Man Tanghong

Chapter 761 Su Dingfang Involuntarily

Chapter 761 Su Dingfang Involuntarily
After sending Li Gang away, Li Yuanji ordered someone to call Su Dingfang into the Taiji Palace.

Li Gang had already set the tone, and he couldn't refute it, so he could only call Su Dingfang into the palace to reprimand him and play a play for Old Man Li.

After all, Old Man Li is a veteran of the two dynasties, and he is very famous in the court and among scholars, so he still has to give the face he deserves.

It was already evening when Liu Jun led people to Su Dingfang's mansion and brought Su Dingfang into the palace.

The sky in the sky was extremely gloomy, and the dark cloud heads formed a pale ink-colored cloud tide in the sky, and the sky was also extremely dark.

It seems to be raining.

So Li Yuanji met Su Dingfang in the Guanyu Pavilion of Wude Hall.

"Chen Su Dingfang sees Your Highness..."

After Su Dingfang arrived in front of the pavilion, he did not enter the pavilion in a hurry, but stood at the entrance of the pavilion and saluted respectfully.

There have been quite a few people entertaining Su Dingfang in recent days, so Su Dingfang looks a little richer than before, and he has a touch of wealth and nobility on his body. Even if he is wearing a simple white robe, it is difficult to hide his nobility.

At first glance, he looked like a rich man with a lot of money in his hands.

"come in!"

Li Yuanji pointed to the high couch not far in front of him.

The reason why I sit on the couch is also to avoid sitting directly on the cushion and getting the moisture of late autumn.

The high couch is made of a log, more than a foot high, hollowed out in the middle, flattened around, covered with a thick layer of soft cushions, it looks like a square pier, but in fact it is much larger than the pier. People can not only sit on it with drooping legs, but also sit cross-legged or kneel on it.

In front of the high couch is a high table with a stove, a kettle, tea cups, and teacups, as well as wooden boxes, porcelain vases, gold pots, and silver plates for various tea leaves.

It is very cumbersome to look at the miscellaneous clusters, but it is actually very particular.

Different tea leaves need to be served in different utensils, as well as brewed with different water and tea sets.

That's why Li Yuanji doesn't like to drink soup and tea. He doesn't like to grind the tea into foam, add all kinds of strange things to it, and then stir up the froth to drink. Otherwise, there will be more things.

After bowing to thank him, Su Dingfang walked into the pavilion with small steps, took off his boots on the edge of the carpet laid in the pavilion, and knelt down on the high couch.

He didn't have his legs sagging on the side of the high couch, nor did he sit cross-legged on the high couch.

Because the former is not dignified enough, and he is not qualified for the latter.

In Datang, there were people who could sit in front of Li Yuanji as they wished, but Su Dingfang was obviously not among them.

After Li Yuanji poured a cup of scented tea for Su Dingfang, he said amidst Su Dingfang's respectful thanks: "Is your commotion too loud?"

Not only Su Dingfang was in charge of selling tickets, but Li Xiaogong was also involved.

It was also because of Lee Hyo-gong's participation that there was a lot of noise about selling tickets, and everyone knew about it.

According to Li Yuanji's original idea, he was planning to make a fortune silently.

But now, this matter seems to have developed into a major event involving all the nobles and the spokespersons of all the wealthy families.

And there is a tendency to get out of hand.

Otherwise, Li Gang wouldn't just keep staring at him and teach Su Dingfang a lesson no matter what he said.

In the eyes of Li Gang, and even the vast majority of officials in the Tang Dynasty, agriculture is the country's major issue, and commerce is only second.

If the dignitaries in the DPRK and the vast majority of officials in the DPRK plunge into business, then no matter right or wrong, they must be suppressed and must be taught a lesson.

In the words of the scene, it is to prevent the passing of time.

Prevent officials and dignitaries from competing with the people for profit and affecting the balance of business when they have a lot of resources and a lot of power.

It also prevents people like Lu Buwei from appearing when business is prosperous and everyone talks about business, and there are many things that challenge etiquette and morality.

It is the consensus of all insightful people in this era that businessmen value profit over separation.

From the perspective of people of insight, businessmen don't even care about the feelings of parting, but only care about profits, which means that business will corrupt people's hearts and people's hearts, making everyone fight for profits and everyone talks about profits.

The final result is the corruption of morality, the collapse of ritual and music, everything can be sold, and everything can be reincarnated with money.

Such as official rank, such as Qingming, such as feelings.

This is not what the people of insight want to see, so as the spokesperson of the people of insight in the court, Li Gang found this kind of sign, and he will definitely target it to the end.

Li Yuanji also knows what will happen when commerce develops and overwhelms agriculture and industry.

But he also knows that only business can drive the development of Datang, allowing Datang to accumulate more power in a very short period of time, and then complete a greater feat than in history.

So he has been subtly guiding and developing business.

It's just that I didn't expect the benefits of water transportation and sea transportation to be so attractive, and that unreliable guy Li Xiaogong played so big.

So much so that this incident has developed to the present, which has attracted everyone's attention, aroused the greed of many people, and also aroused the vigilance of many people.

It is basically impossible to reduce the impact of this matter now.

So I can only reprimand Su Dingfang first, play a play with Su Dingfang, and first suppress Li Gang's side.

As for the others, we can only wait until this matter is over, and slowly eliminate it over time.

No matter how big the matter is, as long as the dust settles, the impact can be weakened and digested for a long time.

After all, people can't go back to the past, they can only look forward and move forward.

In the process of walking, time will dilute everything.

Facing this question, Su Ding picked up the teacup and tasted it, and said with a bitter face: "At the beginning, I also wanted to do it quietly, but since King Hejian got involved, it took us half a year. After the profits obtained through water transportation and sea transportation were exposed, everything became out of control.

Many ministers, who knew and didn't know, found the door through various channels.

Some ministers can still avoid it, but some ministers can't avoid it at all.

After the minister met two or three people and revealed a hint of his tone, everyone rushed to the door in a swarm.

It's okay if I see you, but if I don't see you, they will stay at the gate of the mansion, and even block me at places where I often go.

Now the share of water transportation and sea transportation has been set, and there are still a steady stream of people visiting. "

Su Dingfang's words can be summed up in one sentence, he has been stabbed in the back by Li Xiaogong and has become unable to control himself.

Some officials are not as good as him, and they don't have a deep background, so he can ignore them.

But those people with the same or even higher rank than him, and people with great background came to him, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

Li Yuanji frowned and asked, "To this day, how much have you sold for a dozen tickets?"

Su Dingfang hurriedly said: "A total of 640 million shi of grain has been sold. In addition, [-]% of the total amount of goods shipped by each family has to be exchanged for grain and handed over to us. We have to free up some ships to help us transport food, and how much depends on the value of the goods they transport.

The higher the value, the more grain shipped. "

Li Yuanji frowned all of a sudden.

You say Datang is poor, for a ticket for water transportation and sea transportation, those dignitaries and noble families can actually come up with 640 million shi of grain in one go.

These grains are enough for Datang to set off a war to destroy the country.

Let's talk about Datang Fu. When we were defending against the Turkic people, we had to borrow a hundred thousand shi of food to collect it.

When co-authorship is profitable, Datang wants whatever, and when it is not profitable, Datang wants whatever?
It seems that only the Li family and other small families attached to the big tree of the Li family care about the life and death of the Tang Dynasty?
Other wealthy families don't care?
How annoying!

It's no wonder that the three emperors Li Shimin, Li Zhi, and Wu Zetian in history tried every means to weaken the strength of these aristocratic families, and even completely eradicated some of them.

"You didn't come up with these things, did you? That Shen Sanlang in your house came up with it, right?"

Li Yuanji stared at Su Dingfang and asked.

With Su Dingfang's business acumen, he would never have come up with the idea of ​​linking the share of food delivered with the value of the goods delivered.

After all, Datang's current business tax is [-]/[-], and the other party promised to offset the tax with [-]% of the total amount of goods delivered, which is equivalent to paying three times the tax.

In this case, it is impossible for Su Dingfang to further squeeze the interests of the other party.

Because this is not in harmony with the tax law, it also means exploiting the other party.

With Su Dingfang's temperament, it is impossible to make more excessive demands.

So this idea must have been thought up by someone else, and Su Dingfang implemented it.

And this person must know how to do business, and he also knows how much profit each family can get after making a fortune through water transportation and sea transportation, so he will try his best to help Datang strive for more benefits.

Although it is somewhat illegal, on the bright side, it also means exploiting various families.

But this is the thinking that a businessman should have when doing business.

Try to squeeze the other party's profits as much as possible, and strive for more benefits for yourself.

As for whether it is illegal or not, let's wait until someone asks, or someone investigates it.

Anyway, the most important thing is to strive for the greatest benefit for oneself, and the commercial law is secondary.

Su Dingfang was stunned, and said truthfully with some embarrassment: "Shen Sanlang helped me figure it out, isn't it too harsh?"


Li Yuanji said angrily and amusedly: "It's not harsh at all, and it can even go too far."

Su Dingfang was instantly dumbfounded.

Li Yuanji explained: "The tax law of my Tang Dynasty is not perfect now, and [-] in [-] is reasonable for those small businessmen and peddlers, but for big businessmen, it is a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, we have to use one tax law for small businesses and hawkers, and another tax law for big businessmen.

If everyone is treated equally, small merchants and peddlers may be fine, but big merchants will make a lot of money.

We can allow them to make money, but not windfall profits.

This is extremely unfavorable to me, Datang. "

 Thank you for the reward of 'Black Night, McSweet Burger' with [-] book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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