goods are loaded during each round-trip, and [-]% money.

You can no longer covet money and fill up the cabin.

It is also necessary to find suitable places in Dizhou, Yangzhou, and Jiaozhou to establish shipbuilding workshops and create ships that can cross the sea.

Only in this way can we ensure that you will not suffer too much loss during the round trip.

You have been in charge of water transportation for a long time, and you should also know that ships that can pass through water transportation unimpeded cannot withstand wind and waves at all in the sea, and they are not even as good as fishermen's small boats.

So you have to pay attention to this matter, and build a big ship that can pass through the sea as soon as possible.

In this regard, you can send people to study the Japanese and Goguryeo ships. "

When Su Dingfang listened to the first half, he still nodded humbly. When he heard the second half, especially the last sentence, he immediately raised his head, "You want me to learn from Japanese and Goguryeo people?"

When Su Dingfang spoke, his face was in disbelief.

Then disdain and contempt flashed across their faces.

It's not that he looked down on the Japanese and Goguryeo people, but that everyone in Datang looked down on the Japanese and Goguryeo people.

In the eyes of everyone in Datang, whether it is the Wa Kingdom or Goguryeo, there is nothing worth learning from Datang.

In the eyes of everyone in the Tang Dynasty, whether it is Japan or Goguryeo, they only have the opportunity to learn from the Tang Dynasty, and there is no role for the Tang Dynasty to learn from them.

After all, you can't expect someone who is every way a grandfather to learn from someone who is every way a grandson.

In that case, it's too embarrassing.

And the proud Datang couldn't afford to lose this man.

"Don't underestimate the Japanese and Goguryeo people. In other aspects, we are more than a little bit better than them, but in terms of shipbuilding and sea navigation, we are still a little behind.

Others have never seen the wind and waves at sea, and don't know how difficult it is to sail a boat on the sea, so I can understand that they look down on the Japanese and Goguryeo people in this regard.

But you have seen the wind and waves on the sea, and you have sailed on the sea, so you should know how difficult it is.

The fact that the Japanese were able to drive a sea-going ship across many great seas and pay tribute to us in the Tang Dynasty is enough to show that the Japanese are not low in shipbuilding and sailing.

Goguryeo people can drive sea boats, appear in Linyi from overseas, and even in various places near the sea in the Tang Dynasty, it is enough to show that Goguryeo people are not low in this area.

Although the ship under your hand can rush from Dizhou to Jiaozhou, it still has to stop in Yangzhou in the middle to make some supplements.

But if you are asked to go to Wa country, or even rush from Goguryeo to Linyi non-stop, you probably can't do it, right? "

Su Dingfang opened his mouth, wanting to explain a few words, but finally fell silent.

If it's not enough loss, and he doesn't care about casualties, then he can give it a try.

But if he was concerned about losses, or casualties, then he had to admit that he had to rely on luck, and he had to be prepared for the entire army to be wiped out.

Li Yuanji said earnestly: "We can look down on Goguryeo people or Japanese people, but when we are inferior to others in some aspects, we have to let go of our arrogance, study their things, and try our best to surpass them. .

In the past, when King Wuling of Zhao promoted Hufu riding and archery, if you had the thought of looking down on others and unwilling to learn from them, do you think Zhao Guoguo is strong?

Although we don't use Hu clothes anymore, we still use the riding and archery promoted by King Wuling of Zhao. Can you say that you learned it from Hu people, so just abandon it? "

Su Dingfang was suddenly speechless when asked.

If nothing else, just talk about riding and shooting.

If Datang was really forced to give up riding and shooting, then the combat effectiveness of Datang soldiers and horses would be reduced by half, or even more.

This is a self-abolishment of martial arts, and it is impossible for Datang to do so.

If anyone learned riding and archery from the Hu people, the Han people would disdain to talk about it, and they would be regarded as national thieves and beaten to death on the spot.

So although Li Yuanji's words were not pleasant to the ears, Su Dingfang had to admit that they were all true.

"You don't have to have such a big psychological burden. In this kind of matter, you should think more about it. If we don't learn what they are good at, how can we defeat them and conquer them?"

Li Yuanji was afraid that Su Dingfang would become a fool, so he tried his best to enlighten Su Dingfang.

When Su Dingfang heard this, he immediately became spiritual.

If learning from others is to defeat and conquer others, then you can and must learn.

Whether you lose face or hurt your self-esteem, don't worry about it at all.

As long as you can defeat and conquer others, no matter how much face you lose and how much self-esteem you hurt, you will never get it back.

After all, you have eliminated all those who made you lose face and hurt your self-esteem, and you have even crushed them into scum.

Then no one will know that you have lost face and hurt your self-esteem.

Doesn't that mean that you haven't lost face or hurt your self-esteem?

"Your Highness will conquer Goguryeo, Wa, and Linyi?"

As a general, especially a famous general, his obsession with war far surpasses all others.

Su Dingfang immediately focused on the war.

Li Yuanji glanced at Su Dingfang, and said angrily: "If you don't help me drill the navy well, and prepare the big ship for me, let alone conquer Goguryeo, Wa Kingdom, and Linyi, I can stretch my hands and feet in the sea pool are difficult.

I don't want to be like my cousin who foolishly led an army to press over the ground, and then was beaten and defeated by others.

If I send troops, I will definitely march from both sides, on the ground and at sea. "

 Thanks to 'Xuanyuan Huowu' for rewarding two thousand book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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